There’s a dictator in the White House and Bernie is still governing in the same way. He was six months ago. Just because this is drawing crowds doesn’t mean it’s an effective strategy. We need direct action now.
Should be bringing charges against Musk. Dude ain't even a legitimate government employee and he's out there tearing the government apart. And should be impeaching Trump ffs even if the motion fails bring it forward every fucking day anyways.
It was Hamas who broke terms by not releasing the rest of hostages. Why the hell wont they release them. We have one of our American citizens being held. They broke the cease fire on 10/7 w a terrorist attack. They are setting off rockets as we speak. They steal aid and $ from Palestinians.
It's about damn time! 4 billion dollars a year for 40 plus years could have done a lot of good for Americans. I've never been happy about having my tax dollars go to murderers
Repubs &dems are afraid to criticize Zionists.The immediate response is the criticism is antisemitism. That’s not true. Being antisemitic is against the Jewish people.Criticizing Zionists committing genocide means you don’t allow the victims to be perpetrators of the crimes they experienced.
I'm not going to fall into the trap of saying Jewish people don't deserve a land of their own. Palestinians deserve the same. They both need to stop killing each other and understand that. Israel has gone too far, way too far and needs to be stopped; Netanyahu is no different than Trump.
I'm sorry, there is no genocide in the definition of Zionism. On this point we are going to disagree. Netanyahu is not a Zionist he is a dangerous and violent cult leader. I refuse to define him in any other way.
Israel wanted land. They were given land(or in some cases the took it) from Palestinians that were there for generations. But then they (true not all Israelis) wanted ALL of the land. That’s the problem. Palestinians naturally fought against the process.. hence the current conflict.
You can support Israel and not support Netanyahu and his cult The same way you can support the United States and not support Trump and his cult, The same way you can support Palestinians and not support Hamas and their cult. There is no humanity in these leaders.
I know we aren't allowed to be critical of Bernie but where was this type of "legislation" attempt last year when it would have meant something. He was an "Israel has a right to defend itself" just like the rest
So MAGA hate the US helping Ukraine fight an invader but dont mind their tax dollars helping Israel prosecute a war against a far less powerful adversary.
I guess more Sanders promising to pass bills refresh my memory how many bills does he passed in 30+ years in Congress oh that's right seven and only one was meaningful and that's because it was headed up by John McCain Sanders was only a cosponsor. But hey he has successfully renamed 2 post offices.
For life for me I don't understand why the people continue to believe that Sanders is anything more than a left-wing grifter. Man has done nothing in 30 years except for hand out television sound bites and the occasional meme.
I believe it's unearned white male privilege. They assume he's effective because he says he is and he's white and male. They never look to see the truth.
"so, see how bernie is passing the torch to the younger generation? see how he's creating space for AOC by using his name, then allowing her to lead? see how SOME older people act like caring elders, and others act like half-dead, out-of-touch narcissistic control freaks?
be bernie"
K. L. D'Angelo
Netanyahu came to our church on a fundraising tour the year he first ran. After he finished speaking I leaned over to my friends and whispered, “Sleazy con artist.” I had no idea how dangerous he really was.
That’s billions of dollars that doesn’t add to the debt, or billions of dollars that can be spent on things at home like education or infrastructure. That’s how you frame it and sell it to the public.
You’re trying to frame it so you can fool the average person. Reality is that Hamas, with the support of the Palestinians, walked across the border and slaughtered innocent people. And, you find it acceptable.
There is no border, Gaza is not a state. Israel claims all that land including Gaza and has locked those Palestinians in an open air prison for 17 years. The didn’t walk either, they slaughtered an entire battalion of troops to get out. Nazi prison guards always deserve it.
If ONLY there were institutions of education in America that could use an injection of cash that DOESN'T lead to murdering children. Then we could diversify American industry outside the DOD!
The many thousands of children killed by bombs do not have the option of surrendering.
Most of the propaganda we see in the West minimises the death and destruction.
That’s a matter of opinion. It is belied by the fact that Hamas remains in power now and the war to remove them is ongoing. If it had been enough or too much, they’d already be gone.
You aren't paying attention. Bibi breaks cease fire and negotiations for hostages, then goes out and kills hundreds. He has no interest in peace. He made a deal with trump to develop the land - sans Palestinians. He plans to get rid of them all by hook or by crook.
