Omg people, math up! Stop saying Musk could give everyone on Earth a billion dollars and have money left over! That would be $8 quintillion dollars!
$8,000,000,000,000,000,000! Leave crazy theories to the Magats!
$8,000,000,000,000,000,000! Leave crazy theories to the Magats!
Richest 748 Americans’ Wealth Up 77% Since Cuts Passed, Tops $5 Trillion;
🦋👉Debt Caused by Trump Tax Cuts Now Used By GOP As Excuse to Cut Services👈🦋
Permanently extending the Trump tax cuts would cost $400 billion per year and give the largest tax cut to extremely rich households.
50 of the world’s richest billionaires on average produce more carbon through investments, private jets and yachts in just over an hour and a half than the average person does in their entire lifetime
“Yeah Dewey?”
“Think this time ‘ol Trump’ll make us all rich like he is?”
“Well, uh’corse he will! He’s got that Elton Twitter guy with him now, and he’s gonna ship us all cash boxes ever month.”
“All of us?”
“N’awwww, just us smart’uns what done voted fer ‘im.”
The difference between the average MAGA voter and the average Democrat voter is narrowing. They're happy with any information that appears to help their team. No one cares whether its ethical, matters, or is even true or possible
where do people come up with this nonsense?
elon has too much money and power, but not that much.
In some countries that would have a big impact for people and in others it won't even touch the sides.
Even if you did the math for just the US at 350,000,000 people, that'd still require TRILLIONS of dollars in his bank.
A million could only go to 399,000...
Must be the "new math"..