Swalwell: Hegseth is still the Secretary of Defense? This moron texts out our war plans, putting our soldiers at risk, and he’s not gone?
Every one on that chat—they just fire off texts not knowing who is on the chat? They all should be fired if they don’t resign.
Every one on that chat—they just fire off texts not knowing who is on the chat? They all should be fired if they don’t resign.
Ans: genuine concern for the safety of our military. These people are simply as unfit, &unqualified as the moron who nominated them.. smh
I've always said Trump doesn't know how to pick employees, but it seems almost like he's deliberately picking the least qualified.
He should resign immediately.
Tulsi Gabbard is arguing there was no classified info in the text.
Moronic rank amateurs...
Drunk, moronic rank amateurs...
never see him 47felon with Ivanka
or Jared !
This whole thing is Mitches fault
Be strong
Be relentless
Be unforgiven
Do something!
Correct me if I'm wrong 😐
At least then there were a few people who weren’t totally devoid of all sense and integrity.
It’s like Traitor Trump has turned the W.H. into open mic night at a dive bar.
Felon trump is an illegitimate president and must be removed now!
🚫 #Squatters in the #WhiteHouse
No matter how heinous or offensive !
Trump's not gonna fire Em', coz it'd be like admitting to a mistake !
There are no ethics and nothing legal happening these days. Seems like SOMEONE SHOULD CARE. 😩😤😣
It’s obvious.
The mafia would have whacked him ages ago.
"Pete Hegseth violated the Don't Be An Idiot Act"
They won't resign.
This won't be the last clown show raging dumpster fire incident.
The US government has incompetence throughout its upper levels. It will fall apart.
I’m sorry for what’s going on but glad you’re likely safe at West Point but our 19 yr old friend in general infantry may not be.
(These men have lived half their lives with Trump’s bull!)
Wonder how my Nam friends are feeling? My work partner will likely not be thrilled in am.
Thinking about the unprecedented number of intelligence assets who were 'mysteriously' compromised during Trumps last term.
And I think we’ve all been lied to by Hollywood about the CIA (who’s MAGAt Director was ON the text chat) and FBI.
They were in a chat group a 12 year old could have hacked.
They gave a cia agents field name out.
Honestly the worse these clowns can look the better. Vance is next in line to a very fragile weak fat old man.
Do not misfire here.
But, yeah, not sure how we’re coming back from this one.
They can think as critical as they want, but as long as their president is pushing the World into a WWIII and a Great Depression, I am greeting every American with a "Yo, looser, what's shitting today?"
Time for Critical thinking's been over for months.
And then I went into STEM 😉
is the reporter
Not you Acyn...
Just the whole fucking situation...
Fuck me Freddy...
Now SecDef of DoD just fires off a text. Is that not way worse than the email scandal?
F🫡ck you, GQP.
I hate this timeline! More is to follow... look at who we're dealing with!
Locked up, I'd say,
locked up!
If Your Listening.
They’re always listening.
Its easy to “notice” if you’re not looking.
(Yes, I'm being sarcastic.)
That's awesome JD you couch-fucking idiot. Don't say a prayer for the troops whose lives you just jeopardized... No don't pray for them! Pray you have success and don't look the fool... Oh wait.... 🤡
0% chance of a loving God coming to the rescue. Gaza alone is proof of that.
These idiots always have their schedule on full display for anyone, anywhere to see.
Perhaps when they're all at Golf-a-Lago attending Yam Tits' next grift party 🤷♀️