Green: I will suffer whatever the consequences are because I don't believe in the richest country in the world people should be without good health care. I stood up for my constituents then. I'm standing up for them now. I would do it again.
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Sad truth is, his constituents are forced to fund a government now that does not care about them. In fact, 68% of Americans are forced to fund a government and politicians through their tax dollars, that does not care about them, and seeks to take rather deliver anything in exchange. #CriminalMinds
Trump and Vance are a threat to our democracy and freedoms—we must get them out of the White House!
Sign and share my petition to impeach Donald Trump and JD Vance, and remove Elon Musk’s dangerous influence from our government.
This is some weak ass shit! Fuck Marge and all the other sheep who did the same exact thing and Dems didn’t have them removed or censor them. Fuck MAGA Fuck DOGE and Fuck Trump/Musk and anyone who still supports them. This is outrageous but not surprising.
🔥 THIS is what leadership looks like! A man who stands for his people, no matter the cost. In the richest country on earth, NO ONE should suffer without healthcare! 💪🇺🇸 We need more like Al Green! Respect.
✊❤️ Follow 🚀 🦅🇺🇸 God bless the democratic people of the USA! Follow me!
I don't even remember frump talking about the spiraling cost of health care, nor prescription drug costs or the fact that he removed Biden's $35 cap on insulin.
Good for you every country deserves education and healthcare as a right, not as some privileged for the very, very rich. You just want everybody to work their fingers to the bone to make them richer so they can have bigger yachts and more planes and more personal assistance and more baby mamas.
When Democrats And Americans Stand Up Against Fascist Trump And GOPs —Destruction Of Lives, U.S. And World—GOPs Have Them Removed By Fascist Goon Patrols!! WE WONT GO BACK OR BE SILENCED AMERICANS!!
Let us never forget her interpretation of "decorum" on the Senate floor. It was a glaring display of disrespect and chaos that should never be overlooked.
Huh? Rules aren't magic spells. They don't enforce themselves. The reason MTG got away with what Green didn't is because your party didn't care enough to exact any consequences when you were in power.
He was the only Democrat to have a spine during that whole debacle. While the rest of the Dem delegation sat with their hands folded or their heads bowed. Or holding their cute little signs. I can't believe that out of 215 members in the House we only have two who are worth a shit.
I called the office of the rep that called for the censure. The toady there claimed because the Speaker didn’t remove them. I told him because Republicans don’t believe in freedom of speech and Democrats do.
These two are chimpanzees who will hoot themselves out and then settle in to pick each others' fleas. Zero substance. No threat.
Al Green stood up for the people, and *inspired* them to defy the regime. True leadership. Can't have that, now can we? /s
And this is just 6 weeks in can you imagine going through the next 4 years of this ? People better rise now I’m telling you! It’s the people that gonna make change always has been always will ! People it’s the people that gotta make it happen you hear what he saying I Took the Stand for my People!
So Al Green is facing censure when a whole raft of Republicans have been acting out for YEARS now during the SOTU? They demonstrated their complete lack of respect for POTUS, first Obama and then Biden, over and over again. "Rules for thee but not for ME".
You know, what goes around, comes around. Until maga is gone, the dems better never take the high road again. They’re part of the reason we’re in this mess. Stop playing and do what’s right for Americans.
Regardless of whether you agree with Rep. Al Green or not, he is standing up for his believes, which I find admirable.
How many of the spineless GOP Congress does that today... ZERO...just look at all the incompetent Cabinent Members they voted into office....out of fear!
We have come to quite a crossroads when one gets censured for doing as their oath requires which is representing their constituents.
EVERYONE should find it a personal affront to be LIED TO by our President and Veep…but here we are. GOP begs for abuse and abdication of duty. This is not normal.
Censure don’t mean shit. I’m not scared of a censure. They can’t take his seat as there is no mechanism to remove him from office. So what if they don’t let him talk on the floor. Bitch about what they are doing outside.
This isn’t about some small piece of legislation Dems! It’s the fight for democracy and the future of our country. We elected you to take a stand! The time to play nice is over. If you don’t feel comfortable doing that then step aside so we can elect leaders that will fight for our future!
Someone made a post earlier and it said Trump specifically thanked him and said he wouldn’t forget it because Roberts gave him presidential immunity. I can’t find the post but if I do, I’ll link it.
As if we needed anymore proof of their lack of actual morals. They should be apologizing to the American people every single day of this nuclear mushroom cloud they unleashed by turning a blind eye to his obvious dereliction to the office and abuse of power.
