Stopping the USAID funding before organizations could find alternatives, is heart wrenching. Right now there are kids in small one room rural “hospitals” whose organs are shutting down because they are starving to death and it’s too late to reverse. Imagine being the parent or healthcare worker.
Right now there are parents with HIV, who are no longer receiving their antivirals. They will die and their children, already vulnerable, will be orphans in places with no social safety net.
The survivors of our failure, and it is OUR failure, will not care about our politics. It will be they who want retribution. And we will pay for this… twice.
Its absolutely disgusting. These billionaires taking food from KIDS is heartbreaking &angering. It's beyond words how angry I am. The number of people just sitting around doing nothing while the rich take what isn't theirs. The repubs need to wake the hell up and take their heads outta their asses!
No one "supports" this. But a large cult of imbeciles will cheer on their emperor and their cosplay president in whatever they do. Nobody in that bullshit bubble fact checks anything.
And yet, it's part of a #Trump worldview that's more considered than I once thought: pull back into the US, economically, politically, and in terms of world leadership; cast off the Int'l order's reliance on alliances (which bog us down with obligation) and leverage our power to "get the best deals"
I'm not at all suggesting that Trump is *right* here. I don't know what we'd do if we needed our traditional allies (after, goodness forbid, another 9/11 type event). I'm just saying I now see a coherence to his worldview where I once saw only transactional chaos.
If people knew the actual nuances of how these defunding and firings affected people they probably wouldn't support it. Unfortunately many people are too entitled and mentally lazy to go to the effort of being informed.
Speaking of Somalia... Because I know nobody is talking about Trump bombing it--
Let me guess how this goes. The Saudis come in and play hero. There's a bipartisan argument for why we need our hands all over this Black country. And we get bullied into cheering for it. Does this song sound familiar?
Someone is going to report that now the people of Somalia have to depend on a terrorist organization for support because of this and there will be more bombing. And civilians will be targeted because they've been "turned"-- and somehow, somewhere, some resources get pillaged along the way??? C'mon.
And the timing with the oil deal? I'm not even going to lie-- I'm saving articles as PDF before the timelines get fudged. We're about to enter a conflict over there that was years in the making. I have no idea how Trump drops a bomb and it's underexposed by journos on the establishment Left. Except.
Maga Nazis - Mazis DELIGHT in the cruelty.
It's all they have, they're addicted to it.
They stopped looking in the mirror a long time ago.
They're miserable and must spread the misery.
Their identity is cruelty.
They identify as hate.
They're using psychological abuse techniques common in domestic/relationship abusers. Erode the feelings of security in the victims. Cut off financial security. Love bomb at first so bad motives are doubted. Gaslight, scapegoat, victim blame, pilfer resources, cut off outside support. Dark triad af.
In one fell swoop, Musk/Trump harm US farmers and companies who export through USAID while giving considerable aid and comfort to China's Belt and Road Initiative.
Chaos and destruction within and without through thoughtless greedy pillaging of taxpayers' hard earned dollars.
When Putin invaded Ukraine, I commented on the other place that he was a cold stone killer. And Trump knows that is true, as does Vance, Lindsey Graham, the whole GOP crew. And now The GOP are a bunch of stone cold killers like Putin, led by Elon Musk.
If you want to help people living with HIV in Nigeria and South Africa, Please follow me and send a Dm. Since the termination of USAID, This Hiv prevention pills have gone up in price. I understand the USAID was corrupt, but it could have been reformed instead of this.
I'm disgusted to say it, but known complicity in an (internationally recognized) Genocide and seeing daily pictures of the death and suffering this has precipitated, has clearly hardened US citizens to this level of atrocity.
& This isn't about streamlining. I ran across the term "Dogecoins" in an X quote. He offered a million Dogecoins to whoever could prove his dad lied about an emerald mine providing family funds to start him off & pay for his college. Funds from the Treasury? Doge...! Not his cash to bribe with!
Who happens to hate Africans.... He nazi saluted twice during the inauguration. Supported apartheid & is angry it ended. He's full of hate, sadistic, mentally unhinged. And into heavy drug use. I help addicts get clean, 25 yrs. It's obvious if familiar. He's an addict, & escalating wildly on power.
I can’t get republicans to care about their own families and neighbors when it comes to all the stuff happening. For damn sure they don’t care about starving or sick people halfway on the other side of the world.
