Here's the thing ...
You don't give in to bigots. You don't cancel events. You don't wait to repaint our symbols. You don't give them an inch, or they'll take a mile. And then they'll take the next mile. Giving in emboldens them.
Standing firm, standing up to them, as a community is what matters.
You don't give in to bigots. You don't cancel events. You don't wait to repaint our symbols. You don't give them an inch, or they'll take a mile. And then they'll take the next mile. Giving in emboldens them.
Standing firm, standing up to them, as a community is what matters.
Here’s the but. I’m directly responsible for my staff’s safety. If I can’t guarantee it, then what?
If I push ahead & they’re injured, I have failed them. It’s complex.
I'm still recovering from enforcing mandates. Still jumpy when certain customers are here.
Still on alert for changes in tone.
This would be 1 more trauma
(we don't have audience numbers for any event)
But - the logistics. And covering all basis.
At the moment - this is beyond my capacity.
And, maybe that's the case for these other libraries.
Trust me, we’re not giving in…
I'd certainly be happy to step in and help staff a local library during an event (I've worked with their lms before)
It would also depend on situations.
Like, imported protesters would be easier than locals.
(Having dealt with protests & threats - by locals - during mandates - it is hard dealing with them later.)
I hate the damage these people are doing… 🤬
And, when I think of the world this hate is designed to create, I want to cry.