CAN Musk Even spell Keynes? I’m assuming hé has no understanding of economics & how Keynes got the world out of the 1930s dépression-if the value of money collapses, guess who will lose the most ?…..
In one sense they kinda did; they expect those cars to self-drive, but they took the lidar sensors out as they are too expensive, leaving just standard RGB cameras. Most informed people in that field are like, nuh uh, you need those to have a hope of self driving.
Move fast, break laws, kill people… By the time the music man here gets called on his takeover fabulosity bit, a bailout on
exploding cars,
empty charging fields,
rapid unplanned aerial conflagrations spreading carcinogens
A new constellation that crashes every 5 yrs
$56b pay
I’ll say this. At least it’s not inflationary.
exploding cars,
empty charging fields,
rapid unplanned aerial conflagrations spreading carcinogens
A new constellation that crashes every 5 yrs
$56b pay