Can the Dems stop going after each other? This is why the GOP keeps beating us. Slotkin quoted Reagan because the GOP loves to quote Reagan. That's it.
When you're attacking Trump's character his demeanor, I agree
But with Trump openly embracing Russia i think there's a lot of resonance among older maga with the anti-russia message that Reagan is so well known for
I’m truly grateful to Liz Cheney for coming down on the side of decency, truth, and the Constitution, but saying that makes her a liberal is going way too far. It would likely pi$$ her off, too!
it comes across as weak for the dems to embrace the other team's landslide wins against them. That's the dems' biggest flaw is their weakness, fawning, and cowardice. It's hard to respect people who behave that way
disappointing article from ppl who should know the game better and thus know why Slotkin brought him up. Reagan wouldn't buddy up to Putin is why. it's also relevant to view Slotkin for the senator in the purple state she is. she cant vote blue on everything like Tliab can. better her than MAGA. ffs
He started all of this descent. He made deploring the poor, disenfranchised, and ill popular. He let people with AIDS just die because they were gay, started homelessness in America by closing all of the places where the deeply unwell could be housed and cared for…always hated him.
What they should have done was walk out. And leave in every seat a picture of a veteran. A VA nurse. A NOAA forecaster. An Ebola victim. An HIV patient. With info on where they worked. Bring the horror of this admin home. Dare them to go try to remove them
The long-term damage caused by the Reagan administration should rank him among the worst presidents ever, but politicians and media prefer to remember a few sound bites and give him a great deal of credit he never deserved.
When will Dems figure out that in America, everything is marketing? It's why Trump hired FOX hosts.
Instead of backing Newsome who had all of the qualities Americans vote for, they lied to us about Biden.
Who did Schumer pic 4 Sundays news shows?
They continue to block young charismatic candidates.
I knew that in the 1980s.
People voted for the actor not the man.
He neogoated with Iran to keep the hostages longer so that Carter would lose.
His changes caused the Stock Market to crash twice, dismantled the middle class, unions, wages, protections, AIDES was a disgrace.
All smoke & mirrors.
We still have Reaganomics. And it’s getting harder and harder for every successive generation. Living through Reagan’s term was easier than living now and yet we can’t vote for anything else because Democrats love Reaganomics.
To me, the Dems are Tories and the Republicans are the Far/Hard Right. There is no organised Left in the US as far as I can see. Perhaps it peaked with Carter on the Dem side. US trade unions share some of the blame for not organising a resistance.
Even Carter was the first neoliberal president. As far as real economic leftism goes the closest you’re probably going to get in terms of US presidents is probably FDR.
Reagan was the guy who pulled the wool over old people’s eyes so Trump could tell them he’d remove the tax and they believed him. No fool like an old fool.
As a retired CPA I can’t tell you how many elderly clients complained about taxes on their Social Security. Many of them even believed me when I explained their dear friend, Reagan, was the guy who put the tax in place. Now I pay tax my SS. Painful. Just another reason I hate that fucker.
Democrats remain fixated on winning back the "Reagan Democrat" voter, never mind that if any of them are left they're 80-90 years old. My parents were still in the "young voter" demo when Reagan was elected, having only been eligible to vote 9 years, and they're 74 this year.
Agreed 💯 Reagan is responsible for Alot of this He was responsible for the Fairness Act being overturned which allowed Fox news and people like Rush Limbaugh to spread their hate and lies He also lowered the tax rate for the wealthiest of Americans which raised our defienct Then the failure of AIDS
Trump needs to be impeached. The only way to do that is to break the unified front that Republicans displayed last night. That will require a lot of Reagan Republican voters to decide that Trump has deviated too far. Slotkin's rebuttal was for them, not Democrats.
I actually thought it was kind of funny. Galling to them that we were now invoking him, since the message was that he would be disgusted by Republicans today.
Yes, of course Ronnie was anti-social as hell. I saw it as Dems trolling Republicans. "Your godfather hates you."
I also think, frankly, that it was effective way of telling how insanely radical they've become. More radical than Republicans in Raygun's day? Yeah, a lot more.
It was a way of telling them, "You're totally fucked up people and insane now."
To me, the debate is, "Do we have time to hit them with these indirect messages?" But I liked the message itself. Just may be too late on the timeline for it.
Dems know that! They also just are calling our the party of Regan is no longer. Just pointing out how far the GOP has fallen from where they once were. So normal GOP folks need to decide who they are. But if they support Trump, they bury Regan
Agreed. I worked in the defense industry during part of the Reagan years and you could smell the stench starting to grow. The quips and jabs at "welfare mothers" was just the tip. He ushered in a fabric of snobbery and faux patriotism we're seeing in full bloom now.
