It’s FU that seniors and late middle-aged Americans are facing this threat, BUT, they were warned of this threat before the election. Many chose to ignore it and still voted for the lunatic. Too much fox propaganda and irrational fear of immigrants.
The threat is manufactured by the left. If it is touched we'll go after Trump in a way that makes J6 look like kiddie cartoon.
“I will not cut one penny from Social Security or Medicare, and I will not raise the retirement age.” -- Trump campaign promise
That is obvious. But he said it. MAGA truly believes it. And if he goes against it there goes his promises made, promises kept motto with the right. They will kill him off faster than any liberal can get of off the couch. They voted for him specifically for this promise. I know. I listen to them.
This is a direct assault on your mothers, fathers, grandmas and grandpas. Americans have paid into SS for their working lives. It is not for trump, musk and the oligarchs to touch or reduce access. How can anybody trust this regime? The silent majority republicans are complicit? Resist America
This is a crisis that demands action. The consequences of inaction are devastating, and the time to act is now. Cutting or eliminating SS, and the ground will shake as people rise up in protest. The masses will not stand by silently while their lifeline is jeopardized. We must push back now.
🐻 with me!
Maybe Trump is a necessary evil and what is required by the US.
For the Dem Party to be the party of the people, in the image of AOC, Bernie, Crockett, Salwell, Murphy … this may be the catalyst.
Not to be the party of the Billionaire classes, promoted by the Clintons, Pelosi, Schumer …
Very true, but this time SSA is under full attack. There is no-way to save SSA unless enough people rage against it and the courts rule for it's full capacity return. After that let's continue to improve this agency and make it more efficient. American lives depend on it.
But how is the richest man in the world supposed to get richer then if he's not plundering our Social Security? He's really having a hard time because his cars aren't selling... have some compassion.
Congressional Republicans would have to stand up to Trump. Never gonna happen
Trump will realize Elmo is a liability because he takes the spotlight away from Trump, so he gets rid of him. I see this as the only realistic way it’s going to happen
The Navy Seals - and EVERY LAWMAKER who took an oath to protect and serve, uphold the constitution and fight back against enemies foreign AND DOMESTIC - need to follow through - MASS BOYCOTTS until they do - #TrumpamdElonareDOMESTICENEMIESblantantlydisregardingtheconstitution
why ? because social security is funded by we the people. the government is suppose to just babysit it and release the funds to the people when we reach a certain age or become disabled. this is not the governments money nor does it increase the deficit.
Does logging on to give the the Social Security Administration permission to access "any information that is on or from my computer or other device"? WTF!? This is different than their previous Terms of Service!
Logon terms: I agree that the Social Security Administration is not responsible for the improper disclosure of any information that the SSA has provided to me or any information that is on or from my computer or other device, whether due to my negligence or the wrongful acts of others.
Why does the gop get such joy in repeatedly terrorizing the elderly and the poor by threatening their benefits? It’s a sickness within them. A form of moral rot.
I just started a new page to share protest photos that the mainstream media won't cover. Help me build this page, so we can see the strength in our numbers across the nation! My other account is @DawnieFish for verification.
Even Ayn Rand relied on her social security checks in her final years. These maggots are just feeding off taxpayers accumulated wealth like a snake in the rabbit hutch
Im terrified mom wont receive SS and be kicked out of senior living. I cant retire without SS and investments are down. Who’s going to take care of mom? Where are we to live how are we to eat?
The government can replace the money that they borrowed from social security to fix it, that they never paid back.
They can use the money that the billionaires bribed them with to pass legislation that only benefits them. Plus, the money they made off of insider trading
It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL for the government to miss a pension payment per Amendment 14, sec 4.
Ergo, any person who prevents the fulfillment of that mandate has committed a CRIME.
They are not playing by the rule book. We are in a constitutional crisis, and they will take SS. Everyone was warned, but people still couldn't vote for the qualified, black female.
🟣 Waiting for “the big protest” to happen? Check out “Hands Off” events on Saturday, April 5 in DC and across the US. Get involved!
Unfortunately, they are right - and now what?
“I will not cut one penny from Social Security or Medicare, and I will not raise the retirement age.” -- Trump campaign promise
We are occupied by a fascist coup. Don’t wait for widespread violence to accept that fact.
Maybe Trump is a necessary evil and what is required by the US.
For the Dem Party to be the party of the people, in the image of AOC, Bernie, Crockett, Salwell, Murphy … this may be the catalyst.
Not to be the party of the Billionaire classes, promoted by the Clintons, Pelosi, Schumer …
52% of the voting population & it would be a Purple Massacre
Any ideas about how that would work ?
idk how much money you need for a revolution but its probably more than a McDonald's lunch
In addition, an m249 isn't exactly an easy weapon to buy or own.
Congressional Republicans would have to stand up to Trump. Never gonna happen
Trump will realize Elmo is a liability because he takes the spotlight away from Trump, so he gets rid of him. I see this as the only realistic way it’s going to happen
Respectfully, I'm simply trying to get some kind of consensus among the legions of accounts calling for action without offering ideas to achieve them.
That’s fair but I don’t see any real way to get rid of him outside of the two more serious options I listed.
I find the argument similar with regards to impeachment.
Sounds great...but
How is that achieved in the current political environment..and...
How would the ultimate outcome differ from the two previous instances.
I am also sure apartheid musk would like to get his hands on Social Security funding and stop sending checks to non-whites.
“Good Trouble Weekends” (GTW) will be the mantra for the Democratic Party.
They can use the money that the billionaires bribed them with to pass legislation that only benefits them. Plus, the money they made off of insider trading
Let it Burn.
Ergo, any person who prevents the fulfillment of that mandate has committed a CRIME.
🟣 Waiting for “the big protest” to happen? Check out “Hands Off” events on Saturday, April 5 in DC and across the US. Get involved!
Rate on taxable WAGES from/to . . .
10% $0 $11,600
12% $11,601 $47,150
22% $47,151 $100,525
24% $100,526 $191,950
32% $191,951 $243,725
35% $243,726 $609,350
37% $609,351 And up
See exemption!