Couture: 700 billion in fraud that only he could find, yet hasn't produced the receipts… this is all about undermining your confidence in the program’s legitimacy so they can raid that trust fund
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No evidence ever, these vile, inhumane fraudsters have been abusing you all for so long. I would love for you all to find the proof of who they are working with, Putin, saudi Arabia?
Just going to the White House archives, I found 1.7 TRILLION IN FRAUD... #payitback , bit€h3s!
#socialsecurity #itsyourmoney #trustfund #grandtheftlarceny
The greatest wealth heist in US history is unfolding. Musk is set to become the first trillionaire. Bankrolled by taxpayers, mass layoffs, and gutted programs for the vulnerable. Meanwhile, they raise the debt ceiling and hand the rich massive tax breaks, leaving the public to pay for their empire
85+ million Americans
1 in 5 Americans
60% of U.S. nursing home residents.
40% of children
50% of all births in some states
Women (58%), Men (42%)
White (40%), Black (22%), Hispanic (28%), Asian (5%), Other (5%)
disability-related eligibility 9.9 million, 11%
Trump administration is manufacturing inefficiencies within Social Security to justify its dismantling. These fabrications are now escalating into direct threats, preying on fears of those who rely on Social Security to survive. The goal isn’t reform. it's destruction, leaving millions vulnerable.
The incels working for him are not CPAs (Certified Public Accountants). That's who are trained to find fraud & waste. They do audits for a living. Elon is as big a liar as Trump. Elon is a conman, a thief & a liar.
Step 1: Break it
Step 2: Blame government workers, Dems, and the "system"
Step 3: Assert that only a favored corporation can fix it
Step 4: Privatize it
They're not just after tax breaks; they're after the entire goddam treasury.
Could Elon implement his X-money app to control all US Federal money, now that DOGE has copied each Departments financial data... and given himself Administrator Access?
it’s almost like there’s a playbook for this that’s been used for centuries to subvert democratic movements and turn unions and formal labor into precarious gig work in order to exploit the resources of other countries
it’s almost like a boomerang?? of some kind is returning
I stopped having argument after argument with MAGA on X asking them where is the fraud. Where are the arrests of corrupt company leadership for fraud? Where is the evidence?
They don't care. They're hurting so much that they want others to feel their pain and don't care about other Americans.
We have lost over $50,000 in retirement savings in the last 2 months and I consider our family to be in decent shape. We have saved our entire careers and are watching as it disappears and our jobs in jeopardy as 2/3 of my spouse's company ilare terminated. The insanity has to stop.
Thank God we took, whatever little savings we had, out of the market years ago. Back then I couldn't sleep with the stock market tanking.. now I just can't sleep because of our democracy tanking
“The Art of Distraction" conscious & strategic use of distractions to achieve a specific purpose, often to divert attention from something undesirable or facilitate a desired outcome. While we focus on the mayhem, we are not focusing on the other hand. What is that doing? What is their
end game?
Question: If DOGE is finding so much fraud and abuse, then why won’t Comer let the oversight committee have him testify under oath to what he has found and what he is doing about it?
Answer: because none of what they say can be believed without evidence and they don’t have it.
The fact that anyone believes that people are getting rich off SSA/disability benefits is so profoundly fucking stupid. I get one $889 check a month, so if I wanna buy something “kinda nice” for myself, I have to save for a whole ass year to get it. These people know no world but their own.
They are at war with all of us. They will rape and pillage and cheat and steal until there is nothing left then they’ll burn the rest of it down and rule over the ashes.
This is what their trying to do they want to get into the trust fund that is there for emergency so there will be a back up not to be for anything else. The Republicans have eaten at the trust fund for years and never paid back this is what is left for future pay outs.
I'm getting very sick thinking about this. So if they are actually able to rob us of our retirement, does that mean that they will discontinue taking FICA out of everyone's checks like they did us all of our working lives? No, they'll continue and do direct deposits to themselves!
When you are a pernicious Nazi billionaire whose primary goals in life are:
1) NOT paying taxes, AT ALL
2) treating your employees like shit, and
3) spreading your disgusting seed
EVERY program and service that doesn't line your own pockets looks like waste.
FUCK Elon.
