You gotta hurry. You know how fast things turned south with old Dookie Donnie in the Oval Office. Does everyone realize that when he's gone, we're going to have to fumigate the WH of the stink of Traitor?
Naw. Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania went Trump. Colorado and New Mexico should get to be ruled by Canada OR all of moved to the west coast to be annexed. 😂
This is a silly idea.The 3 west coast states have 19mil more people than Canada does. Canada's GDP is around $2tril, while the states is over $6tril. To become part of Canada is to agree to have a British " Sovereign", as the new PM calls him. No thank you. Love Canada, don't want to be Canada.
Oh for fucks sake. How many times have I now said that the states of CA, OR and WA can be their own country, a democracy? We don't need to be part of Canada. Get it? Why would we need to be part of your country? We are bigger than your country between the 3 states. Stop twisting my words.
Sorry, you'd swamp us; our population is only slightly bigger than California. We aren't the same, we have our own history, system of govt, culture. I certainly understand your desire to be free from the red states, perhaps blue states need to consider being your own country, you have enough people
Yes, Canada has about 40mil. About the same as CA. WA has 7.5 mil and OR has 4.5mil. We have a whole lot more money than Canada. The 3 states, by themselves, would have the 3rd biggest economy in world. Canada has a $2tril GDP we have $6tril between the 3 of us.
I fully support this transition. I'm pretty sure that's all you have to do now, just say it's a totally different thing and then it is that thing. I'm gonna call Google and let em know.
That's an idea. Getting out of Dumbfuckistan is ideal and it would show just how weak these "states" are and how reliant they are on blue for EVERYTHING. Plus, you'd get healthcare.
Recent ''''defection'''' to Russia means dirt, the Bourgeoise is a highly international class- how can they defect when they had nothing to defect from? They are purpose built traitors.
Let's tell them Trump wants them to live closer to him. We could send him one of those presidential looking txt msgs, like they do for asking for money. Maybe add a bit about tariffs making them richer the closer to DC they live.
Not saying i'm a conservative nor a reactionary, but this is literally the other way around. Our staple crops are mostly grown in red states or red counties.
Ik what you mean, but better words could have been chosen ngl
I live in the central valley of California and we grow just about everything here even cattle. There is a large cattle ranch next to my place.
We may need to trade you for pork tho.
I do believe California grows most of our fruits and vegetables, oh nuts too. We also import a lot of of those from Mexico. I live in red State, whose farmers are getting ripped off because the programs like USAID and fresh food for children are being cut.
Fruit is also not really major in terms of calories, although Farmers are being ripped off that's not a bug that's a feature, 'farmers being ripped off' will continue and intensify as land's value rises and staple crops lose value.
Most of our veggies are from Mexico I believe, around 60%.
But if we are only supplying the blue spaces, we will be just fine and we’ll also trade with Mexico if we need.
Bc it would be a tragedy to run out of avocados
I meant starve in a metaphoric sense, as in their lifestyles depend on revenue transfer from the democratic states. I realize there are some prosperous Republican led states but by and large, state budgets depend on revenue from blue states.
Please stop. We take the threats to our sovereignty seriously and the time for jokes/fantasies is long past. Although we're sympathetic to what's happening in the US, we're focused on saving our own country as it is currently.
They can have eastern Oregon and southern Illinois if we get northern Indiana and northern Ohio to bridge to Pennsylvania. Virginia should be open for discussion.
States borders should be open to revision.
I’m so for this! Bring on the Pacifica Province of Canada! CA alone is the 5th largest economy in the world, so we won’t be slackers. And we won’t have to subsidize red states anymore that just trash us.
I've already got a huge bottle of Maple syrup and Washington is just a hop, skip and a jump away. And unlike Dookie Don, we like our Canadian neighbors.
Hey, I'm a Southern California girl. I require avocados on my tacos. I'll make a run down to Calif. I know where the avocados grow. Hey that's something I could contribute to Canada...Taco Tuesdays.
Thank god I have family on west coast . Only bad thing there red Maga people I disowned them . I’ll move back. Canada / west coast . I am all for it 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦💙💙💙
Look, everything else sounds good. But ketchup chips were invented by Satan. I've been to Canada to visit family too many times to count. I will always hate ketchup chips. Even if my tastes have changed. 😝😝
And whatever poutine is too.
At this point you could put anything in the bowl and we are there.
Please can we?!?
🇨🇦 buy Canadian
But they also eat poutine and that kind of thing so maybe ketchup on your fries is weird to them? I’m down with fries and ketchup
They are better off without the Americans.
The bright spot?
Watching the red state neo-confederacy descend into collapse without blue states funding their entire existence.
America will just be another third world Russia without blue states.
Shovel the snow off your neighbours driveway without telling them it was you or expecting a thank you.
Apologize. It doesn’t have to be your fault.
Ok bud=F U
It’s pronounced Toronno.
No handguns, no exceptions.
Be courteous.
Respect ALL diversity.
Take care of nature.
But I’ll learn if I’m fortunate enough to live in Canada 🙏🏻🇨🇦
That's the truth of the matter.
Determined to be void, We should
All claim succession. Then we build
A wall.
Hey #governorwalz how about it?
No compliance here.
Ik what you mean, but better words could have been chosen ngl
We may need to trade you for pork tho.
lol just kidding around.
But if we are only supplying the blue spaces, we will be just fine and we’ll also trade with Mexico if we need.
Bc it would be a tragedy to run out of avocados
States borders should be open to revision.
Do y’all really put syrup on your fries?
I’ll do it and smile while I eat them, but ayfkm?