I've been saying for years nobody should be elected as a MP in the UK unless they have spent a minimum of 2 years working a gig economy, zero hours contract minimum wage job, whilst living in private rented accommodation with no outside support.
The amount of MPs in Westminster who went to Eton and then Oxbridge or others like them and have no clue about the reality of most people's lives is appalling.
(I do not use any particular political label for myself because 15 years on social media has taught me literally no one out here has the same definition of anything and I don't need the baggage that comes with other people's projection, so I just say what I think about various topics)
Omg. I totally get this. I still use "libertarian socialist" and provide a link to the Wikipedia page, but this is something that I've been worrying about.
Had a convo on here recently where I and another person were responding with two different definitions of "virtue signaling" based on our own experiences with the term.
Since I spend a lot of time being yelled at people who call themselves leftists AND people who call themselves liberals, both of whom post totally unhinged examples of what they think the other one believes, I've learned that I want no part of that mess. 😂
If you are a Politician, before you can make any decisions regarding Food Stamps/SNAP/WIC you MUST spend at least 6 months living on Food Stamps. No lobbiest lunches, no banquets, no money out of pocket. Your household on SNAP for 6 months.
If it's good enough for the indigent, it's good enough for senators.