Sanders: We are not a poor country!
There is no excuse on God’s earth for people to have to choose between food and the medicine they need to stay alive.
There is no excuse on God’s earth for people to have to choose between food and the medicine they need to stay alive.
Congratulations 🇺🇸, you destroyed the vision of your founders
Republicans made this debt.. Republicans and their rich untaxed owners.
JOIN THE PROTEST SATURDAY, APRIL 5. Click the link and find a protest near you or organize one.
In Greeley Colorado right now ❤️❤️
They need to come along with you two.
We are listening we are following. We are cheering. We are protesting in whatever way we can we are trying, but we still need more help.
Or we could just eat them. 🍽️
I'm worried voters will have to turn out in record numbers in case Felon is rigging the system, though.
Where did you get your wealth from Bernie?On a Senators salary?
Gotta love Bernie.
Plain and simple.
it wouldn’t have mattered if they all voted for him.
he still would’ve won anyway, because the whole thing was rigged.
"First they came for the Palestinians. And I did not speak out because I am not . . ."
We also have to support the world's second largest air force.
And also the fourth AND fifth largest.
America's priorities: no money for the kid's lunch or granny's meds, but plenty for the NFL flyover™
Its seem the way to get on is to make your audience feel like victims then offer to be their revenge.
The real deal.
It seems to me that the US system is pretty broken and needs deep reform in case that we get through this madness. Not business as usual after the mad king is gone but a more fair societal contract.
MAGA/GOP are determined to feed GREED rather than feed Americas children..
#Vote 💙🇺🇲🇺🇦
If a senior misses a Social Security check they may not eat, pay for their medications, heat, or utilities. Missing a check can mean death.
💙 Show up!
💙 Make signs!
💙 Bring friends!
💙 Alert local media!
💙 And keep up the boycotts!
You need to rearticulate your verbal approach. Otherwise, you will not succeed with your message.
You need to say, either government pays for Healthcare or the top 1% will pay 100% of all Healthcare!"
Bring your solution to the problem
Lay it out- let’s hear THAT!
Americans need to see how it will affect them- he needs to talk about how he can fix the inequality
This needs to be amplified to the public so they can understand the implications of taxing the wealthy
Putting our garden in. Gotta make things stretch
Republicans will frame their crazy shit as a choice between free-market, freedom-loving Elon Musk and godless, communist socialism.
Dems moderates need to co-op AOC/Bernie rallies, make it mainstream.
AOC and Bernie call themselves socialists -yes, I know Democratic Socialists, but good luck getting our shitty media to explain that nuance.
Its humans' earth to take care of, and we are doing a poor job.
No excuse. Right on! Let’s go!
Revolution NOW‼️‼️‼️
The American public supports it.
Dems need to BE something - not just be against something.
Been a democratic socialist since I could speak.
But even within our current system, Medicare for All would save $400 billion and, more importantly, about 70,000 lives annually.
Actually, yeah. Yeah, you kinda are.
It's not only about the money, you know.
My wife and I have made dozens of ER visits over the years and never paid a cent.
Money should never be a barrier to healthcare.
Love from OK.
Expect to milked and gouged for your last dollar by the billionaire monopolies. Expect property and home owner numbers to be lowest in history.
I turned it up so my Maga neighbors could hear. LOVE THIS.
It just happens to be a country where a lot of BILLIONAIRES can more effectively hoard their money & evade paying taxes.
Some rich guy living in your neighborhood doesn't do a gawddamn thing to improve YOUR quality of life.
Ask displaced urban folks
I wish more Dem leaders had his passion, fearlessness and vision.
Share it on TikTok!!
We need more pushback on the right wing propagandists!
Signups @ and for protests info
Attend town hall meetings
A word Bernie Sanders doesn’t know the meaning of.
Because republicans control ALL BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT
Undecideds thinking about voting for Democrats: “booooo!”
The rest is history.
You can NOT use anything from Hitlers /Nazi identitet in a democratic free world .
But it is not difficult to see Hitlers
Color ⚫️🔴
Rally with bully and lie talk
Insults, hate , revenge and easy words to remember on repeat
#1 cause of personal bankruptcy is medical debt. US is the only industrialized country this happens.
$750,838,554 & 3,264 lobbyists are what health industry lobby spent to give US unaffordable health care.
as usual Bernie is a day late & a dollar short
Biden failed us by not stepping down a year before he did & not ensuring that filthy don was prosecuted for inciting a violent seditious insurrection on J6
we are in serious trouble now
Trump's connection to the KGB, the Russian mafia, Opus Dei, FBI leaks.
I had a comedian I liked accused me of being one and blocked me on twitter.
he should have stepped down a year earlier to allow Democrats to primary their best candidate??
prosecute a traitor for attacking our capitol & trying to steal an election he lost?
hello? why weren't the Dems ready to win the election in '24??