in 2016, the Koch brother's stated fRump's plan would ‘destroy free society’!- - They were right then, but this term as you have stated, there are "NO" guard rails, we my be in more trouble than we know!
❤️ you Joy! I, literally, just said this to my husband in the last half hour! They're gonna blame the Dems for a government shutdown while, for all intents and purposes, already has been shut down by Doge.
Here We Go Again, #America!
#SEXOFFENDER #CONVICT #Trump and #MAGAGOP - Are At It Again!
Remember the Dec 2018-Jan 2019 "Merry Christmas" Government Shutdown!
Trump and MAGAGOP Were To Blame Then-And Trump and MAGAGOP Are Completely To Blame Now!
America Knows!
🇺🇸 🗽
DEMOCRATS lose with the CR that will pass because they will get blamed for shutting down the government if they vote against it in the Senate Their silence these days in the Senate is DEAFENING
I hate having to call out the Democrats, but JFC!!
I miss seeing you on TV. You are spot on. I called my senators and told them stop playing the Republicans’ games. A shut down is never good but right now the government is being dismantled anyway so we shouldn’t help them with a single vote!!
my mistress of resistance!! miss YOUR show! msnbc hasn't found anyone to replace YOU, of course. YOU ROCK! daily emails to dem reps not to help confirm Nazis or pass a budget. daily email to my Nazi rep amodei calling him a bobbleheaded stooge. prob wrote a book by now. rock on, joy!!
Fed agencies better be rethinking who is "essential" if you ever want to see them again. I want Dems to fight and shut it down. But I am terrified that Musk will use it as an excuse to identify and then fire "nonessential" employees.
Is it possible that the president could issue a state of emergency if the government is shut down? Could it give him unprecedented power? If so, how could this power be checked?
Joy, we miss your show on MSNBC! Always expect to see you on at 7 PM (here in Ontario) but then we realize that you’re not on anymore.
😢. Alicia does a good job, but we still miss you!
This is EXACTLY what I said when I called my senator, Tammy Baldwin, beseeching her to vote against the Republicans' resolution! The Dems HAVE to take a STAND! Still miss you, Joy! Senator, am a 58 year old businesswoman who normally would agree. We normies have a lot of insight into this too, and we are not standing on some fantasy ideological commitment that might have fit 20 years ago while our democracy is being smashed. Don't roll over for liars.
100% this. And if the Senate Democrats give in, then there will be even more harm done to the US federal government and those who depend on government services.
That and the oligarchs and corporations don't need more damn tax breaks.
If this is any indication of what is coming now that you're an independent journalist/venture...I am riveted and along for the ride! American journalists need to take notes and tell truth like this. It may just save Democracy.
Called 11 senators today before running out of time. Though unrepresented myself, in DC, I noted that their vote to slash DC's budget by $1B of our OWN tax dollars would set a dangerous precedent: Their states could be next.
Shutdowns hurt, but enabling Trump/Musk/MAGA will hurt worse + longer.
I agree Joy I was just thinking other day our government is already shut down All the wheels on the bus that go round & round ( from children's book) have been knocked off The bus STOPS cold America IS the bus There is no America now We are a fascist state run into the sewer by trump/ musk/repubs
The Congress gets paid and has their top flight taxpayer funded healthcare during the shutdown. The workers who got "doged" up the XXXX don't have any of that. REAL servants and leaders would donate their salaries this period to the laid off in need as compensation for their YEARS of inaction.
Absolutely! How can all this be happening? I still wake up every morning expecting to find that I had been having a long, horrible nightmare, and that I will open my eyes to a normal world again, including the joy of seeing Joy-Ann Reid on my TV screen every evening.
Exactly! I hope the democrats let the government shut down, whatever left of it. Save the government or not there won’t be absolutely NO love nor APPRECIATION from no one to them (democrats). Keep calm & stand your ground.🙏👏☮️🍶
The Trump administration is doing its worst to the citizens of this country every single day. So shut it down! This is all on the Repugs. They serve no purpose except to inflict harm on all but the most privileged.
He has shut down the government. Fired too many . Fired many VETs. Vets have 10 point preference to get government jobs. Where they going to get another job with equal pay? Not any to get.
Those congressman protecting their own jobs are not considering they have made themselves irrelevant by agreeing to all EO's. Pack up your offices eejits.
1 King 3:16-28
I am not an overly religious, but I enjoy reading the Bible-it’s proof that man is the same as he ever was…albeit more efficient killers
Empathy for our Federal workforce(30 percent veterans) is not a sign of weakness-it’s a sign of wisdom.
Truth always trump lies.
Your voice is needed! Thank you.
#SEXOFFENDER #CONVICT #Trump and #MAGAGOP - Are At It Again!
Remember the Dec 2018-Jan 2019 "Merry Christmas" Government Shutdown!
Trump and MAGAGOP Were To Blame Then-And Trump and MAGAGOP Are Completely To Blame Now!
America Knows!
🇺🇸 🗽
I hate having to call out the Democrats, but JFC!!
We keep taking L's
We need fighters not retreaters
Representatives won't meet for a Town Hall? Let them know you'll be there on April 5th and they are invited--in person.
Every fed is "essential"
Make it so.
😢. Alicia does a good job, but we still miss you!
That and the oligarchs and corporations don't need more damn tax breaks.
Shutdowns hurt, but enabling Trump/Musk/MAGA will hurt worse + longer.
I am not an overly religious, but I enjoy reading the Bible-it’s proof that man is the same as he ever was…albeit more efficient killers
Empathy for our Federal workforce(30 percent veterans) is not a sign of weakness-it’s a sign of wisdom.
Truth always trump lies.
Holds up paddle2: "Respectfully, Should we shut it down?"