My god, an elected official who is actually moving with strong conviction and conscious, actually standing up for his constituents! Al Green is a treasure. Truly. An absolute treasure that more elected officials should learn from.
You know, it's funny that you're criticizing Schiff's tweets, because apparently he's in Donald's head 24-7-365 because of it. He screamed about him in his speech again yesterday!
This IS what the democrat party needs. Be less civil and less obedient and maybe the purpose needs to be "consequences." You might go to jail, but they can't lock all of you up!
That is what we need more Dems to do and also some of those cowardly GOP'ers who know in their hearts the Trump-Musk agenda is all about making both of them richer at the govt—expense which means us the taxpayers.
Damn shame the rest of the Democrats didn't follow suit and walk out with in unison. And, I'm glad Rep. Green said he would do it again. That's what integrity looks like! 🔥
They should have each taken a turn speaking out until they got kicked out. They could have spread it out over two hours, and really pushed all his buttons and not let his foolishness speak.
He will be in the history books as the only one who stood against treasonous traitor Trump during his speech!! Bravo Sir! You stood against the lies and garbage this parasite fascist told the American people! You are my hero Sir! 👏👏👏
He held up a cane. Lincoln risked his life every day. MLK risked his life. Malcolm X risked his life. JFK risked his life. Washington, Hamilton risked their lives. Calm down. This ain't courage.
Thank you Rep. Al Green. For standing up for American people. Hopefully, our other elected representatives comes together and solve this crisis. Press on!
Amazing that Joe Wilson-the slug from Texas screamed "You lie" to Obama..And that worn out old hag MTG from George screaming at Biden weren't sanctioned..These fascist old white men and HAGATHA from Georgia are let to be disgraceful...DEMS!!! FIGHT DAMMIT!!
Consequences? For What, Speech and Debate? It is his right to speak up. I wish that the rest of them would do their jobs and stop the pink pearl clutching performance art. It makes no sense to me at all. Thank goodness for #RepGreen
So I briefly looked up photos of this historical event on ddg (because there's better photos), and found the sus image posted on Flickr a long time ago. If that data is correct and not doctored, then it's a painting. A painting that bears a lot of markers of generative bullshit, but a painting still
A hero without a cape. And I sincerely hope there are no consequences, otherwise MTG and bimbo will too need to be reprimanded. They are disrespectful all the time. Listen to! Meet the moment! You should’ve all followed his lead and called out the lies. #goodtrouble
All of the democrats should have walked out in solidarity with him but they still think somehow the GOP are their colleagues versus the Russian assets they have become. Wake up before it’s too late! Read a history book, ever heard of Nazi Germany?
Green ‘‘This is the richest country in the world & health care is about to become wealth care‘’ Green is working on new articles of impeachment against Trump "This president is unfit He should not hold the office.‘’ Marjorie Taylor Greene shouted at Pres Biden, Joe Wilson: ‘’You lie!‘’ at Pres Obama
So we have Al Green, AOC, J Crockett, E Warren and Bernie and a name or two I can’t think of for a new party for a middle class.
Pelosi in her day was great but time to move over and take Jeffries, and other chosen with her.
"What I don't understand is why,
when the country was poor,
FDR gave us social security,
but now that the country is rich,
the GOP tells us the nation can
no longer afford it."
-Senior trying to survive on social security
This is the good trouble we need. All Dems should have done this one by one, wait for each to be escorted and the next stand. Don’t let mango finish his lying to the US.
Holding up little signs is pretty feckless in the face of firehose of lies for two hours. They are members of Congress holding tiny signs while Trump strips away their authority & our liberty. It’s ridiculous
"We decided to use a strong color bec what’s happening now is more extreme than ever,” said Ms. Fernandez, referring to Trump’s policies and executive orders on women’s health care and Ukraine, among other things. Pink is, she said, “the color of women’s power, of persistence and of resistance.” 🤔
They would have escorted me out with Congressman Al Green if I had been there. I couldn’t look myself in the mirror the next day if I quietly sat there watching them force my colleague out of the room for trying to save Medicaid. Shame on them! Why was there no support? Why are they so afraid?
How about admitting you were wrong about others not walking out. This is an event that both sides attend. Acting badly at an event like this does nothing to win over the middle that lean toward Trump.