Democracies run on trust to some extent. Their goal is to replace Americans trust in our institutions with fear & anger. Fuck them. Don't fall for the gaslighting & hold the fucking line...👍👍
The nice about freedom of speech is we also have the freedom of whether to believe them or not.
Personally I don't believe a word that anyone or anything in the current regime spews.
They have no receipts for any of this, which is one reason they keep losing in court. But people like my mother believe every fucking word; she voted for Trump 3x and this pantomime is for her.
The Inspectors General have found fraud and waste in the programs and operations of their departments and agencies and they knew what they were doing. but they fired them all!
Republican members of Congress need to be made more afraid of their constituents than of Donald Trump. That is the only way we are going to get him out of the White House.
The #KKK #Nazis are in the White House, led by #PutinsPuppet.
An insider has already reported that no fraud or waste was found in social security. They are just making claims of it so they can shut down what they don't like.
I suspect it is more than not liking SSA. I think it is part of a grander scheme of sabotaging everything in the government, starting riots, declaring Martial Law, and ending democracy.
I have terrible arthritic knees (hoping for replacement surgery this year), but will be attending a protest against VA cuts next Saturday at the Arch. If anyone is in St. Louis, come join us. Starts at 10am!! Hit the streets, folks. It's the only way!!!
Like so much of what the two magat boys have to offer, it's bullshit, and they don't have facts and can't prove it. When are Americans gonna tell these fraudsters provide proof or shut up about it?
Whether these freaked out representatives are right or wrong they have not done one thing to get our spending under control but complain! When they have full oversight to help! Hate them or not Trump and Musk are doing something about it! If it doesn't work you can always fuck it up again later!
Y'all want to see what fraud against a government entity looks like? See a certain sitting US Senator from Florida who committed what was at the time the biggest fraud against Medicare/Medicaid, pled the 5th 75 times in a deposition, had his company take the blame, and walked away with millions...
Unfortunately, he's my senator. I call to remind him almost daily that he was a TERRIBLE governor and now he's an AWFUL senator. Lately I've been asking if he's a white nationalist, post constitutionalist, a Russian asset or just a coward? Nobody ever calls back. 🧐
… I came back from Florida in ‘99 after a redneck Riviera guy driving a flatbed truck with garbage flying out, which I politely pointed out, pulled a gun on me, on a back canal road. Police had license plate number and details but I never to be heard from again. They hated Canadian residents
🐻 with me!
Maybe Trump is a necessary evil and what is required by the US.
For the Dem Party to be the party of the people, in the image of AOC, Bernie, Crockett, Salwell, Murphy … this may be the catalyst.
Not to be the party of the Billionaire classes, promoted by the Clintons, Pelosi, Schumer …
STRAIGHT UP CRIMINAL THEFT of the American people. It’s the most damaging and brazen crime to ever occur in The Union States of America. Are we really going to keep allowing this??? How will we survive as citizens and a nation if we do not ACT NOW.. Not next month.. NOW.. Right NOW.
Social Security Is audited every year and in a larger audit from 2015 and 2022. They found only 0.85% in improper payments paid out over the period. Which is very low compared to other agencies.
I do get your concerns and they are valid but I have a hard time believing that not 1 but 2 billionaires would put their life under a microscope to commit a federal crime for money neither of them need.
It's not the money for Elon. He wants POWER! Trump just wants to be one of the gang. He wants to be part of the boys. Looked at as a fellow billionaire. One of the admired.
A pretty significant % of Americans who’ve paid into the program since WE were teens do NOT agree that it’s a “Ponzi Scheme.” It’s the OPPOSITE of a Ponzi Scheme.
Musk honestly has a really incomplete education but seems to believe his wealth means he knows everything about everything.
The right wing CATO Institute constantly investigates SS. CATO heads were on BBC business news March 20, 2025 to say there is NO SS fraud. CATO says Trump Musk must follow the law and that WH has no authority for these claims, changes.
If they want people to be excited about privatizing social security, ffs give us a roaring stock market! For the record, I think privatizing social security sucks, but geez…stock market sinking, let’s privatize social security ffs
It’s a distraction from Musk STEALING evidence from FAA and other federal agencies that had fined Him and were investigating him for safety issues in his companies.
$277 Billion to buy Trump the election, this was his reward.