You’re lying. If Palestinians abandon all violence there will be peace. There’s peace between Egypt and Israel, and Jordan and Israel. Both had fought wars with Israel (and repeatedly lost). Your claim doesn’t hold up to a basic review of the facts, history and goals of the parties.
Whole lot of people in these comments suddenly having keen awareness of what it takes for a bill to pass when I'm guessing a lot of them are the same ones who scream on social media "why aren't Democrats doing anything??"
I've been calling for defunding Israel for years . I'm deeply concerned about my tax dollars being used to destroy peace and incite terror for far longer than most want to accept
It's not for Netanyahu. We should help a country that is our ally which is surrounded and besieged. Call for unconditional surrender instead of capitulation to terrorism.
Israelis murder Palestinian civilians to steal their homes. When this genocide has consequences, they go whining to the Western media "all Muslims hate Jews!!"
Subjugated? The U.S. has given more than $5.2 billion since 1994. The international community has sent billions of dollars to Gaza since 2014. Hamas takes the money, and their children are human shields. Israel is our ally. Gaza is not. Only unconditional surrender suffices.
Looks like Trump isn’t the only one defying court orders, Netanyahu has ignored an order from his own Supreme Court. It’s almost like they coordinate shit!
Hamas does not care about the Palestinian people and Netanyahu is corrupt and trying to stay in power. The leaders on top are hurting both the Israeli people and the Palestinian people. The finger pointing will continue as always and will never end until we get to the root of the problems.
“Both sides are bad” is not a valid argument when one side is committing a genocide and the other was created in response to said genocide. “The finger pointing” is valid when they are committing genocide. And that’s not my opinion, that’s according the UN.
That’s demonstrably untrue. Youre just picking a side.
“Both sides are bad” is *reality*. And both sides have agency. You consider one side worse, but neither exists in a vacuum. And both — BOTH — had the ability to minimize casualties and end the conflict.
“That’s demonstrably untrue”
No, you’re just a Zionist. Nothing I said was ‘demonstrably untrue’ but by saying that, knowing full well it *is* the truth (that is easily backed up with proof), you’re proving yourself to be a nasty Zionist.
Did you slightly disagree with me or did you say I was flat out lying when I wasn’t to further your agenda? Self reflection is needed here because when you’re called out you immediately think “Trump supporter”. You’re the problem with the Democratic Party along with every other Zionist garbage can.
Notice how he says netanyahu not Israel That's because he's a liberal Zionist and he's still supports Israel he just believes in a different more kinder ethnic cleansing in genocide as if that actually existed
Sry that's just politics. Nobody, not even a Jew, can denounce "the only homeland of the Jews" and keep their career. So Bernie using "Netanyahu" as a proxy for "Israel" allows others to safely repeat what he said. It's stagecraft.
And not another bullet. And sanction every illegal settler on Palestinian land. Only wishful thinking though, cause the dems missed every opportunity to make a difference. They are fragmented and useless.
Bernie, it's okay, the Pali-rapists still want to fight. When they want peace, they will release the hostages and surrender, which is the time immortal way to end a war. It's a no-brainer, easy.
Trump: twice impeached, convicted felon, and found liable for sexual assault. His power comes from spineless, self-serving Republican enablers. Next election, choose leaders who work for the people. #VoteWisely
And it will be as pointless and dead on arrival as every other symbolic protest "bill" that the left trots out. I'm a hardcore liberal, through and through. The democratic party doesn't speak for me, because they are doddering, toothless fools operating on extinct assumptions in a broken system.
im so fucking tired of hearing about israel/gaza holy fuck. y'all already used this single event to sink democrats in 2024 what more do you want my god.
lmao yeah, more LARPing from a tankie. meanwhile medicare/medicaid/social security are being raped and pillaged thanks to you dummies. immigrants being deported to random black sites/prisons without due process, you name it. if there's a hell, you people will surely be joining MAGA there.
you have far more in common with fascists than any liberals/democrats do. horseshoe theory is quite real. y'all are just a bunch of terminally online losers that have never ever won a state/nationwide election before yet you act as if you know who the median voter is or where the country stands lmao
its not just that, its that democrats have slid right since bill Clinton and turned openly hostile to liberals in 2016, after holding Comey above the law. They not only justify everything Israel does but treats anyone who doesn't, like Israel treats Hamas. and thats just creepy.
and now gazans are gonna get shipped to random countries and their former homes converted into travel destinations because folks like you decided to protest against the democratic nominee for all of 2024. everything trump does for the next 4 years is on y'all. stop bitching, this is what you wanted.
