Should we tax the churches and use that money to provide healthcare to all Americans?
Yay or Nay?
Yay or Nay?
Sue the churches for violating Separation of church&state.
Imprison cloth and collar GRIFTERS.
Submit online IRS form anonymously. IRS is the reg agency for tax-free status compliance.
political opinions into government
absolutely…including back pay 👽👽👽
Whether they’re good Christians or not, churches helping the common good shouldn’t be controversial.
A yuuge Y E S‼️
There are many small congregations, and many that do good work for their communities. And really struggle over even simple things like when the roof or heating needs repair.
Why not clawback the money from the billionaires who don’t pay taxes? Eliminate the billionaires by taxing their wealth until they don’t have piles thousands of millions of dollars?
We have 614 Billionaires in the USA. Seventy million religious people.
You’d likely just kill off small religion and only the big corrupt ones would survive
They never diversified a portion of their cash assets.
Their cash can be immediately returned to circulation and earning income for the sleeping nation.
We don’t see that the Catholic Church long owned the property in the Bronx where Yankee Stadium stood & barely see the wealth Pat Robertsons & Joel Osteens
Feed the poor
Feed the children
What would Jesus do?
Absolutely: Yay !
💠 🧐 💠
That will cover healthcare, education, and housing for countless people across the globe.