I’ve seen some people dunking on the guy who’s like “USAID was our main customer, shutting them down needed to happen though” but I feel like that’s kinda the skeleton key for all American politics right now: so many people don’t care about their material conditions as long as it owns the libs
Reposted from
George Pearkes
The Dallas Fed's Manufacturing Activity Index records comments every month from its respondents (factories in southern NM, TX, and northern LA). These typically run pretty far to the right of the WSJ Editorial page. Anyhow, here's what they're saying this month:
I'm not disagreeing with you. I think that average material conditions in American have been so relatively good for so long that huge numbers have no idea how bad it can get or believe some magic saves us.
They've been insulated from the impacts let's see how cheery they areif it goes to shit.
They will still vote R if they vote but generally they're stuck dealing with many more pressing matters
Mark Robinson got 40.08%
And his advisor asks "sire, wount we hit our men?"
King:"yes, but we'll hit theirs as well"
Materialist politics is dead*
*offer may not be valid during deep recessions