Let's start some shit:
Which is better, Holly Hobbie or Strawberry Shortcake?
Which is better, Holly Hobbie or Strawberry Shortcake?
I think the cover finally died when I was about 26.
The women of my household were at war in 1983...
I'm a Boomer... GI Joe/Action Man... Then Green Army Men - then @Airfix ... then wargaming minis....
Just so you have another side to the equation...
My brother had GI Joe (dismembered and thrown down a toilet as an "experiment") and green army men (enormous base in backyard). I certainly had my Barbies, specifically Malibu Beach Barbie.
I had a bunch of Strawberry Shortcake dolls, sheets, etc.
And Rainbow Brite herself and Starlight. 🌈