🧵Buckle up
You’ll notice this account has been scrubbed and the avi is a real person.
That’s because I am actually @tjsoles.bsky.social
After today’s events, I’ve decided to start fresh and non anon.
@the-pied-piper.bsky.social wrote earlier on here that I probably can’t give up.
You’ll notice this account has been scrubbed and the avi is a real person.
That’s because I am actually @tjsoles.bsky.social
After today’s events, I’ve decided to start fresh and non anon.
@the-pied-piper.bsky.social wrote earlier on here that I probably can’t give up.
I feel like if you claim D or R these days you immediately restrict your voting block
My life is so messed up that I don’t care about being anon or not and opted to not be.
Tell your dogs I said hi
You have my support and friendship. I wish you the best in this journey and remember you’re not alone.
Change requires courage and people to step up.
Thank you
I wish you the best of luck. Here the ballots are full of unopposed R’s, basic problem, need more like you.
You give me too much credit—all I did was say that the pain you felt was because you care, and that because you care you wouldn’t give up. It’s what makes you, you.
We are behind you.
What you’re considering is monumental but I’m liking it (although I’m in Missouri so I can’t vote for you lol). Although I’m very feral and rabid these days about social issues,
Take your time. Use your time overseas to contemplate and discuss with those who mean the most with you. I got my eyeballs on ya buddy!
It obviously took some serious intestinal fortitude to even consider this decision.
Thank you for your service. 🇺🇸🫶🏼
Numbers will be out of wack
You will always be part of #AltGov. I have mad respect for you and for this decision. #AltGov and #AltFam support you.
She was always doing crazy stuff.
So…this is who I am.
I’m an Army veteran. I worked briefly in public affairs and then became a medic.
I work at the VA as a supervisor in Telehealth. I spent many years taking care of paralyzed veterans.
I am married and have two dogs. Big fan of boxers.
I have regular problems.
We make ok money but it doesn’t seem like enough in SoCal. We’re ok but I certainly feel the pain and see the inequality
I sometimes think he’s the bravest person I’ll have ever known.
If you’ve followed me for awhile I mean honestly you already know me quite a bit.
I would lie about times and shit before but not about “me”
If not, that’s ok. I plan to hand this handle to someone vetted by the AltGov community who works for VHA
Here's my boxer mix 😁
"Can't sit in civility against incivility", paraphrase al green
pro life: