Gee! Why didn't they slaughter infected birds wherever they could for years now? Let's fact-check this. I remember hearing about infected flocks being destroyed years ago. You're a journalist! At least do SOME homework! I found articles about it from 2007! Right there to be Googled!
Two years ago. That's when 3 farms in my county lost their flocks. Only 100 birds in total, but if it hit my farm, I alone would have lost more than that.
Oh hey. Woulda been cool for the national media to focus on this, like, a year ago, when the price of eggs were inflated because of bird flu. Not when not only egg prices going up again, but we have an intentionally incompetent administration coming in.
If we are ever able to rid ourselves of the Roberts Citizens United bullshit, the U.S. has a chance to right many of the travesties that we are currently experiencing.
Heavy lifting for that 'IF' though. Congress would have to vote with us and there is no way they will vote against their own self interests; you know, all that money and power they dislike sharing with each other, much less us.
Reminder -
Without facts of integrity you cannot have truth and without truth you cannot have trust.
A.I. utilized on algorithmic social media by billionaire tech bros IS the enemy.
Your neighbor is not the enemy.
They manipulate us and will eventually take our jobs.
When the agencies that are supposed to look after things like food, energy or health are captured by industry insiders then we can no longer expect them to act positively on the public’s behalf.
You are replacing one set of evils with another, especially if you scale up past the individual. What we need is to break up big ag to have more regional production of food stock instead of big centralized farms with concentrated and cruel methodologies. Build up suburban gardens as well.
Your choice of words erases cultural, regional, and allergen-friendly diets where meat is necessary for full nutrition. *You* may not need meat in your diet, and that's *your* choice to exclude it, but you don't get to less abuse of animal livestock by enforcing your choices on others.
The overwhelming majority of citizens in the US and Europe have no cultural relationship to eating meat. I respect those that do.
Factory farming is not a culturally sensitive process, and again:
I have no right to kill someone who does not want to die.
Please address my points in totality instead of cherry picking words or points you have prepared and parroted talking points for. I've heard all the arguments you have made thus far from more charismatic vegans; you're not convincing anyone with repetition.
Adding to this, larger vegetarian and vegan crops depend on animal husbandry to refresh fields of nutrients during non-growing seasons, and farms can only hold so many livestock animals as we domesticated the ones that have predictable and abundant breeding seasons; culling is part of the process.
Ignorance through bought propaganda floods that target the reactionary psychology of people.
Arrogance born from assertion that the information age means people will seek enlightenment, not just comfortable confirmation bias.
Greed infects politics when money is speech and power is celebrity.
Farmer here. A chemist friend has been telling me for a year that if this doesn't reach pandemic level, it will still rock the food supply. A turkey farm and hour down the road just shut down over it. But ask my neighbors and they don't know anything about it.
Bird flu just makes you stronger, provided it doesn't kill you. Better than getting microchips in them vaccines that track you and turn you gay with the chemicals.
Unforgivable considering Biden was probably elected to a great extent due to Trump's mishandling of the Covid pandemic. It wasn't history. The pandemic was still killing people on inauguration day. It still does. Not to mention long Covid.
Honestly, I don't eat animals. Just look how they are treating these innocent souls.. maybe it's time that everyone stops eating meat. There are so many alternatives.. just saying.. I love animals ❤️🐾
An American hallmark is not doing the right thing to save money and then paying far more as a consequence of being cheap, like:
burying power lines
building new sewer systems
investing in modern infrastructure
electrifying trains
universal healthcare
subsidized childcare
The reality is MAGA predisposes its true believers to think that the government cannot & should not be trusted in any matter whatsoever. Reporting & testing rouse suspicion w many farmers & their workers hesitant, afraid to lose their farms, jobs, homes, savings. Corp farms have no excuses.
And this is only the beginning. Let’s see how Trump and RFK jr. handle a virus that they inherited from the Biden presidency. Yep. This is going to be bad.
And if only the media reported on this regularly long before Nov 8 so people could have figured it out, instead of letting trump and the GOP lie about the economy. Sigh…..
Republicans have made it politically impossible to protect the country.
They would scream it was some sort of conspiracy between Biden and Xi and according to Q only hydroxychloroquine can save us.
Republicans are the problem and are going to get a LOT of people killed.
Hence why with so many birds lost to the virus, egg production isn’t keeping up with consumer demand. That egg shortage has pushed up prices, which will remain volatile until producers rebuild their flocks and increase egg production.
I recall being met with dead silence whenever I shared information on how animal ag makes pandemics more likely back in 2020. So I really *love* watching a bird flu pandemic unfold before our eyes (/s)
America or the corporations that love the profit but can’t be bothered with the day to day and the fact that their greed is mostly of the source of the problem.
Said it before & I'll say it again > Baffles me, after the last zoonotic pandemic, why we didn't, worldwide, have an adult conversation about all the harm eating & abusing animals does to us (& them) & the planet! Just #GoVegan! We benefit in every conceivable way by not abusing animals!
This new admin is putting in ppl to prove that govt is not needed. Many will be hurt b/c of that foolishness! Ppl beware! It may be time to grow your own food, keep your own chickens, and do your own fishing! Working on that chicken thing myself already garden and fish!
The majority of the problem is the lack of cooperation, testing was incomplete so the extent of the spread went undetected. “It’s not in my backyard, take your government control and go away.”
As someone currently researching H5N1 in dairy cattle, I can tell you that there are numerous farmers who will not cooperate with agencies trying to track it.
FRANCE 🇫🇷 discovered, victime farmers ordering feed from local wholesalers, we're actually feeding livestock with "imported chinese" sold as local, coming in through ports of Amsterdam & Hamburg
Corporations naturally did nothing.
Without facts of integrity you cannot have truth and without truth you cannot have trust.
A.I. utilized on algorithmic social media by billionaire tech bros IS the enemy.
Your neighbor is not the enemy.
They manipulate us and will eventually take our jobs.
This picture of the treatment of beautiful, smart and sentient beings is depicting torture.
There’s no humane way to kill someone who doesn’t want to die.
There’s no dietary need for meat. It’s purely a choice. An evil choice.
The overwhelming majority of citizens in the US and Europe have no cultural relationship to eating meat. I respect those that do.
Factory farming is not a culturally sensitive process, and again:
I have no right to kill someone who does not want to die.
Arrogance born from assertion that the information age means people will seek enlightenment, not just comfortable confirmation bias.
Greed infects politics when money is speech and power is celebrity.
burying power lines
building new sewer systems
investing in modern infrastructure
electrifying trains
universal healthcare
subsidized childcare
Oh, I know…people with few other options. The very people Trump has vowed to deport. Well that oughta bring down the price of eggs.
Also dairy workers affected. Same sad story.
They would scream it was some sort of conspiracy between Biden and Xi and according to Q only hydroxychloroquine can save us.
Republicans are the problem and are going to get a LOT of people killed.
We did so great the last time
That should go well.
FRANCE 🇫🇷 discovered, victime farmers ordering feed from local wholesalers, we're actually feeding livestock with "imported chinese" sold as local, coming in through ports of Amsterdam & Hamburg