A human being with all their faculties and a ton of driving experience struggles to merge on to the 110. You have to floor it and hope someone doesn't ram you. This might be the most dangerous shit ever.
Reposted from
Pornhub’s Gore Vidal
Tesla fanboys and Elon Musk have hyped the "Full Self-Driving" feature for years. I took a ride around Los Angeles in a car with FSD engaged, and it made one dangerous mistake after another—like trying to run a stop sign as we merged onto the 110 freeway:
There's no way I'd trust some half-baked computer with that. I'd need some Star Trek shit before I even considered it
When a Waymo can do that, I accept that computers can drive.
I had to commute from south central LA to Pasadena, & was profoundly grateful my hours were flexible enough that I could avoid rush hour.