Look! A strong group of democratic leaders. I wish them every success in supporting Ukraine and democracy.
It is sure a different vision when compared to what happened in the Oval Office with the attack on Zelensky.
I implore everyone to watch, or try to watch, 20 Days in Mariupol'... the documentary.
Then look at this guy's behavior. He's EXCEPTIONAL. Then... yeah... recall trump and vance being goonclowns..... so sad.
God, this is like watching the cool kids party you’re not invited to.
Probably a really awful analogy considering the seriousness but… yeah, we’re definitely not the leader of the cool club any longer nor even a member. We have to hang with Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un, and Viktor Orbán now.
If y'all as a nation had done the right thing and elected Kamala Harris, it wouldn't have got to this point and you'd still be one of the leaders of the free world 🙄
I know the majority of the people on Bsky are passionate #bluecrew members, and wish that had come to pass, but it didn't.
The Republican rise to power has been slow and steady. They’ve won local elections, state elections, and now are firmly entrenched in the Judiciary, House, and Senate. Much of it through lies (abortions, the border, guns, and taxes), and rich donors, control of elections, and drawing district maps.
I totally agree, they've been planning this for decades. But as a nation, you did have a chance in November last year, and again when it looked likely that there may have been some shenanigans in swing state voting.
But the majority of your elected Dem Representatives have been utterly supine 😖
I know the Dem politicians are reluctant to sound like Trump and scream election fraud, but I’m surprised they couldn’t find a wealthy or popular surrogate to scream for them. A hand recount in a swing-state district with unusual results seems like a small effort that might uncover a big problem.
Every single person in that delegation told Zelenskyy to make anends with the US because every single person in that delegation knows good and well that even if combined in unity couldn't get a deal done without the US. You people are nothing more than delusional America haters.
Attention Republicans & trump followers, they,the European Statesmen Leaders positioned President Zelenskski in the front row for a reason for they know the Real McCoy of Leadership.
Macron and Von der Leyen are centre right. Was never a huge fan of either. Centre-left Starmer looks remarkably similar in power.
But the wild ideological divergence of the US makes my differences with these people feel pretty small. Europe is the last bastion of liberal democracy.
As a European centrist, I don't always like all of our leaders. Some people elect those I like, others those I dislike.
I am fine with all of them if they are honest, hardworking, and aren't traitors or nazis (Orban and Fico don't pass). Low bar, I know, but I like them all well enough.
The Majority of EU MEP'S are elected by Proportional Representation.
Britain has FPTP. Inherited from Feudal System.
The Continental United States Inherited its voting system from the English Empire.
They're making sure he doesn't come back to our PO💩 dictator.
I hope they go a step further and barr anyone from the Dump administration from their soil.
On a serious note, that's something America will never understand.
Yes Pearl Harbor was an appalling attack on your sovereign soil, but everyday Americans who did not heroically serve overseas were insulated from the realities of invasion, and both land and air warfare, by two big fecking oceans.
Time for Americans to wake up and invoke Section 4 of the 25th Amendment and declare the president is unable to discharge the powers and duties of the office.
J Jackass
D Delusional
V Vicious
A Asshole
N Naive
C Corrupt
E Egomaniac
Members of Congress-Democrat and Republican:
Boycott the speech
Wear Putin mask
Trun your back in protest
Make it clear--we won't accept his destruction of our democracy!!
The agreements forming now appears to be a de facto alternative to formality of nato which may be effective in uniting against tyranny. With orange clown 🤡 we may see nato on a pause until he is out of office.
Still not wearing a suit. And guess what? Still highly respected globally. It’s almost as if a suit does not make the man or leader. Almost as if the suits only hide bigotry, ignorance, incompetence and covers an atrophied soul n heart.
I find it odd for all the Americans who say they are embarrassed. Unless you voted for Trumps you have no reason to be embarrassed. Even if you did vote for him, you believed his lies. We're victim's of the worst abuse. Instead of embarrassed, feel strength & fight. We can take back our AMERICA.
No it should not embarrass Americans. It's beyond sad for us. It's beyond frustrating that we're in this position, but we did not cause this. Look at the votes. Look at the videos of Musk and Trump bragging of their voter fraud. Look at the proofs of purging ballots illegally.
It's great that Trump wasn't invited, just European countries who respect Ukraine and want to help save their people and Democracy.
#SlavaUkraine 🇺🇦💙🇺🇦
He’s among sane people. Hurts my heart to say this but Europe needs to isolate the US. In 4 years when sanity returns I hope we’ll be welcomed back even if you can’t trust us anymore.
Please don't lose the north or the sense of reality. Not because T is shit these politicians or presidents are to be believed, everyone is acting for their business€€ and not really for their people.
was it Eisenhower that said, 'the fate of the free world rests in your hands'... cuz that is the case with these men and women just as much as the men and women of D Day...
