They’re all slimy fascists greedy for money and power. They’re psychopaths with absolutely no empathy for other humans, and they’re all sexual deviants in one way or another. Most are rapists. Some are gay (no shame in that but they’re hiding it because they want power from the bigots).
Yes. It’s a political speed bump to the morons. It’s only 2nd degree level to understand Ukraine’s security is good for America’s security now and after this war. Putin must be rebuffed. Trump’s Russia’s agent?
They are all sociopaths. We have to figure out how to deal with these people. They’re the murderers, the rapists, and the fascists. We have to separate them from society. Making them incels is not enough.
He seemingly has the same opinion about his wife, after advocating for the doge kid to get his job back after spewing filth specifically towards Indian people.
Dipped my toe into conservative reddit, and that was overwhelmingly the take away. They don't care about Ukraine, don't think the US should have any role as "the world police", don't see Russia as a threat. We saw it as a disaster, but they don't, at all.
Has it occurred to anyone that this is a distraction from what's taking place w our infrastructure..aka Fed employees? No words for this. But out house is falling down.
Let’s be fair. Trumps not a healthy man. Vance will do as required to stay as VP. Trump will pop his clogs and Vance takes over and delivers the project butterfly, Curtis yarvin, tech bro wet dream. We’re all in huge trouble unless resistance becomes effective
Zelensky meeting looked like a scene from a mafia movie where thugs call & threaten someone to sell their land!
World's most powerful organized crime group is now in control of the White House. From extortion, land grabbing, weapon supply for mass murder to plain bullying... All happens at WH now!
He needs to be asked, would you care if Russia had violently killed your wife and children and brother, mother and father? Would you then one way or the other?
Not caring about Ukraine means not a caring about people you don't know. They are people, but you don't know them so you don't care.
There are 342 Million people in the US and you know how many??? You don't care about them.
We should be looking to work with the Ukraine people to help them resist against Putin's terrible tyranny efforts over them. The Ukraine people knows their Ukraine lands led by their president Zelensky as their home...can't JD Vance and...
It basically cost us nothing to help Ukraine fight for freedom as matter fact, all it cost us was old equipment that we replaced with new equipment and funded American companies in American jobs
These fucking goals hate Ukraine because they love Putin. I fucking hate all of them.
He began his adult life by writing a book that proved his complete lack of insight, observation, deep thinking, and empathy.
He literally made his first act stabbing his own people in the back as a collective.
He would stab his own grandma in the eye if it got him a few bucks
jd has so much pent up frustration for being made fun of before, during & after the election.he just wants someone to take it all out on. what a loser. i hope someone can make it clear to vz that we are sorry, he is loved & supported by so many of us...he is a hero & i'd be proud to call him my pres
If during this Ramadan you can pray for peace from couchman and shitler, and no more copy cat leaders around the world, it would be much appreciated. I promise to do the dame during Easter.
Trump joined China, Russia, North Korea, Belarus, Hungary, and the other low rent countries to side with Russia. I can still hear Reagan saying “Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall.“
This was foreshadowed in Helsinki on July 16, 2018. All of us/U.S. who've struggled to know what is Donald's connection to Putin had their questions answered today.
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.
If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.
If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”
- Sun Tzu
Vance has been in office for 2 days but it didn’t stop him from telling Zelenskyy, a man who learned being a statesman during darkest times of Ukraine, what to say. I mean really! Was common sense an elective subject at Yale ?
How many Ukrainian civilians have been murdered or killed, raped, tortured, children abducted by the Russian murderous regime? Vance says he doesn’t care? Fuck this piece of shit.
Agreed, a pan-Euopean consortium should be formed to exploit Ukraine's mineral wealth. In the meantime we must arm Ukraine and rearm ourselves, as much against Trump as Putin.
Sadly, if you’re European, you all are on your own now.
I’ll say this, Putin has been exposed. His army is shit. If he’s calling in N. Korean crash test dummies, he’s in trouble. Back Zelenskyy, cut Trump out and make Putin fold.
That's what many of us have been saying for 3 years or more. We should have cut the US out years ago, we followed them into Korea, 2 Gulf Wars and Afghanistan and got little in return. Now is the time for us to show our metal.
Poor old pathetic JD Vance is fighting to get out of Apartheid-Elons shadow. Publicly burying his bloated face in Putins ass is no big deal for Mr Mascara.