My question is, Where is the rest of the world on this. The US is not the leader of the free world, it hasn't been for a very long time. Time for everyone else to step up and take care of their neighbours.
Can you imagine being a starving child, going to the one place that gave you food & having the doors be closed? Feel your tummy rumble as the disbelief echoes through your malnourished body right before the betrayal & abandonment set in? Then the fear. Then the hopelessness. Feel that in your body.
Now imagine the grief of the workers who had to close that door. The tight chest, inability to breathe, the tears. Everyone who worked there was vested in those human lives. Everyone who worked there knows that closing that door is a death sentence. The depth of grief & knowing is a lot to carry.
Our government did that. Not just to those who are starving....but, to those who knew their face, their smiles, their souls. Our government gave them that immense load of grief. The abandonment & the betrayal. The United States is now just a path of destruction in the name of religion.
Donald Trump will burn for eternity in hell with his peeps, the GOP, Elon Musk, J D Vance, Marco Rubio, and the guy who asked Zelensky why he wasn't wearing a suit. I think his name is Asswipe. For the evil you are doing for money...burn baby burn.
Well Elmo restored Ebola program because I think someone told him that white people can also die of Ebola and there is little you can do about it. But with famine that´s a whole other "game".
What amazes me is that such a rich country as this would contribute such a minuscule amount to help the disadvantaged. And most of these right wingers claim to be Christian.
I don’t care what anyone thinks of me. Eliminating him and his ilk - yup, you heard me - is the only moral way to proceed. There is not other option when Rep control the Senate. Ask Germany what they think.
I will never forgive every single motherfucker who voted for Trump. There are no excuses worth a single life from this article, or the many more that will be lost as a result.
How can someone in politics sleep at night, knowing what this does to the children. They're innocent. Friggin makes me feel so helpless for them, breaks my soul a bit.
That would be millions of people. They either support it or put blinders on. Either way they are ghouls. They will say well what about the children here? Well that’s been defunded too so what will they say now?
I was feeling bad for them til I saw t last para. NO FCKS TO GIVE.
They TOLD you what they’d do. Then LIED when u said ‘what about me’ & they said ‘you’re safe’. If after 8 years u don’t realize THEY LIE, & u vote for what they threaten for ‘others’, you are willfully ignornnat. And I have no fcks
The clueless Trump supporting sycophants absolutely voted for this. The irony is, many US citizens will also lose their lives because of the reckless governance they’re experiencing. Only difference, US citizens by definition are in a wealthy country.
Aside from the fact that not calling Hamas terrorist has pretty much nothing to do with antisemitism, and aside from the fact that you ally yourself to Nazis and fascists of all kinds who are openly, brazenly, unapologetically antisemitic, this is not what you wrote so it sounds like a cheap excuse
Exactly. Even if I stretch credulity and assume that the USA needs to cut back on USAID (it doesn't), it is this literally murderous slash and burn approach that is so wrong. It could have been done very gradually that allowed local communities to adapt. This approach is just cruel.
We need to identify which relief orgs are honest,active & effective in those or other areas & if retired or students with comfortable parents, show up, here as resource collectors or there to distribute & provide care. Just bc musk & trump count on that doesn't mean we don't need to now! (The scum!)
That's going to involve replacing the program by actively going there, crowdfunding, volunteering by people who can afford to go without pay, themselves, to do it. & It needs a building, equipment, bc those will be stripped, sold off. *Doctors without borders?!* Relief orgs exist unattached to govt.
They're using psychological abuse techniques common in domestic/relationship abusers. Erode the feelings of security in the victims. Cut off financial security. Love bomb at first so bad motives are doubted. Gaslight, scapegoat, victim blame, pilfer resources, cut off outside support. Dark triad af.
Narcissistic personality disorder = extreme insecurity+ grandiosity, overly "injured" by criticism & a potential for vengeful lashing out, covert or overtly. Dr. Ramani & Lisa Romano, experts on YouTube explain well. It's time for signs of it to be universal knowledge bc many seek status, position.
In 2016 a group of APA psychiatrists wrote an article detailing exact criteria observed over yrs in public interactions allowing them to confidently diagnose trump as narcissistic, which is sociopathic +. Cluster B diagnoses include *a potential for* sadistic tendencies. Musk fits the criteria too.