Never normalize the Cruelty and Lawlessness of Trump
Every time Musk, Trump, or one of their wealthy Republican lap dogs shouts “ Waste! Fraud! Abuse!”, I immediately start looking for where THEY likely committed it. With them, every accusation is a confession. Crooks & Liars.
Much of what has been reported is just outright wrong, oversimplifications. Others are misrepresentations and incomplete context. Look it up. What I see is merely slapdash.
Musk is the fraud!!!
It is IMPOSSIBLE to find waste, fraud, and abuse in a matter of weeks with Musk's move fast and break it philosophy, especially with how complex government and its systems are and how inexperienced Musk and his children are.
As a professional, I have engaged in dozens of large, complex business analyses to increase efficiency and simplification and improve financial and system controls for decades. I know how it is done. I now teach it as well. /1
There’s a huge opportunity here. The SS funds can be the Sovereign Fund of USA. Americans still have a lot of global goodwill. The current administration doesn’t.
Will we ever get disgusted enough that even the Republicans will fight back against this wanna be King, Cultleader, crazy man, and the South African Nazi he’s working with?
Yeah! NO receipts given to be seen by #American ppl. Elon thinks bc yall blinked &he tweaked the Election, he swears yall are blind & won't Notice him fixing to shoplift ALL THEM depts- even the ones who were investigating Elon's companies! But he's the fool for believin that, yall have #eyes open.
"I pledge allegiance to Trumpland, the greatest nation (formerly the USA), ruled by me, forever. One nation, totally divided, under Trump—no liberty, no justice, just loyalty to ME. Follow my orders, or you're fired from democracy. Sad!"
Trump, without Congress, is dismantling the Department of Education. He orders Chief Justice Roberts to "stop the injunction now!" This is a dictatorship—no more three branches, just Trump. Martial law is next. Arrests without due process. Democracy is over.
Elon and his DOGE BAGS can take all the evidence in front of the judge under oath and present his evidence of all the fraud and corruption he claims to have found in the government agencies. Every single democrat politicians should be demanding that.
100%. They think We the People don't see through their scam. The money BELONGS TO THE PEOPLE. Where is the oversight? Why aren't any Democrats invited into the so-called "audit" to share in the effort? I think We the People know why.
There is no such thing as "mass fraud" in Social Security areas Musk's DOGE "employees" are raiding. Actual significant fraud would be discovered at a level where only a FEW individuals are involved. That takes detailed INVESTIGATION to uncover the MANNER in which the suspected fraud is perpetrated.
According to Lutnick, only fraudsters complain about losing phone access to SSA, missed payments, etc. Because, according to his mom, it’s totally okay to miss a few checks from SSI — no actual harm comes from that. 🤦♀️🤬
PII laws prevent them from releasing the names of the dead not re diving money. Plus, it’s might taint the investigation. And there’s an a tube audit! Oooh, Trump loves that one. Can’t release anything while an audit is happening.
Let's talk about actual fraud: Rick Scott's company was found guilty of Medicare fraud to the tune of $1.7B! And NO ONE went to jail. Scott became a senator FFS!
Republicans like it when corporations take the govt for a ride. It’s when little Suzy might get a wellness check k when her mother makes $2 more than Medicaid maximum that they hate.
Right. Outsourcing and gov contracts are the easiest way to get corporate welfare handouts. Outsourcing is never about efficiency - is about profiteering. TSA was one of the few times they got called on it.
Look at how the private prison system went from “they can be more efficient” to “we will feed them the bare minimum in requirements, offer no rehabilitation services, and our contract requires we stay at least 95% full or they pay a penalty”
How long until Trump gives the owner of SpaceX access to the HUGE budget increase that Space Force is going to get once the owner of SpaceX is done taking away money from the rest of the government? The owner of SpaceX is Elon Musk! It's not a coincidence that Trump created Space Force.
Here is proof of felon 34 counts being connected to russia, fraud against the United States, abuse of power and wasteful spending.
I gave AG & DOGE copies under penalty of perjury. OTP vp
Fuck these political assholes and the ignorant pathetic morons who vote for them. You lie right to our faces, so forgive us if we don’t take your word for it, you slimy asshole. If you saved the money, then prove it. Otherwise, fuck all the way off.