My friend, I am not sure what you are talking about when you say “middle leans towards Trump.” This is not politics ala 1990. Trump and Musk are actively *breaking the law* and Congress is doing as close to nothing as possible. We don’t need to “win votes” we need to stop the crimes!
walk out. make a scene. refuse to go along quietly for the sake of propriety while democracy is dismantled.
maybe, possibly, potentially even care more about what all the people who voted for them think than trying to chase after a "middle ground" that is shifting ever-rightward.
dem politicians don't need to cater to republican voters that insist they just need one more "reasonable concession" while still voting for the red ticket
dem politicians need to remind dem voters why the fuck they're worth showing up to vote for.
I get why some didn’t come but it came across unorganized different messages no unity in protest not sure what it showed the world. I only saw clips I couldn’t listen to him lie.
but like, anything that instigated confrontation. at the very least make it hell to remove Green. sniveling little cowards eating my tax dollars to capitulate.
Would love to see feckless turd Ted Cruz try and say anything about my new King, Al Green. These MAGAt republicans shit on their constituents and they just take it and eat it. I will never understand this.
MTG should lose her seat—Boebert & Mace too. Gaetz skated away unscathed.
Senator Franken was asked to resign, he did, begrudgingly, but he did.
Oh, and we have a rapist as a GOP president.
Sick of it!
Sign and share my petition to impeach Donald Trump and JD Vance, and remove Elon Musk’s dangerous influence from our government.
✊❤️ Follow 🚀 🦅🇺🇸 God bless the democratic people of the USA! Follow me!
And a man with class and tolerance and compassion it’s all in the eye of the beholder.
Al Green stood up for the people, and *inspired* them to defy the regime. True leadership. Can't have that, now can we? /s
I don't know what this CRAP is that Jeffries and Schumer are trying to pass off as a modern day Democratic party that runs on FEAR of the GOP.
How many of the spineless GOP Congress does that today... ZERO...just look at all the incompetent Cabinent Members they voted into office....out of fear!
EVERYONE should find it a personal affront to be LIED TO by our President and Veep…but here we are. GOP begs for abuse and abdication of duty. This is not normal.
I Enjoy *Both* AL GREENs Now.
Gotta respect that.
why is he the only one having to take one for the team?
My plan, stated Schumer, is to send boring, bland, uninspiring, non-effective tweets just like my colleague Adam Schiff. That'll really get to him
If you do not have this type of energy every day that Orange Mussolini is in power, step down.
all should have walked...
Never stop speaking truth to power
Shame on all those who sat there.
He alone did the right thing.
Truth to power
Al Green, on the other hand, is a fucking hero.
YOU are showing the way to others ... about taking care of your CONSTITUENTS.
Hey, newbie (and in some cases, oldie) Representatives and Senators from Texas: THIS is how its done!
Sing it with me: 🎵 This is how you do it, do it! 🎶
(props to Bounty Killer)
Lean green, mean machine. And we all stick together.,questioned%20in%20any%20other%20Place.
How many votes does it take to censure him or boot him from congress?
(Sorry for the caps, not sorry.)
So disheartening.
And this is what everyone is asking democrats to do :
Stand Up
Proud of you, Mr Green!
against Lying PUTIN RUSSIAN ASSET & wannabe DICTATOR Trump!
Trump’s trying to Make America Russia!
REMOVE & CONVICT TRAITOR Trump before he actually does Make America Russia!
Pelosi in her day was great but time to move over and take Jeffries, and other chosen with her.
when the country was poor,
FDR gave us social security,
but now that the country is rich,
the GOP tells us the nation can
no longer afford it."
-Senior trying to survive on social security
🎯 the Gilded Age versus the “Golden Age”
🎯 messaging around #Robberbarons2025
🎯 election protection strategy now!
WAW! The path to #Résistance?
The middle is out to lunch. You need them to pay attention and standing your ground will do that.
Pearl clutching about decorum is part of why we are here.
It is also true what you said, that a small group incl Crockett & Frost walked out... this happened near the middle of the speech.
Also, protest in the face of fascism is NOT "acting badly."
That's the best thing they came up with.
maybe, possibly, potentially even care more about what all the people who voted for them think than trying to chase after a "middle ground" that is shifting ever-rightward.
dem politicians need to remind dem voters why the fuck they're worth showing up to vote for.
He stands alone?
More Dems should have walked out👇🏼
Good for me but not for thee. Being hypocritical is a required trait of GOP.
Rep Green has full support 🙌 thankful for his legit pushback.
Speaking Truth To Power