I just quit the FA discord in a rage. According to the FA mods eggs are fetuses and thus count as minors. I'll have to remove most of my egg art as a result. Because you can't look like you're enjoying the egg laying I guess, that's sexualizing the 'minor' in the egg.
Feels like Luffy's been pushing the puritan bullshit hard ever since the "no more small characters"
Who is their site even supposed to be for at this point?
Did they all get the RFK jr brainworm w h a t
Pun intended lol
It's not protecting anybody from anything, let's be honest!
I just don't get it.
Most eggs laid in the world these days aren't even fertilized!!!
This is getting ridiculous...
I'm half tempted to quit FA all together, I don't know why they suddenly decided to be puritans about everything
Good grief, FA has lost their minds.
I wonder if the mods have that line of thinking >.>
hold on
minors can sit in on open discussions on porn but eggs can't be allowed near porn because the eggs are minors
is- is everything okay, over there
But also nice reminder that the website itself is also 13+, so minors are allowed there as well and it's 13 only because of laws around minors online.
why is there a minor protective services admin if minors can access sex talk, um, this sounds sarcastic but i actually mean it as a real question if you know the answer, like, what's their role
Since cum also has the possibility to grow to a full being.
So that would also be considered killing innocent childs.
We cracked the code, FA is just full "Pro Life" now
We know this because they made an exception in the rules allowing for art depicting pregnant minor-coded characters last year.
I wish I was fucking kidding.
But if that's the case it's not a loophole, it was an intentional inclusion
Because this is just happening too many times at this point.
One wonders if gametes, even unfertilized now count as minors what will happen to art with semen in general.
Which is concerning because it hints at how big a can of worms they just opened.
What the fuck, that's an entirely new LEVEL of bullshit, almost to the degree it sounds like someone is trying to ban all the kinks they don't personally like, while trying to hide behind a flimsy "oh but it's to protect the poor puritans and kidsss"
I guess it's pedophilia to be into oviposition, but getting hammered with a developing fetus inside you is A-okay!
FA has been going down hill for awhile 😭this is more disappointing than anything imo
Ayoooo, this has gotta be a joke right?
Please be joking.
abortion is illegal in fa
Kind of makes me want to go draw pictures of chickens and omelets and so forth...
To me, this change means no pregnancy art, none of my Bal'kar art if it involves their eggs, none of any egg laying species if the eggs are involved... And so on if I want to remain in good standing
Lock me up and throw away the key 😩
The FA mods are just so incompetent and are bowing down to uneducated politicians and twitter freaks
What the actual fuck...?
Hate to say this, but it's time to ban minors from our spaces.
Still screams puriteen horseshit, regardless of that hack's actual age.
Good lord, what is going ON over there?????????
What the actual fuck. I thought that furries were usually at least somewhat interested in learning biology... that is a batshit take
• An 18+ discord so people can actually discuss porn moderation for a porn site
• Removal of Luffy as a mod.
Loving the puritan rage some of them seem to harbor.
This reads to me as very silly, at best
No it’s fucking not! There is a lot of stuff on FA minors shouldn’t see, and showing it is as simple as toggling SFW off. Yes, I know minors can’t do that. Yes I know they added “hide me from minors”
Nobody ever lied about their age…
Parents need to supervise their kids if they don’t want them seeing porn.
What. So like, impreg. Art isn’t allowed? I’m so confused
SECONDLY, who the actual fuck goes into this much effort trying to find some reason that an artpiece is pedophilia? Sounds like Projection on their part.
You know, since that's what it's been the last seventy or eighty times this discourse has happened.
like sorry to get "political" here but i think this is kind of
a massive red flag or maybe 20 of them
yet is also the admin of FA's minor protective services. Kinda weirded out by that along with the fact that FA's discord has a large population of minors in it.
"Your macro art is sexualized, and you did not clarify whether the city that is being destroyed is comprised entirely of adults, thus we're going to have to remove it"
What if someone vored an adult but then said other adult ejaculated into said inside space as well before it became an egg?
It's still an adult but inside a cum filled egg...
(So tempted to write this out.)
They haven't realized this yet, because they're stupid.
Their policy is so dumb, ugh.
This whole situation is very silly
They've got someone inside the house viewing the AUP as a means to exert power rather than a standard for uploads.
Dragoneer has died
Only his brave admin staff can chart a new course for his legacy
Eggs are now minors
Like seriously if you don't like certain kinks then don't go looking for them!
Jfc what's wrong with em.