Playing FF6 was so incredibly refreshing after putting FF7 Rebirth on pause
Things just get going! The story moves, im not stuck exploring every nook and cranny with tons of side quests
I like shorter/smaller games. I think at this point in my life, I dislike open world. My life is big enough!!
Things just get going! The story moves, im not stuck exploring every nook and cranny with tons of side quests
I like shorter/smaller games. I think at this point in my life, I dislike open world. My life is big enough!!
Which version of ff6 are you playing?
Also, just as a sidenote, even in a world where it DID result in smaller studios, that just means publishers cut people's job. That's worse.
Though I know I am in the minority.
I thought we as an industry had moved past that level of open world tedium!
I wish more games felt like games these days, and not "cinematic masterpieces"
I loved FFVII Rebirth, but afterwards it was nice to switch to something that offered... Conciseness 🤣
Its an adventure! Kill a bad guy! Go get em!
I want devs to value my time, not long out my time for a number on a report.
Just lemme play the Red XIII parts and the Chocobo that plays Queen’s Blood now.