We must support Ukraine against Russia but perhaps and "mutatis mutandis" how the Cyprus conflict was handled after the Turkish invasion. Little bloodshed, a ceasefire, two administrations. North Cyprus is not recognised by the "international community" and a reunification appears possible.
I would like to say that as an American I am thoroughly embarrassed by the petulant dictator some in this country have voted in as president. Not all of us are morally bankrupted. We stand for Ukraine 🇺🇦
I’am quite positive about Ukraine. The whole Russian army bogged down & nicely trapped in a small landstrip outside their country ready to be eliminated. No need for US. With EU help, LET THE ENDGAME BEGIN.
Biden or Harris would have been there, but felon 47 is such a great deal maker that we’re no longer at the table…way to go 47…
You’ve greatly damaged our relationship with our allies…
Well I think about the evil of Russia it’s not a knee jerk reaction. I know the history of Russia going back centuries and I can say unequivocally that Russians are pieces of shit. The evolved to be what they are and when Reagan called at the evil empire he was 1000% correct.
An observation on the sideline of this event....I watch this clip and followed the event on BBC live. I couldn't help but notice how empathic and caring Trudeau is. And his final remarks 👍
Canada, reconsider.... 😉
You just know they’re making snide comments about trump when the mics are off.
They all hate him.
Once again trump doesn’t get included with the in-crowd.
NYC elites snubbed him too.
Politicians using their time to discuss problems and try to find solutions together. Basically what every Model UN promised us how things should occur. Juxtapose that w/ TASS coverage live inside the Oval Office last week.
Zelenskyy to Trudeau: "and the smell, right? So bad I had to burn my clothes afterwards. Just as well I wasn't wearing a suit...
How did your cleaners cope with getting the stench out?"
I hope Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky can brush off the remnants of the Orange tinge like it's Cheeto dust and get on with what needs to be done.
Before Rubio sold his dignity!
It is sure a different vision when compared to what happened in the Oval Office with the attack on Zelensky.
Then look at this guy's behavior. He's EXCEPTIONAL. Then... yeah... recall trump and vance being goonclowns..... so sad.
Probably a really awful analogy considering the seriousness but… yeah, we’re definitely not the leader of the cool club any longer nor even a member. We have to hang with Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un, and Viktor Orbán now.
I know the majority of the people on Bsky are passionate #bluecrew members, and wish that had come to pass, but it didn't.
Rise up!
But the majority of your elected Dem Representatives have been utterly supine 😖
Fecking shed loads as every state wanted to prove things were above board.
This time? Crickets...
How embarrassing and shaming! I'm livid!!
The support, this is who we should be with.
Spread the Message!
But the wild ideological divergence of the US makes my differences with these people feel pretty small. Europe is the last bastion of liberal democracy.
I am fine with all of them if they are honest, hardworking, and aren't traitors or nazis (Orban and Fico don't pass). Low bar, I know, but I like them all well enough.
Britain has FPTP. Inherited from Feudal System.
The Continental United States Inherited its voting system from the English Empire.
I was gonna post some anti "Axis" cartoons from WWII. Don't search it. We don't quite want to do that. OMG no.
I hope they go a step further and barr anyone from the Dump administration from their soil.
Democracy in action. We don’t belong there right now. How tragic.
Yes Pearl Harbor was an appalling attack on your sovereign soil, but everyday Americans who did not heroically serve overseas were insulated from the realities of invasion, and both land and air warfare, by two big fecking oceans.
R Rapist
U Unhinged
M Moron
P Psycho
J Jackass
D Delusional
V Vicious
A Asshole
N Naive
C Corrupt
E Egomaniac
Members of Congress-Democrat and Republican:
Boycott the speech
Wear Putin mask
Trun your back in protest
Make it clear--we won't accept his destruction of our democracy!!
as I view this Beautiful sight. I am so proud of Zelensky and the United force that stands with him. 😭
GOOD always TRUMPS Evil.
#SlavaUkraine 🇺🇦💙🇺🇦
I’m so ashamed of my country.
#SlavaUkrani #Zelenskyy #NATO #Europe
Canada welcome !
PS. Consequences: No EU help in US-CHINA showdown
Canada welcome !
You’ve greatly damaged our relationship with our allies…
And he gave the same nod as The Mandalorian as a bonus!!
This is the way! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Slava Ukraini !
Historically damaged, yes.
Canada, reconsider.... 😉
They all hate him.
Once again trump doesn’t get included with the in-crowd.
NYC elites snubbed him too.
How did your cleaners cope with getting the stench out?"
I’ll be there. 🇨🇦