Yay, just want I wanted to see happen as I get ready to turn 62. I was going to work 3 more years and between our investments and both of ours Social Security we would be able to keep the same lifestyle we have now. What a wonderful dream. I’d love to punch a certain person in the throat.
Just because he says a thing has never made it true. We know he's a Nazi despite denials. We know Teslas are death traps despite him saying the opposite. And we're NEVER OCCUPYING MARS.
I just started a new page to share protest photos that the mainstream media won't cover. Help me build this page, so we can see the strength in our numbers across the nation! My other account is @DawnieFish for verification
As good as his inventions, his cars, his rockets, his social media, his exes, his children, his other companies, his values, his best buddy, his apartheid views etc! Trustworthy 👿👿👿👿👿
Unlike Ted Cruz who owns a Tesla, his constituents can’t afford eggs let alone a Tesla! Must be nice to get such a BIG fat salary on the people’s backs! Anyone checking the fraud in Congress & SCOTUS?
That was the stupidest part about his comment re: his mother not caring if a monthly payment went missing. Of course she wouldn’t care, you dumb fuck, you’re a billionaire, but most Americans are living paycheck to paycheck and they’ll absolutely be pissed.
It's time for the trillions of dollars president Bush "BORROWED" from social security to pay for the tax cuts for the rich to be returned with interest!
Except this is an unnecessary step. They could have raided it as a matter of course and never said a thing. It's been a slush fund since like LBJ, and sometimes they never paid back what they took.
Sure am surprised we haven’t seen tons of mugshots for all the folks they got for fraud. I mean isn’t that something they like to do? Parade the criminals in front of the cameras? Cause if there’s fraud, there must be criminals right? Where are they??
Same as the "Venezuelan gang members." If there's crime, why not have hearings? Why rush them out of the country instead of following a judge's orders? Trump holds all the power. He has all branches. There's almost nothing he can't do legally. Why all the sneakiness?
He’s not undermining our confidence or trust in the program’s legitimacy … he’s solidifying our distrust of him. The more he does it with no proof, the more he strengthens his reputation as a thief.
You are absolutely correct. - I’m a Certified Public Accountant & Certified Info Systems Auditor. I know something about what constitutes an audit, the definition & substantiation of fraud vs empty rhetoric & unsubstantiated accusations, & the dangers of conflicts of interest & self-serving actions
He should say fake receipts. Cuz that's how he's getting them. All been debunked as complete lies. But he does post nonsense that he says is receipts. I just want the message to reach the people it needs to reach. Half of them believe the lies being told about Bernie.
Distraction and Balderdash Musk is the fraud, waste, and abuse. Musk makes about 7 million a day in government subsidies. This is your government welfare Queen
I am so sorry for you, luckily I am an Norwegian living in Norway. But I am afraid prayers are not enough now. You have to remove these people at all cost. The longer they sit there the worse it gets and suddenly time is out. AOC is your statue of liberty. Rise up and clean out Trump and company.
No fraudster charged, not a penny recovered, not a shred of verifiable evidence found... looks like a ketamine fueled fishing exercise resulting in devasting lives and destroying community resources to the benefit of billionaire tax parasites.
They are Nazi thieves. They want to destroy and discredit SSA so they can get their greasy greedy grabbers on the trust fund that WE built our entire lives. There are no words to describe how fucking evil and cruel mush and rump are. As a minimum they are demons from hell, which is where they belong
No one is getting rich on Social Security and this man is full of shit. Tired of republican leaders making accusations they can't back up. When their mouths are open they are spewing shit.
If there was any fraud or abuse, WHERE ARE THE FUCKING ARRESTS, INDICTMENTS AND PROSECUTIONS #ELON??? B/c there is no Fraud or Abuse or Waste you motherfucking THIEF.
Are there really people gullible enough to believe that all this "corruption" went undetected by IG's, Attorneys, Economists, through MANY, MANY Administrations, Republican & Democrat, including Trump's first term?!
The DOGE administrators,(if they actually exist) and Musk, can clear all this up by testifying under oath to Congress. Democrats should put a committee together to promote that, if protocol provides the minority with that option.
#socialsecurity #itsyourmoney #trustfund #grandtheftlarceny
85+ million Americans
1 in 5 Americans
60% of U.S. nursing home residents.
