Appointing Peter Mandelson to be the ambassador to the US is *exactly* the kind of appointment Labour implied it would stop when it was in opposition.
1. Politicises what is usually an official role
2. Cronyism, again
3. Mandelson has been a paid lobbyist/public affairs guy for almost 15 years
1. Politicises what is usually an official role
2. Cronyism, again
3. Mandelson has been a paid lobbyist/public affairs guy for almost 15 years
Not fair to any career diplomat to put them in that position.
And he has a CV suited to it, given his background in trade, both domestically and at the EU.
How many folk in the establishment & civil service would be supremely qualified for this job?
Yet they choose Mandy who comes with all his history & baggage
I bet the Tory/Reform press can’t believe their luck
He's the consummate political insider, going into an administration opposed to that. And he's diametrically opposed to the Trump stance on China.
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