Politically, it made no sense but got him picked as VP. "Vance’s single-minded enmity toward Ukraine has raised serious concern among many of the estimated 70,000 Ukrainian Americans in Ohio. Why does his antagonism to arming Ukraine run so deep? Why is it so persistent? Why is it so relentless?"
Appalling display of B grade bullying tactics. It’s quite unbelievable how far the US has fallen in one month. Gaza as a holiday destination for rich white people and siding w Putin to sell Ukraine out. #TraitorTrump #StandWithUkraine #SupportUkraine ✊🇺🇦♥️🇵🇸
Although most Americans have NFI what is going on at least we know Zelensky certainly does. He would also have quite some intel on Trump and Putin. Both he and the Europeans know where America is at. The media playing along the old lines of Macron & Starmer trying to sway Trump is nonsense.
I will never understand what any sane, rational, thoughtful person sees in Trump. But whatever quality it is, JD Vance will never have it. He should give up the hatred while he still has a shot at a career.
Snap, sometimes wonders what it must be like to go through life as an actual psychopath who cares about nothing and no one.
Do they enjoy stirring up shit and causing pain and suffering are they just bored? Is there like a buffer between them and reality that allows them to operate so flippantly?
Trump has been a great loser just think about his bankruptcies on casinos, his fake university, his disgusting affair with Stormy Danial porn super star …..etc…
NATO members should be preparing for the US to start attacking us economically for supporting Ukraine while lifting sanctions on Russia and unfreezing their assets.
It should surprise no one when this happens.
Mr Vance believes the world west of america finishes at California's Beach front.
Geographically speaking - Vance does not know his arse from his elbow
Guys a born greasy haired politician. U can't call a fuckin guy HITLER, and a couple years later run on a ticket with him unless your morals are endlessly bendable
I asked AI to draw some parallels between the Oval Office meeting and prophecies in the book of revelation. I'm not religious. But o was many years ago. Of nothing else, the connections are eerie.
I always try to remind the hateful Christian Nationalists you don’t get raptured if you actually CAUSE the apocalypse by accidentally worshipping Satan. 😱
Real Christians are pretty cool tho.
"If Donald Trump gets his knife into the back of Ukraine it's the United States who will bleed out and we'll bury more of our children than we'll be able to count."
Vance doesn’t really care what happens to America. He’s living the dream. Poor white trash kid makes good. VP!!!!
No one from the holler would have ever guessed. Smelly, weird old JD is next in line for the WH.
Expect Europe, etc. to drop kick the US out of all international politics, etc. Understand NATO is making plans to expel the US. What's bad is when we remove Trumpty Doo-Doo it will be almost impossible to repair relationships. Nice going MAGA!
That's why they lost, right?
Fg ignorant.
World's most powerful organized crime group is now in control of the White House. From extortion, land grabbing, weapon supply for mass murder to plain bullying... All happens at WH now!
How did the US create such repugnant creatures?!?!? Let alone let them back in the highest office in the land.
There are 342 Million people in the US and you know how many??? You don't care about them.
These fucking goals hate Ukraine because they love Putin. I fucking hate all of them.
I say give them their nukes back.
He literally made his first act stabbing his own people in the back as a collective.
He would stab his own grandma in the eye if it got him a few bucks
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing,”
And we used to worry about Turkey? 😆😆😆😆
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.
If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.
If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”
- Sun Tzu
(I thought of that joke, but I can’t actually laugh at it)
But, it may have been the straw that broke the camels back.
We, the people!
I’ll say this, Putin has been exposed. His army is shit. If he’s calling in N. Korean crash test dummies, he’s in trouble. Back Zelenskyy, cut Trump out and make Putin fold.
We only lose if we’re divided, which is something both the US and Russia really seem to want at the moment. Fuck these guys.
He cares about himself only.
Do they enjoy stirring up shit and causing pain and suffering are they just bored? Is there like a buffer between them and reality that allows them to operate so flippantly?
His pathetic display of bullying Zelensky today is a testament to his weakness.
Zelensky is a true patriot. Something Trump and Vance would know NOTHING about.
It should surprise no one when this happens.
Geographically speaking - Vance does not know his arse from his elbow
Real Christians are pretty cool tho.
Steve Schmidt
Donald Trump:”Putin went through a lot with me, he had to go through a phony witch hunt with me.”
No one from the holler would have ever guessed. Smelly, weird old JD is next in line for the WH.