She was on point for real, and thank you for show us this lil morsel of goodness from Andrea I appreciate you. when we cannot trust our own government to do their duty and protect our rights it falls to us we the people to protect our own rights and abolish the government!
1995 and 2003 were very very bad times to be progressive in this country. I have to admit, I thought it would be different when it was undeniably fascist to my mom.
It’s so backwards that the only way we get an opposition party is to win and even then they mostly just want to win again.
I don’t know if she actually wanted the best for people. She had a traumatic experience as a sex worker, and channeled that into working with right wingers to push for legislation that would make life harder and potentially more dangerous for other sex workers.
She was smart and had a lot of good things to say, but she was also very anti sex work and was willing to work with right wingers to push for legislation that made the lives of sex workers worse.
She came to that belief through her own experience being a sex worker, but idk if that excuses it.
yeah, the thing in her quote there about justice being so easily traded off for “order“ is _super_ cringey. Obviously the product of a much easier, lazier, softer post-war timeframe.
She's the one that's famous for "All heterosexual sex is rape". And no, I wasn't keeping close track of whether she'd died or not. That's a wacko idea.
Dworkin is a complicated figure for sure but in the same interview I linked she explains why this is a profound misinterpretation of what she wrote about marital rape in RIGHT-WING WOMEN, at a time (early 1980s) when it was legal in the vast majority of states.
yeah but she does describe all marital sex as coercive, not just the at-the-time legal rape, and says that violation and intercourse are synonymous. she doesn't state "all sex is rape", but she describes it as violent, violation, forceful, coercive; things that mean non-consentual which...
and she has a point to an extent but she also tends to dismiss women's agency as meaningless under the law and social conditions. she very definitely describes, in that interview even, a viewpoint from which it's impossible for marital sex to not be rape.
Dworkin in the article: “I argued, based on a reading of our laws, that marriage mandated intercourse—it was compulsory, part of the marriage contract. Under the circumstances, I said, it was impossible to view sexual intercourse in marriage as the free act of a free woman.”
This STILL is not entirely past tense. In states following common law, the concept of “marital duties” still lingers. I was sued in Virginia in 2021 for the “fault” of “withdrawal of sexual relations.” It wasn’t a one-off; it’s a known tactic of MRAs here.
Men murder men.
Time to stop men.
It’s so backwards that the only way we get an opposition party is to win and even then they mostly just want to win again.
She came to that belief through her own experience being a sex worker, but idk if that excuses it.
But that doesn't really excuse it
Especially the working with right-wingers part
Also, she’s been dead for 20 years.