40% of children
50% of all births in some states
Women (58%), Men (42%)
White (40%), Black (22%), Hispanic (28%), Asian (5%), Other (5%)
disability-related eligibility 9.9 million, 11%
Abusers handbook.
Step 2: Blame government workers, Dems, and the "system"
Step 3: Assert that only a favored corporation can fix it
Step 4: Privatize it
They're not just after tax breaks; they're after the entire goddam treasury.
it’s almost like a boomerang?? of some kind is returning
big if true
They don't care. They're hurting so much that they want others to feel their pain and don't care about other Americans.
end game?
Answer: because none of what they say can be believed without evidence and they don’t have it.
💙 💙
1) NOT paying taxes, AT ALL
2) treating your employees like shit, and
3) spreading your disgusting seed
EVERY program and service that doesn't line your own pockets looks like waste.
FUCK Elon.
South Africa to Canada was to avoid the draft. He should’ve just claimed he had bone spurs.
Personally I don't believe a word that anyone or anything in the current regime spews.
💙 Show up!
💙 Make signs!
💙 Bring friends!
💙 Alert local media!
💙 And keep up the boycotts!
Americans are smart and are aware of this fact. Trump’s attempts to dismantle the program will fail.
The #KKK #Nazis are in the White House, led by #PutinsPuppet.
They said covid was a hoax.
They said January 6th was because of Antifa, and then they pardoned them.
Etc. ➡️ ♾️
Call your MOC and tell them to FIGHT HARDER.
Maybe Trump is a necessary evil and what is required by the US.
For the Dem Party to be the party of the people, in the image of AOC, Bernie, Crockett, Salwell, Murphy … this may be the catalyst.
Not to be the party of the Billionaire classes, promoted by the Clintons, Pelosi, Schumer …
wants us to be
Poor Uneducated & Helpless Beggars at their mercy…like
Barnyard Dawgs 🤬
it's stick like Bubble-gum on MAGA-brains
Musk has stated that SS is a Ponzi scheme. He wants to disable it entirely and will create misinformation to achieve the dismantling of it.
Musk honestly has a really incomplete education but seems to believe his wealth means he knows everything about everything.
There are none! No one is being held accountable for fraud🤷🏻♀️
Now they don't even care.
$277 Billion to buy Trump the election, this was his reward.
Never normalize the Cruelty and Lawlessness of Trump
Social Security is more of a joint account mutual fund for Americans.
It is theft of paid deposits if they try to stop payments. If they want to end SS, they have to Grandfather Americans who allready paid.
Passed its audits for several years running unlike the Pentagon
Is this really how Americans want to treat people- ANY people???
Much of what has been reported is just outright wrong, oversimplifications. Others are misrepresentations and incomplete context. Look it up. What I see is merely slapdash.
Musk is the fraud!!!
It is IMPOSSIBLE to find waste, fraud, and abuse in a matter of weeks with Musk's move fast and break it philosophy, especially with how complex government and its systems are and how inexperienced Musk and his children are.
I KNOW how long it takes to perform it in any large, complex organization with large, complex systems (the definition of Our Government).
It was disgusting display of
"tone deafness" I think I have EVER seen!
They just aren't listening!
“Good Trouble Weekends” (GTW) will be the mantra for the Democratic Party.
I'm entitled to my check.
No receipts, no arrests 🤷♀️🤔
Republicans like it when corporations take the govt for a ride. It’s when little Suzy might get a wellness check k when her mother makes $2 more than Medicaid maximum that they hate.
It'll cost three times as much, and I would not want to be an astronaut.
I gave AG & DOGE copies under penalty of perjury. OTP vp
Or is obsessed with milking the Federal Government?
Just because he says a thing has never made it true. We know he's a Nazi despite denials. We know Teslas are death traps despite him saying the opposite. And we're NEVER OCCUPYING MARS.
He's a CON MAN. A full on liar.
Billionaire Commerce Secretary Says Seniors Wouldn't Mind Missing Social Security Checks
Only a "fraudster" would complain if they missed a check, incompetent Howard Lutnick proclaimed.
She already is
Prove it!
Prove it or shut up!
Where is your proof!?
Every time Trump or Musk make a statement in public, that should be the response from everyone, reporters especially.