Trump's remarks about Palestinians leaving Gaza and building resorts is nothing more than his typical bluster and BS.
If he was to even try and follow through with it the Middle East would explode. We'd become a prime target 🎯 for terrorist's across the globe to attack us on American soil.
Biden was actively helping to fund Israel's genocide. Harris said she wouldn't do anything different from his administration. Don't you dare blame voters when you should be blaming the actual fucking politician.
gaza is propped up by iran as well as other bad actors like hezbollah. israel has been and will remain a key piece in the middle east for the west. the entire situation is less than ideal but what's even worse is handing the next 4 years over to trump because you lefties needed to pout. thanks guys
And now, America is *also* fucked. Forgive me for thinking that a little bit of political triage to save 340 million Americans (and 37 million Ukrainians, and every other ally we fuck over in the next 39 months), should also have been priorities.
Not a nickel for this senile grifter. GTFOH - you are not a public servant. Your time in the Senate has been only to line your own pockets.
Cutting off money and bombs to Israel should have happened a long time ago. I was so unhappy with President Biden’s tendency to just give them more and more bombs for genocide. He was a good President in most respects, but not when I came to Netanyahu.
I totally agree with you. I also think this disappointment/disgust with the funding to Israel is what turned off a lot of otherwise Democratic voters. Whatever energy Harris generated for the campaign was counteracted by the party's refusal to shut down the Israeli funding.
At what point are we going not one more nickel for the federal government Social Security fund if they pull current benefits? Why should business owners take that money from employees and give it to the federal government if we’re not getting it back? They’re closing our services.
Why is Sanders in need of donations? When he runs again he’ll run his usual scam of switching to Democrat for the Primary and then back to Independent again for the General. He can’t lose.
He has spent the last decade+ writing 6 books and going on book tours. That’s how he makes most of his money. 👇
To be fair, almost no one thought Hillary was going to lose. I’m a literal political scientist, and I didn’t know a single person in the field that thought it.
Bernie dutifully got in line, supported the nominee, and then went to make some money.
Additionally, pointing out the pitfalls of capitalism, i.e. the uber wealthy taking control of government like what’s happening *literally right now*, doesn’t mean he supports upending our entire economic system. He supports reforms that you can agree or disagree with.
But he got jacked by Hillary and the DNC. He would have ridden the populist wave and beaten Trump in 2016. Many Bernie and Trump voters weren't separated by much, but the course of history would have been vastly different.
I am not a democrat nor do I think they’ll save us. To be a purist is a WASTE and to demand it of others is doing the enemy’s work. Enough. Good is enough. Perfection doesn’t exist. We move, with what we have now.
You’re not getting the point - it has nothing to do w/ candidate purity tests. You can have the most perfect candidate, but if they’re in a corrupt party (& if you actually read the article I linked, the Dems run a CORRUPT system) they will accomplish nothing for the working class. Wake up.
David is ok w thousands of Iranian missiles hitting their targets in Israeli cities rather than them being shot down. Bern n Ao would have us all dead. A nickel sez David was mum on 10/7 and never mentions the hostages as we see w the silence of these two f's on the subject.
Ah...there's the Bernie we all know. Jumping on an opportunity to divide the party at this crucial moment, with a bill he KNOWS the GOP will never pass. Classic Bernard. Just can't Fucking help himself.
A trans community member was arrested and placed in a men's facility solely due to her name change on her identification. Envision the possibilities if she were able to secure even a fraction of this level of visibility it could allow her to afford the bond.
This is the image 47 wants us to have of them. By the way, Israel is now using stealth fighters (F-35) as pure bombers now, loaded up with munitions all over the outside of the formerly sleek aircraft. But 2000 pound dumb bombs don't drop themselves into the ruins of Gaza.
In the current political climate, this is tantamount to stopping a tornado with your hand. You don’t have to actually discuss the merits to recognize that it’s 1000% performative crap. Then again, Sanders has never really done anything besides performative politics so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Three more evil, corrupt, and self-serving men I've never seen in my lifetime, and I'm 65. Trump, Netanyahu and Putin are like the trifecta of Hitler, Hirohito, and Mussolini. I can't believe our president is aligned with the demons this time.
