British literature: I will die for duty.
French literature: I will die for love.
German literature: I will die for greatness.
Russian literature: Yeah I'm the one that killed the other three guys.
French literature: I will die for love.
German literature: I will die for greatness.
Russian literature: Yeah I'm the one that killed the other three guys.
Country song: He stole my car, killed my dog and run off with my wifte.
Hip-hop version: I killed his dog, stole his car an run off with his wife.
🇷🇺 Sorrow!
Russian Literature: We will all die.
World concourse of elephant books
UK: the elephant and manners
FR: the elephant in love
DE: the elephant’s duty
USSR: The Soviet elephant: the happiest elephant in the whole world.
HU: The Hungarian elephant: the best friend of the Soviet elephant.
Germany: A Concise History of Elephants, Vol. 1-12.
US: How To Build a Bigger and Better Elephant
Germany: Introduction to Elements of the Study of the Elephant's Ear (12 vols, though the editor died as vol 8 was going to press)
American literature (Northern): There’s a killer clown in the sewers.
Great American literature: I will spend my questionably obtained wealth to impress a girl who barely knows I exist, and who'll dump me when the money runs out
let's see if it holds up
French Fairy Tale: And some of them lived.
German Fairy Tale: Ha ha no, everybody dies and the sausage gets eaten.
Russian Fairy Tale: Everyone starts off dead.