Schiff: Those are the comments of an ignoramus.
Article Five has been invoked just once. It’s been invoked over Afghanistan—when we were attacked, and our NATO allies came to help defend us.
Article Five has been invoked just once. It’s been invoked over Afghanistan—when we were attacked, and our NATO allies came to help defend us.
I'm so sick of these stupid ass fucking bullshit clickbait titles.
He was not necessarily smirking - he was talking. Ask ACYN why this moment in time was chosen to use in the picture.
Nothing to do with Schiff.
Some people find fault if a democrat sneezes at an inappropriate time.
The prices will be brought down when the middle and lower class are no longer.
You have a traitor in the White House and your media talks about the price of eggs
Trump is taking down your democracy and your still talking about eggs
No. They hate you.
That'll be sweet freedom from the insanity and we can just disregard what the US says and does.
Happy days ahead and I hope Canada comes knocking for more involvement
They are friends of mine! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
he had also let
5000 prisoners out. He seems to like that🤷♀️
The U.S. falls further every second.
His strange cognitive impairment should be questioned.
The Right has been thumping on the press calling them the "Liberal Media" and bashed them into compliance.
That and the Fourth Estate was bought out some time ago by the 1%.
Everytime he refers to these imaginary friends I'm more worried. They are not your friends. You've treated them deeply disrespectfully and now you decide you dont wanna uphold our international treaties.
David Dennison
his friends !!!!
Oh and sided with Putin.
When we get rid of you we can try to hook up again.
It's gonna take a big Mea Culpa.
You can negotiate with a terrorist.
The US should be expelled, either literally or de facto (by organizing a new treaty alliance).
I’m truly disgusted?!
“Because I’m either stupid or have dementia, but really both.”
Stupidity, thy name is Donald.
This moron has no clue about how many NATO coalition forces fought with the USA in OEF.
90 French soldiers were killed in Afghanistan
Total 3,621
Why did we sacrifice our good Canadian men and women to help a country that treats us like this?
Never again.
Canadians were the 1st casualties of the Afghanistan war.
We were shot down by "friendly" fire from...the U.S.A!
So kindly STFU, Donald!
Disgraceful man !!!! 😡
With friends like the 🍊🍕💩who needs enemies?
Laura maybe????
Anyone who was in office want to explain to this rotten circus peanut how our friends did show up for us!
Agreements with Japan and won't name the others.
The only people still following this moron are bigots and billionaires. Call um BBs - they are friends with the moron.
This is what we call Idiocracy and what is currently in America.
Americans: Adam Schiff is being kind.
We are not a member of the ICC decent?
People who do not realize how dumb Trump is, can only be just as dumb.
Article 5 has only been invoked once, when the US was attacked on 9/11.
Other NATO countries fought alongside the US in Afghanistan.
Trump is just plain stupid.
#HesSoDumb #InOverHisHead
Pissed up Pete is in for a shock when the first host country says you've got 72 hrs to get out and the clocks ticking. You guys need to sort your shit out.
Next time you VOTE, choose leaders who serve the public, NOT THEMSELVES. #VoteWisely
How ANY division of the US Military can stomach this clusterf*ck of human is beyond me.
This guy needs to go. It’s beyond dangerous - it’s extraordinarily stupid & making a mockery of geopolitics & alliances.
Little f**king shitweasel.
Because he’s a moron and a fraud and just all round a fucking idiot.
Can’t expect much from a clown of ex president who was at a wrestling match instead of attending 20th anniversary of September 11
One minute it’s one thing. Next it’s something else !
Trump is a fucking moron!
Jesus suffering fuck, this turd is one dumb sob
“Jesus suffering fuck” comment with my co-workers and we all agree that it is the perfect descriptor for the current level of frustration felt around the world. Thanks for that!
Now where is the apology to the families of the dead soldiers from UK, France, Canada etc., all of whom who acted under Art 5?
Article 5 of #NATO was activiated after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the #UnitedStates. #Canada and other NATO allies responded in force. Over 13 years, Canada lost 158 people in combat. 40,000 served from our nation. We spent $18B.