Shove a fire-hardened stake through its heart, fill its mouth full of holy wafers and sew it shut, decapitate it, burn the head and body separate, and bury the ashes separately in the centers of different crossroads.
I don't know if this is true, but when everyone started to come over here, I saw a security expert say we should delete our posts on there but not the account bc our handles could be used again. Would have to research more 🤔
I think it is a choose your own adventure situation, as it might affect different people very differently. Each person really has to decide what is best for them, in situations with consequences. Nobody should judge anyone harshly for whatever they do. Good for you for joining Bluesky!
There’s an app that let’s us auto search X for those now on BlueSky.
I reconnected with about 250 people.
I barely use X now.