Thank you. That was a very stupid response. They don’t get it. How can you praise someone responsible for a lot that is what happening now, and call yourself opposition after doing so?
Did some think he was? The only steeper decline in civilization after Reagan's regime is the period after Christopher Columbus stumbled onto the Americas.
The playbook forward is AOC, but focused solely on income inequality, corruption and healthcare. With a well framed position on immigration(vague). Oh and lean into Luigi. Honestly running on a #freeLuigi platform would work.
This is such a tedious attempt to peel conservative Republicans away from T****, when all the ones who were ever going to jump have done already and the rest are not going to somehow push back harder than Dems themselves. Here's an idea: viable populist leaders. I know you don't wanna, but tough.
Reagan and Thatcher the two who set this whole thing off for rampant exploitative economy and worship of money and fame! glad thatcher is in the Ground, may she never be at peace!
the reagan-cancer, he developed dementia in his 2nd term and was unable to fulfill the duties, Nancy said let him eat cake.
1 Tril in Nat Debt Nov 1980, 8 Tril in Jan 1988, 36 Tril today, wonder what eternal damnation is like gipper, especially with Nancy and a host of other nazi/KLAN party types.
Don't forget Arthur's Boys: Attwater, Manafort and Stone and renewal of Southern strategy: linking neoliberalism with Christianity to weaponize it against godless Communism-state interventionism.
Not so sure Reagan isn’t our friend. Recall that in defense of Int water ways, RR, the king of “strong” for R’s, once parked an aircraft carrier in a bay Khadafi claimed as Libyan waters. Now Putin is claiming waters in the High North as Russia’s. Will Donald live up to RR’s example?
There's a lot of us old white people in here who saw through his BS and have been fighting this shit for over 4 decades. Now that we're retired, we are out protesting for future generations. Look around a rally and you will see this to be true. Hippies until we die.
Reagan denied science, took down Carter's solar panels & suppressed emergent U.S. renewable energy industry - thereby ensuring China's current dominance, supported vicious dictators, put in motion drastic decline of middle class. MAGA did not appear out of thin air. Reagan laid the groundwork.
I am so done with this valorizing of the sainted Ronald Reagan who sowed the noxious seeds of supplyside economic theory which have prospered and grown deep roots that nourish the rich and deplete the rest of us.
Ah, yes, Reagan and Thatcher, credit cards and MacDonalds, rampant capitalism and Human Resources. Between them they took us into this fascist hell. It began with them.
I'd argue Nixon planted the seeds with the war on drugs and not being held accountable for Watergate. The former as an easy way to demonize his enemies, the latter setting the precedent that the president can do damn near whatever.
Mehdi you are so right. Fuck he is dead, but what an cocksucking piece of shit he was. No doubt the same, now older, democraps that voted for Reagan back then probably voted for the traitor. Right?
Donald Trump - the worst President in American history - is in power now, destroying whatever this country is supposed to stand for now.
I don't give a f**k about Reagan.
A lot of folks-I have one of those memories for trivia-forget that Reagan launched his first campaign with a stop at Philadelphia, Mississippi. A place that has zero historical significance save for one notable exception.
He got rid of the Fairness doctrine!
Ushering in FOX entertainment & Rush Limbaugh
The dumbing down of America & teaching Hatred
That is Reagan’s legacy
& giving Rupert Murdoch American citizenship
This is how we got to Trump & MAGA
Modern day centrist democrats have been dragged that far right by both sides media and corporate influence that they better represent Reagan's terrible policy ideas than traditional working class values.
Ronald Reagan was never the American people friend. He rubbed elbows with the enemy check his resume the relationship he developed with The Heritage Foundation.
Reagan never trickled it down he helped the wealthy.
So true. This is the guy that started the mess we're in with his BS deregulation obsession and economic policies that decimated the power of the working class.
Reagan was a racist anti-unionist capitalistic piece of crap, he broke the air controllers union and made it illegal for them to strike, he tried to stop black Americans joining the Air Force in WW2. His drug laws brought in mass arrests of black Americans, he's only a hero to people who don't know.
And his tax policies and deficit spending to build out the military have directly contributed to the hollowing out of the middle class and rise of the ultra wealthy leading to the greatest wealth gap in American history since the Great Depression.
And he tried that in Latin America with his idea of selling water, it was rejected then he took it to Africa where it worked in some places that led to governments falling as they kept the money and not gave back to the people. One reason thatcher is hated in the UK, she listened to him.
I do not understand the weird belief they have that they'll draw over Republican voters by calling Reagan a great president -- modern Republicans don't give a shit about Reagan -- if anything they think he was weak on immigration and too hard on Russia
He absolutely sucked, you can thank Reagan for news being allowed to lie to you, college being unaffordable just to name two off the top of my head. He was a douche bag.
