People have this idea that Twitter was SO GREAT pre-Musk. But this was THREE YEARS AGO. I had a troll that I blocked for over a year but they continued replying to my followers with anti-semitic fuckery almost daily. And three years ago they FINALLY got banned.
Again, it took over a year of this account being blocked but replying to my followers with this shit almost daily for anything to be done. So Twitter was a Nazi shithole for ages and Musk just turned the moderation dial a little lower.
Later I got an email telling me no action had been taken on my report, but didn't tell me WHAT report it was: there were several recently
Only to be told no rule violations found, and told that again when I pressed the issue.
It didn't.
(Am not denying your experience at all. Am genuinely interested.)
Bit like those who believe that before 2012/2016 or whatever that the U.K. was brilliant also..
When AOL users flooded Usenet back in the early 90s with trolls and flamers it turned a lovely wee coffee shop into a cesspool
I used to moderate an AOL game. My god were those gamers... entitled
But (according to my data, based on reporting notifications over several years before and after) new twitter is at least 5x worse