Dang that's disappointing. I'm in the process of rereading the whole series as prep for Wind and Truth. It's gonna suck if the warmup is better than the main event.
It's one thing to be honest with people in real life. In fiction, it's quite literally a different story. If the dialogue is too blunt, it comes across as the writer/director thinking we're too stupid to understand what's going on without having it flatout explained to us like preschoolers. 🤣
This book stars 5 of the most blunt human beings ever to walk a fictional world. People might not care for them, but it would be jarring if Kaladin/Szeth/Dalinar weren’t blunt.
There's plenty of great stuff in there, but yep, it feels bloated & somehow just a bit lacking compared to his usual quality. I wonder if his editor had less time with it than usual.
Hard agree. It's not bad or anything, it just seems kind of meandering which makes it unengaging in spots. It's not often I fall asleep listening to a new audiobook.
That being said, I did enjoy it. 4 out of 5 Ideals.
I'd suggest reading spoilers and just skipping the book. It's honestly Branderson's worst writing by far. If they release an abridged version that is 600 pages and just Adolin, Kaladin, and Sigzil's chapters, read that.
But either way it did feel like a big drop in quality for me.
That being said, I did enjoy it. 4 out of 5 Ideals.
Although sounds perfect for a rambling HBO fantasy show.