October 7 was horrifying. Netanyahu had ample intelligence to know it was coming; he could have prevented it. That horror doesn't justify what Netanyahu has done since. Nothing could justify it, except that he's been "clearing land" for development. They all take what they want.
On October 7th, Netanyahu murdered Jewish civilians to frame Hamas. They did not "rape" or "behead" anyone. An Israeli general has confessed to giving the #HannibalDirective order
I was thinking something similar. I absolutely want to see the genocide in Gaza stop, but I feel a little more urgency about Trump carpet bombing the US AND Gaza
Every good action starts as a waste of time. Small Protests, calling representatives, arguing with someone to tell them what they are doing us wrong. It's not about what time is wasted ut's about what action needs taken.
Seems fair as he has been identified as a war criminal for committing crimes against humanity. (Israel said this was an anti-semitic attack on them for trying to defend against terrorism. And that is what they continue to say today to anyone who expresses any criticism. It's not.)
Good. I have considered him to be a war monger for years. xi, Trump, Netanyahu, Putin- birds of a feather. World would be better off without them in it, imo
Do you know how many topics they talked about ? And you get riled up about one that maybe you don’t care about but others do? That’s like a rich person being pissed off b/c they spoke about SS. After all, it won’t affect them. Geez.
The Jews had a nation. Eretz Israel was recognized as a Jewish homeland from Hebron to Gaza and up the coast to Tyre. Under the Ottoman Empire they had their own autonomous government and special rights. The invading Zionists screwed those people over too
I've decided to block the "It can't be done"and "It'll never happen" crowd. I'm a realist, but I'm also hopeful. That energy is fucking useless poison right now.
Finally! Call out the fucking genocide! Netanyahu is a war criminal! He's corrupt & let 10/7 happen to distract from the protests against his power grab of their court system. Israel is not our friend, they are trying to goad us into war with Iran.
Putin & netanyahu are like this 🤞🏻
Bernie is a communist, look it up. He's been ranting about socialism and free stuff for all for decades, same old tropes. It won't sell anymore, though. Just like calling everyone you don't agree with a nazi. Be original.
Netanyahu is not Israel like Trump is not the USA.
Netanyahu is a militant extremist. His cohorts want an extremist USA that aligns with their views. They want Americans who will not fund them to disappear or die.
America has been a steadfast ally of Israel since 1948. Every single administration since has given some measure of aid to Israel. That's not going to change anytime soon. The US government is too invested in Middle East oil interests in general (not "peace") to turn their backs on Israel.
The argument to the American people should be: "The taxes that came out of your paycheck last year, last month, last week are funding the killing of thousands upon thousands of people, civilians, women, children. How many of those deaths did you pay for?"
Yesterday I was attacked by Israel supporters on here because I had the audacity to say the killing should stop. It's not about the hostages anymore - it's about vengeance and blood lust.
Ironically, the Heritage Foundation now supports phasing out military aid to Israel too - transitioning instead to trade deals with Israel and sanctions against nations that don’t support Israel.
The US's habitual resorting to sanctions is one of the now many reasons why so many nations are looking to reduce ties with America.
The US can't be trusted.
Are you out there running for office? Are you protesting?
What are you doing for your community?
Do you live in Vermont?
If not,then stop complaining about it.
Bernie is not perfect (is anyone in this system?) but you realize that he's trying to organize white people because white people are the only ones that elected Trump, right? So choose your battles. What are the other strategies?
Unless he is out there working to get white voters to focus and stop making up reasons to vote for or in a way that helps fascism, then none of this is helpful.
Take "zionist detected" and replace it with "woke detected" or "radical left detected."
It's nothing but horseshoe-dangling incendiary rhetoric meant not as a reasoned observation, but as a dog whistle coupled with an intent to minimize or silence voices that challenge their view.
In this case, it's Sanders, but it could very easily be a trump supporter doing the same. That's why I call it "Horseshoe-dangling." The point isn't to engage my comment, but to try and suppress and call attention to for other stans to attack. I'm not the one.
Israel would be such a healthier environment without an authoritarian at the helm
I appreciate the sentiment, though.
Bernie sanders AOC and all obey the democratic party line. ALL OF THEM ARE COLABORATORS. Party of the bourgeoisie democracy. Dictatorship of the rich.