Or demented broken seriously ill souls. I don't generally call people evil, just very sick. I think there's a solid case for these guys being actually actively deliberately evil, & engaging in narcissistic rage fits. All narcissists are sociopathic & if "injured" (insulted) become sadistic.
Trump and his rich minions are practising eugenics against the poor, starving, ill, disabled and suffering, and they call themselves Christian. Disgusting!
The CEO kings don’t do anything unless it profits them. The idea of governance by the people, for the people is laughable to them. They don’t believe all men are created equal.
Mehdi, I respect you so much, please watch the video of Jeffrey Sachs's presentation to the EU Parliament and share it widely!! Sachs explains the behind the scenes situation re: the war in Ukraine and all of the US global machinations and proxy wars over the past 3 decades.
They aren’t white, wealthy and American - does anyone expect “pro-life” Trump to care whether they live or die? Did Ted Bundy care about his victims? We have to think about Trump the same way we think about serial killers.
These people are evil, our government is evil. Filled with despicable ghouls who only care about power & making money. We will never a country that values all citizens equally unless these tyrants are completely rejected by the voters.
Shared on Pinterest w OP screenshot bc the moms & grandmas, knitters, crafters, gardeners, recipe collectors etc are 😂 beginning to radicalize there. 😁💙 Thanks for the quote.
Tragic. The pictures were of dying adults and children should be splashed all over the news media with Agent Krasnov all over them. But, hey, the petulant man-child got his fucking boxes back.
Trump and Rubio have blood on their hands. They will be responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths. America has never been less safe than we are today. Isolated, hated, a rogue nation. I'm so enraged.
All because people couldn't vote for the black lady. 🤬
Nobody doubts that ALL they are doing with the "efficiency cuts" is intentional. It is genocide. Not only could they care less who dies and where in the world, they intend to inflict pain and suffering to anyone who is not THEM. And take "holly" joy in doing it. 🤢🥊 #Resist #Karma
The amount the US pays to feed malnourished babies / on slowing AIDS / on feeding those experiencing famine was a small amount of the US budget. When USAID is investigating Starlink, that good has to be gutted to stop investigations of Musk companies.
I knew this administration was going to be depraved. I don’t know if I realized it was going to be this depraved. I knew I was going to be ashamed of my country. I don’t know if I realized I was going to be this ashamed of my country.
I don’t understand at this point how anyone can believe anything this administration says. How can we still be shocked and expect anything other than indifference. They told us & not enough listened. Shameful.
The lesson is in the final sentence. Never believe or trust a republican. #fuckDOGE #fuckTrump #fuckElon #fuckRepublicans #fucktheGOP #felon #criminal #terrorist
I won’t hold my breath for corporate media to start railing on this BS. I suspect a vast majority of Americans are unaware of the atrocities this Administration is causing. Corporate media is too focused on why Zelensky isn’t wearing a suit.
All of this cruelty could have been avoided.
Let me guess how this goes. The Saudis come in and play hero. There's a bipartisan argument for why we need our hands all over this Black country. And we get bullied into cheering for it. Does this song sound familiar?
It's all they have, they're addicted to it.
They stopped looking in the mirror a long time ago.
They're miserable and must spread the misery.
Their identity is cruelty.
They identify as hate.
They'll never see a dime of this money
Chaos and destruction within and without through thoughtless greedy pillaging of taxpayers' hard earned dollars.
Every last one of these can be traced back to western plundering and destabilization.
Gotta pay for those tax cuts for the wealthy! God forbid they don't get a few more millions/billions.
I will never forgive every single motherfucker who voted for Trump. There are no excuses worth a single life from this article, or the many more that will be lost as a result.
.... the World DOES Step UP
They TOLD you what they’d do. Then LIED when u said ‘what about me’ & they said ‘you’re safe’. If after 8 years u don’t realize THEY LIE, & u vote for what they threaten for ‘others’, you are willfully ignornnat. And I have no fcks
A lot won't even be informed enough to regret their vote until it affects someone they know.
I fear some though are murderous ghouls.
Whoever’s left after their population reduction plan are to be their slaves. For Musk, slaves will be beneath robots in his caste system.
All because people couldn't vote for the black lady. 🤬
It should be International Aid not a mechanism to bribe and exploit poor nations.
Good riddance.