Leavitt: Tariffs are a tax hike on foreign countries and a tax cut for the American people
Reporter: Have you ever paid a tariff? I have. They don’t get charged on foreign countries
Leavitt: I think it’s insulting that you are trying test my knowledge on economics
Reporter: Have you ever paid a tariff? I have. They don’t get charged on foreign countries
Leavitt: I think it’s insulting that you are trying test my knowledge on economics
“I will never lie to you” was just the first one.
Who is going to explain it to the little child at the podium?
I remember Dutch journalists cornered Trump's ambassador when he lied to their faces. They didn't take it lightly.
"This is the Netherlands. You have to answer the questions."
trump regime chose this fool as their PR stuntwoman in hopes they'd benefit because the press would hesitate to point-out the "dumb blonde" archetype being fulfilled.
“TARIFFS ARE A TAX CUT for the American people and the president is a staunch advocate of tax cuts.”
Yeah, no.
Maybe this will help.
Still simplified. Same end (America gets the money from its own citizens). But, more accurate.
At no point in your scenario would tariffs be paid TO Canada as they would be paid by the company importing the beer to the U.S. Treasury
And at no point would Canada pay tariffs directly to the U.S. Treasury.
Actually, thank you for your feedback. We wanted to keep it simple, and missed the mark. Here's an update. We hope you like it (sorry, deleted previous duplicate post for a small correction)
Our goal was to provide something that provides a concept around how it works. That in the end, Americans will pay more with a tariff. It's not Canada.
Hopefully our most recent version reflects that.
When it comes to the real world economics, we agree, it's so much more complex.
She’s a moron.
but we all knew that.
Is that better?
I’m stealing this meme.
Each day we see another list of price increase notices due to tariffs. Those increases will be passed on to our customers and so on…
They keep lying while we are watching it happen right before our eyes.
Trump is under water in polls when it comes to tariffs.
So it looks like their lies are breaking contain.
Trump did for 2 years, though, and he's dim-witted with a gaping void where a soul should be.
MAGA: "We are doing greatness with drinking pee which is really lemonade!"
Anyone non Maga: "Pee is not good for your body."
MAGA: "Just because you are so dumb to not get how great this is, please shut up so we can enjoy our pee drinking."
Well, she's not ignorant of that *specific* thing; she's a moron.
Your boss? Orange bimbo
Its been that for a very long time.
Other than Trump, he's just an idiot.
And yes, she is cunt.
What’s the fucking point? They deserve not a scintilla of legitimacy.
The REAL members of The WH Press Corp should send one intern with an iPhone. Empty all the seats except Fox News, Newsmax, and OAN.
No questions and no broadcasting her bullshit.
Tariffs are paid for by the consumer. There are no alternate facts. No opinions.
The thing that's "insulting" is the spokesperson's lack of integrity or outright ignorance. Take your pick. One can be fixed. The other? Well...
And then she gets upset when a journalist doesn't throw her a softball!
You can't make that shit up 😀
Let's see what her Economics credentials are:
2019 Bachelor's degree in Communications and Politics from St Anselm College.
There's no BA in Comm and Politics there, so probably a Major in Comm and Minor in Pol or vice versa.
Economic knowledge my ass.
sure, sounds legit alright...
No media should let Leavitt get away with this stupidity and mock her mercilessly.
She has no clue about economics.
Half this country truly believes Biden was a disaster.
Guess KKKaroline didn't get the memo.
But we know propaganda Barbie’s gotta show loyalty and that is her test. She passed
I'm seriously wondering if she has brain damage.
But MAGA so.......
Many errors with this exchange.
boost domestic manufacturing
reduce trade deficits
at the risk of
increased consumer prices
retaliatory tariffs
US imposes tariffs on foreign goods
Tariffs are paid to US Customs by a US broker representing a US importer
US importer raises consumer prices