Slam that bottomless cookie jar SHUT!!
be bernie"
K. L. D'Angelo
Can't get anything good passed through a republican congress
Yeah. Trump is a way better friend to Palestine🫤
Remind me how this addresses the economic anxieties of the working class.
If ONLY....
Well, back to paying off federal student loans!
Most of the propaganda we see in the West minimises the death and destruction.
Does he mention that if he doesn't, it would take 290 votes in the House and 67 votes in the Senate to override his veto?
This is something Bernie knows will obviously fail, and thus is another thing he could turn around and attack Democrats for.
If there is a politician whom you wish to support, send them money instead.
See how easy that is?
Think harder about the solution. It's not half obvious.
“Both sides are bad” is *reality*. And both sides have agency. You consider one side worse, but neither exists in a vacuum. And both — BOTH — had the ability to minimize casualties and end the conflict.
No, you’re just a Zionist. Nothing I said was ‘demonstrably untrue’ but by saying that, knowing full well it *is* the truth (that is easily backed up with proof), you’re proving yourself to be a nasty Zionist.
Peace requires a two state solution, and deposing Netanyahu and Hamas. Anyone saying otherwise is against peace.
This administration (actually it is a regime!) has illegally arrested, detained and/or deported so many people without due process, one of these cases will get through. Then they will deport ANYONE THEY WANT.
If he was to even try and follow through with it the Middle East would explode. We'd become a prime target 🎯 for terrorist's across the globe to attack us on American soil.
It is estimated that close to 90 million Americans, roughly 36% of the eligible voting age population, did not vote. This number is greater than the number of people who voted for either Donald Trump or Kamala Harris.
And now, America is *also* fucked. Forgive me for thinking that a little bit of political triage to save 340 million Americans (and 37 million Ukrainians, and every other ally we fuck over in the next 39 months), should also have been priorities.
Next up the Institute of Museum and Library Services... Responsible for internet at the libraries inter branch lending and summer reading programs.
Can you please start drafting some legislation to effectively stop or slow....all of this??!!
Will other Democrats have the courage to join him?
More at 11.
Progressive Independents
No USA citizen . . . HUMAN . . . in their right mind would choose stagnant regression, which is conservatism or MAGA.
Be INDEPENDENT and progressive. Free ourselves from the shackles of our division. This is not a game
Explain your premise.
Bernie dutifully got in line, supported the nominee, and then went to make some money.
Not sure what’s wrong with that.
if actions were words he wouldn’t have said a thing for the past 83 years
(Genocide is genocide.!
It’s a waste of time.
Not a waste of time at all.
USA IS on a cost cutting jag
Do better than Denver (30K+) and Greeley (10K+)
“…if you’re will to step out of your comfort zone just a little..there nothing to stop us…”moving forward
-Bernie Sanders 2025 Denver Colorado
The Jews should have a nation. The terms used to discuss the issue must change. Must.
Thanks for that information. I'll add it to my subjects to learn more about.
Putin & netanyahu are like this 🤞🏻
But now? Yes.
Netanyahu is not Israel like Trump is not the USA.
Netanyahu is a militant extremist. His cohorts want an extremist USA that aligns with their views. They want Americans who will not fund them to disappear or die.
But its a bit late ,Gaza anf its inhsbitants are wiped out by now.
Until control of the House shifts, you do nothing there.
People need to personally harass these GQP scumbags. Question them MERCILESSLY, give no quarter!
Yesterday I was attacked by Israel supporters on here because I had the audacity to say the killing should stop. It's not about the hostages anymore - it's about vengeance and blood lust.
The US can't be trusted.
Now Trump and Musk will "Feel the Bern!"
Why did he vote for Rubio and Collins? Ask that damn question instead of propping him up when he's doing his lilly-fucking snow-white rallies.
What are you doing for your community?
Do you live in Vermont?
If not,then stop complaining about it.
How do you feel about the Gaza Genocide, tachi?
Assuming all are Zionists or their bots until proven otherwise.
Like, Bernie is supposed to attract Black voters?
The Senator from... *checks notes* ...Vermont?
It's nothing but horseshoe-dangling incendiary rhetoric meant not as a reasoned observation, but as a dog whistle coupled with an intent to minimize or silence voices that challenge their view.