Orban starved civil society that could oppose him, staffed the state with his allies, and sent $ to himself and his cronies.
But he suborned the state: Trump is blowing it up. Eg, Orban targeted welfare to his base: Trump would raise drug prices for all. Same with the blanket OMB directive.
But he suborned the state: Trump is blowing it up. Eg, Orban targeted welfare to his base: Trump would raise drug prices for all. Same with the blanket OMB directive.
Reposted from
Kim Lane Scheppele
Yes, Orban's opening salvo was to comprehensively defund the political opposition or any other institution (media, civil sector, universities) who could stand up to him. He didn't have to do it by stealth like this; he did it out in the open.
He hates immigrants, taxes, and wants to punish his enemies, he DGAF about governing, or how the country is run.
The Heritage guys doing Project 2025 are the guys with a goals and a plan, and they're not the same as Trump's!
But if you have an official position (army etc) the default response will be to try to avoid violence and sit on your hands. If you suppress protest violently there is a high chance of being thrown under the bus by leader later as he tries to avoid blame for deaths.
He is doing authoritarian things but not in a way that consolidates support or increases state capacity so not sure how durable this will be.
Granted, Peoria isn't paying attention