These dudes walked up to random girls in public and played the pop the balloon game in front of them 😐..
Like I said yesterday you niggas don’t like Women. WEIRD ASS NIGGAS NEED their ass beat.
Like I said yesterday you niggas don’t like Women. WEIRD ASS NIGGAS NEED their ass beat.
The look on his face. I shooed him away.
Zero chance they’d walk up to women they found unattractive
Straight. Gay. Bi. Enby. Man. Idc.
It exacerbates and normalizes bird ass behavior for everyone in the diaspora across gender and sex. Leave that in 2024 puh-lease.
No questions.
Just poison their air space, keep the cameras rolling on that.
We are not products on display. We are not asking to be evaluated like a commodity. Holy objectification, Batman.
Approached en masse,got dismissed w1stQ&stayed
He Demands”You gotta go”when women were there 1st&never invited them?=threatening.
She resp”NO,you go”
Stays“I don’t think that’s how this works”
=Protection order grounds.
Safety in numbers try to approach women out of their league&converse amongst themselves.
Finally approach&ask the women what they think.
In unison: “DGAF”
Dude in a t-shirt and Adidas pants from 25 years ago: "I think the dress could've been giving more." Ok.
“Many men don’t like women. Don’t respect their thoughts or opinions. And only want to be in the company of other men and their thoughts. They only sleep with women because they are supposed to.” Now the rest of the quote didn’t speculate on sexual orientation and I don’t think it needs to
The sheer unmitigated fucking GALL of these fucks.
And if it were my wife they ran up on, every one of them would be in traction.
And 6 dudes creeping up on two women apropos of nothing isn't fucked up at all.
Now if they knew then yeah but nah randomly & you don’t know where they are mentally, self security, or anything nope.
This not it for me.
I can’t imagine waking up and wanting to go out and attempt to ruin somebody’s day or erode their confidence/self-esteem (let alone getting a group together to come do it with me).
And doing it to your own people? Egregious.
Cuz … they all equal to me
Someone please tell them that girls will give them attention if they are kind.
Nothing better to do huh?