I never knew why they invoked his name. Obama did that & it pissed me off. He was no friend of the poor, minorities or the gay community. It’s an example of American mythology. Oh and no he wasn’t responsible for the downfall of the USSR the people got off their asses and did that themselves.
It’s wild they keep trying to convince Republicans that Trump is bad, instead of trying to convince each other to stand up to Trump.
I really just can’t stand supporting a party that would rather lie down as a rug, and complain about who walks on them, than just not being fucking rugs.
R. Reagan was a P.O.S. He and his crew went behind Carter's back to tell Iran not to deal with Carter. That Reagan would be better to deal with. Hence, the hostages were standing on the runway until the Iranians got word that Reagan had been sworn in. Then he did shitty things after that.
My interpretation is that it was meant to be a message that Reagan was the one who asked Gorbachev to "Tear down this wall!" Which led to the destruction of the USSR.
That same year (1987), Krasnov was allegedly born. Fast forward to now, Krasnov is being asked to "Tear down this wall!" as he plays the part of Gorbachev and Putin is the one being Reagan.
I remember ronny rayguns. Along with his criminal behavior with Iran, he set back the environmental movement for at least a decade, hired many, many crooks, and initiated the hypocritical relationship with christofascists. He began the tradition of massive republican deficits by slashing taxes.
Interesting that in this moment some people seem intent on antagonizing and repelling would-be allies. Perhaps consider reaching out to disaffected former Republicans?
I remeber being a literal CHILD and telling my parents that Trickle Down Econimics makes no sense, and they said I had no idea what I was talking about. It’s a core memory that stuck with me, and to this day fills me with rage. I saw it as a child. Yet the boomers loved this monster. Now look at us.
People on the left aren't suddenly idealizing Ronald Reagan. The guy was beloved by many maga voters and their parents who are also maga voters.
And he wasn't a total narcissist who tore down the institutions of our gov the way Trump is. It's a low bar admittedly but he's useful
When you're attacking Trump's character his demeanor, I agree
But with Trump openly embracing Russia i think there's a lot of resonance among older maga with the anti-russia message that Reagan is so well known for
They actually literally hate Dems more than Russia. It’s not effective messaging at all.
The reason Russia's interference in the election didn't resonate was because they didn't believe it
But there are anti-russia people in the mega sphere. And that is a fissure that can be exploited
It's insanity.
Slotkin's point was that Reagan actually opposed the Russians, while Trump is their asset. But that's not enough.
Instead of backing Newsome who had all of the qualities Americans vote for, they lied to us about Biden.
Who did Schumer pic 4 Sundays news shows?
They continue to block young charismatic candidates.
People voted for the actor not the man.
He neogoated with Iran to keep the hostages longer so that Carter would lose.
His changes caused the Stock Market to crash twice, dismantled the middle class, unions, wages, protections, AIDES was a disgrace.
All smoke & mirrors.
But I think something’s going to be born from this
Yes, of course Ronnie was anti-social as hell. I saw it as Dems trolling Republicans. "Your godfather hates you."
It was a way of telling them, "You're totally fucked up people and insane now."
The fact he replaced it with something way worse is unfortunate, but still...
As much as I hate Republicans, I'm beginning to hate Dems more...
1 Tril in Nat Debt Nov 1980, 8 Tril in Jan 1988, 36 Tril today, wonder what eternal damnation is like gipper, especially with Nancy and a host of other nazi/KLAN party types.
"Uhh..dunno, he served four terms, might send the wrong message."
"Well, ok, Reagan, then."
"Fine, as long as we all have paddles."
He started most of this madness!
Bernie Sanders was right there!
The article, along with extra links, is in this Bluesky thread. Tap above the 'article pic' and scroll ⏬
I don't give a f**k about Reagan.
He got rid of the Fairness doctrine!
Ushering in FOX entertainment & Rush Limbaugh
The dumbing down of America & teaching Hatred
That is Reagan’s legacy
& giving Rupert Murdoch American citizenship
This is how we got to Trump & MAGA
Reagan hated communism, Putin is the furthest thing from a communist and the two share a lot hates/loves.
Reagan never trickled it down he helped the wealthy.
But enough about the Republicans 🤣
They actually need to gain voters.
I really just can’t stand supporting a party that would rather lie down as a rug, and complain about who walks on them, than just not being fucking rugs.
Maybe it was meant as a warning.
Regan gave birth to Afghanistan
Donald Trump killed Afghanistan,
an entire generation of young girls, handed to the Taliban, abandoning women who served in government violence rape and death
I think of them every day
What hell was brought upon them
Nah, purity tests are WAY more exciting ...