What's cool about looking back at the history of college protests is that 19 year old students have been right about every single American war, and the esteemed Harvard educated opinion writers at the New York Times have been wrong about every single American war.
But I can't prove that, it's not a provable thing. So whatever.
These are knowable facts.
The working world will straighten them out more often than not.
As H.L. Mencken said "it is difficult to get a man to understand something when his income depends on his not understanding it"
Apologies to Mr. Sinclair wherever he is, I'll credit him with the "hoist the black flag" quote later to make up for it.
DECEMBER 8, 1941
Leader Wires Roosevelt 12,000,000 Are Ready to Serve
Special to The New York Times.
*stares at my Mom for no particular reason*
I have been asking that forever.
They're paid to be wrong
Matt Y (dipshit last name)
And all the other warmongering fascists quite literally make money by always advancing the pro-imperialist agenda of the US wherever and whatever that might be
all war is bad
also, love how everyone pretends terfs weren't a student movement to begin with
This was before Americans knew about the Holocaust. Can’t fault students for protesting war when they don’t know the full picture to know the necessity of it.
Probably a giveaway that in fact, anti WWII protests were not a big hit on college campuses!
Every single American war.
Start with 1785 I guess. Knock it down to 107 wars with four ongoing.
NYT was founded in 1851.
15 wars before then.
Conclusion: must be hyperbole rather than a researched statement.