It's often joked that in America giving a shit about people you don't personally know is a radical idea but then these psychos literally don't give a shit about their own families. They will feed them into the wood chipper of the state if it means a person they don't know is also harmed.
You don't give a shit your own innocent wife is imprisoned.
Fuckin A, man.
He'll find another replacement.
Why is he fine with his wife being disappeared by the gov?
aside from that being the old soviet way, he probably held some grudge. maybe she didn't like him spending so much time drinking in the white boys club.
hell I've seen hispanic people do this to their own easily
when you are vile and hateful there's no bottom
if she saw this man married him knowing how he was how he felt about her people she will learn nothing
it's someone else's fault the immigrants that came here "illegally" fault not my special little guy
Deporting 'criminals' has something like 85% support.
But a significant portion of the right thinks that immigration violations make someone a criminal, not, ya know, a criminal indictment.
I would never vote to have my wife deported.
But that is just me, call me Romantic.
I think he knows he messed up. Real bad. He is just too weak to admit it to anyone except maybe himself.