I find this extremely motivating: It motivates me to volunteer for any primary opponent for any existing congressional Democrat, forever, with the exception of AOC.
I don't think a lot of that reasoning. Sure, the DEMS can see the flaming hair - but the MAGA's? Not a chance, bro. They see the Anointing of the Holy Spirit. 😂
The main difference: that image REALLY makes me want to comfort that dog/tell it everything will be okay... And I DON'T feel like doing that to the Senate.
Funny that a metaphor from the time of the founding fathers is used, when warfare has evolved quite a bit since then and the choice to flood the magazines is sometimes the only way to save a ship crewed by hundreds.
The Democrats have warehouses full of "dry powder." Well, it WAS dry when they put it there but the damp has gotten to it since. Does anybody that uses that phrase have ANY idea the effort it takes and the extreme danger in keeping stored gunpowder dry? No lights, a spark could set off an explosion.
Ah, the ol' "He's gonna blame us for everything, so we might as well let him do whatever he wants, so that every time he blames us, people are reminded that we did nothing to stop him" strategy.
Have we not learned being called out by Trump is the only currency that matters? If Trump isn’t talking about you, you’re not making his life difficult.
Jon Ossoff is getting ready for the private sector.
So they or staff can hear from us!
ever minute a year nowadays
"Let's not panic now everyone, keep your powder dry" - Chuck Schumer