Schatz: In the meantime, many people who rely on federal grants will be impacted. And these aren’t just nonprofit grants—grants are Medicaid, grants are nursing homes, and grants are public education.
It’s going to backfire.. I can tell you the Democrats are pissed off and ready to take action
It’s going to backfire.. I can tell you the Democrats are pissed off and ready to take action
Boy he told em.
The worst thing this band of heartless ghouls has done is halting drug trials of cancer drugs wasting millions of dollars and risking the lives of Americans and destroying their hope of arresting or curing their disease and condemning them to a painful death.
You can not take away people's support with no warning.
I guarantee at least 50% of those affected voted for the 🍊🤡💩.
Leadership should resign.
They will make another strong statement, if they feel they must.
Like a ternly worded speeches from the floor of the House/Senate? Republicans must be shaking in their boots. /s
Trump's a psychopath. He *HAS NO* conscience, empathy, or remorse, and he's trying to normalize lawlessness in his quest to become king.
Well, then, TAKE IT, dammit!
The Return to Sanity
Reform of SCOTUS
Electoral Protections
Gerrymandering legislation
Pro Choice legislation
Campaign reform removing dark money
Election Funding
Hate Speech
Universal Healthcare
Yeah, I'm sure they'll get right on that as soon as they approve all of Donald Trump's nominees.
Any time now, it's not like the country is burning or anything...
Oh noes...!!!!
This was not enough for Kamala to win
So what value are the pissed off Democrats to changing a Fascist Billionaire Oligarch controlled regime?
Hitler killed the disabled, mentally and chronically ill FIRST!
I'm gloves-off with mine at this point.
Because they don't deserve to be our representatives if they are not.
I've seen too much Dem inaction in my life to sit and wait.
Action is long past due.
the horse has left the barn
Yeah, whatever.
I love Sen. Schatz, but come the 🤬 on. It's hard to believe anything will be done by everyone wringing their hands about political norms. THIS IS NOT NORMAL. CREATE NEW NORMS.
He is terrorizing America.
He is terrorizing Americans.
He is trying to terrorize the rest of the world too.
That world is seeking a non-terrorist ally and that means the world is out of balance and in danger.
Trump is making the world unsafe.
Pissed off....GTFOH 😂🤣😂
It's a cleansing.
Not sure why I missed that. My apologies.
Suggestion: filibuster the fuck outta the #Republifucks.