So weird having an issue with people having sensible discussions without petty name calling, bigotry, etc. I guess some people never mature after secondary school.
I'd much rather be awake, than sleeping through/ignoring the awful things going on in the background of the world.
I’ve really noticed in comments (or ppl unsubscribing) that there’s a bizarre amount of blind loyalty to Elon Musk on the rare occasion I’ve brought his name up on the podcast or mentioned how bad Twitter is now.
So, so strange & consistent. I had one guy basically telling me I should get a new friendship group a few weeks back 😂 Another commenter seemed gravely offended I’d questioned the ‘smartest man in the world’. A persistently bewildering trend.
I'd much rather be awake, than sleeping through/ignoring the awful things going on in the background of the world.