I think this is great. Good for them!! I’m sorry if you feel insulted, but I applaud them for speaking their truth. Now you, as editor, could be petty about it, or you could really think about why this is a required prompt. Maybe instead ask, “What makes you think your story is a good fit for us?”
Look, I write fundraising mail, I don’t have a horse in this race. But have you ever done the math on what it takes to write for a living? How many stories you have to write, how many to submit, to live? My dad had 600 articles published… in three years.
If a writer doesn't have time to do this, then maybe publication in that litmag just isn't important enough to them
"I'm just trying to submit stories to places I feel would be a good fit."
There's no way to find out if a litmag is a good fit without reading some of the stories. Clearly they just want publication without due diligence.