All I can think of is to boycott as much as we can. Join local clubs and make friends in your community. Learn useful trades like learning to grow food, basic carpentry, anything helpful to hold down a community outside the government. If you have resources, help others. We all need each other
Honestly this might be a “wait and see” situation. We have all been fighting to make people understand something that they refuse to understand. Maybe if we just stop they will catch on. It’s all I’ve got. I can’t imagine how else to spoon feed this info anymore than we already have
At this point? Organized violence, first in self-defense, then a concerted nationwide effort. I just don't think Trump will step down and his allies willingly give up power without bloodshed.
Have you heard about the peoples marches On the 18th? They're all over the country. if we got about 15 million people out in the streets I think it would make a difference. That sounds way too optimistic but I'm going to go And March anyway. Or I should say roll
Stand together by voting in Democrats and VOTE in every Local.. Federal and National level
From School Boards
Dog Catcher..
Mayor...Governor etc...
Don't comply with their bullshit. Don't use Instagram, don't use Facebook, and don't use any AI products of any kind. If openAI doesn't get billions on government contracts, then chatGPT is dead. They're burning billions to try and stay afloat, and frankly, their product doesn't work.
be tricksters. be safe. survive. form community as much as possible. ignore white people. send white men to Mars to die. make art. there is always hope. my mother's people survived 1492 and residential schools, I have to have hope.
Channel the ancestors. Realize that someone will need to channel your strength someday. Find the weakness in the armor and exploit it. Stay strong and vigilant.
By getting people to stop paying the services that go to the private equity groups and billionaires that lobby against our interests. Cut disney+ pay a creator. They only have power because they have money they only have that because we give it to them. Stop giving them your power give it to the ppl
The ones already organized to interface with what ever cause you support while having a scrutinizable public face will give you more assurance that it'll go to the right place than a billionaire who pays politicians to prevent and increase in wages and lower his taxes.
At this point, all I can do is focus on my family and local community (like my little corner of the neighborhood). Making sure everyone stays fed and safe. It’s all I have the capacity for at this time.
That app is good but is it taking in all the other issues or only the money donated? It appears to only take in to account the money donated. Like does all the 1 Million dollar gifts show up for the party? Does the major support from Musks platforming hate and misinformation show up in the app.
Maybe we need to start a list here where we add all those that are outwardly leaning right of center as places to not support. If this is done and starts to gain traction these companies are now in a catch 22 and will try to remove themselves from showing any support of either side, how it should be
Now we just need that made in to an app so we can quickly check a store. Today we should be able to even snap a pic and see if they are leaning. This is what will make the difference.
Today I removed myself from All things Meta. ALL Accounts! Before I did the same with twitter and all things Elon Musk. I like his satellites but I will not ever use them as long as he stands as a fascist.
I should add this goes for friends and family as well. If they can't not support hate then don't support them unless you love the hate. When you stop showing up with money they will ask why. Let them know nicely you just don't support what they do and with that refuse to waste money on hate.
literally every corporation is bending the knee. good luck making everything yourself because that's the only way your money won't go back into this machine.
Having said that, I do participate in personal boycotts. But that is for personal ethical reasons. The kids who got together to boycott MacDonald's in the 80s have done more to prevent packaging going into landfills than my entire life's effort against buying stuff with extra packaging.
Boycotts can be extremely effective, but only when organized. They aren't going to notice your personal boycott so how would they know what they are supposed to change? They need to have a clear target and a clear objective: X person/group must do X thing before we end boycott.
Change your spending habits…use the Goods Unite Us app and website to look up which businesses & brands support GOP.
Cancel Amazon & WalMart subscriptions. See the list below for companies that support project 2025.
Let your money do the talking
2) Make a strategy thinking about worst case. If you tend to b someone who your local ppl turn to for answers/help; think about what u + their needs might be.
Is there a call to action group here? For instance we should all turn on our tvs Thursday for Carter. And there are a lot of good suggestions in the comments. Pull back from the big box economy as much as we can and increase our community mutual aid and support. And give our attention to Dems who 💪🏽
No one wants to but these Idiots did it to themselves and us. All we can do is take care of ourselves and hope it won’t be as bad as it seems. If you can live Abroad. Go where the Dollar is strong and live your life
You cannot fight a dictator. It’s going to take physical force to remove him. It took a World War to remove Hitler. We haven’t figured out how to remove Putin, et al, yet.
Take control of your local mayor, city council, county commissioner, & state legislature. That is how we got here. We sever the body from the head & let DC MAGA starve from lack of resources. These think tanks write state & local bills to test them out. Isolate DC MAGA & they can't survive
Definitely do this, but also for those who don't want to run for office: most change comes from pressure against the system, not from voting in people we like.
Are you asking how to not give up? You ever play a basketball game and you start lose, you wouldn’t ask “how do I come back?” Or “Should I give up?” No you put head down drive through the paint. Chris Paul didn’t make that 3 to cut the lead down 42 because he was going through the motions, he’s a fi
Share your views and beliefs at your local organizing places. Speaking to people and educating them on the revolution will help get more ppl on board. I do it at my bar constantly. Pretty sure we're all on a watch list by now lmao. Work on city govt, then state, then fed. From the inside out.
Literally? You mean like how the free lunch program was started, literally? Ok then! Let's just not do anything since literally organizing literally does nothing.
Had friends and family call their reps, nothing changes. Had friends run for office, get steamrolled when doing progressive things. Social media apps are now all taken over, my sibling works in politics and can’t get anything done. You mean the free lunch program that stopped in my area this year?
Who votes that free lunch program down? And it was a thing that was created by exactly what I described. My friend is a judge in Cleveland now based on her grassroots movements and she's making positive changes in the city. If you think it's futile, that's fine. But keep that negativity to yourself
This is exactly how we got the gay rights bill passed in RI in the 90s! I happen to be good friends with one of the biggest organizers of that movement. I fully endorse this plan of action.
And to add project REDMAP, Koch Brothers, and Allec were operating at the local and state levels to gerrymander districts and enact conservative ideals soooo it worked for them too.
It absolutely works, I've seen it myself. It's easy to get nihilistic about things when they're bleak but they want us to feel defeated so we stop trying
Show up. Show up when your neighbors need help. Show up for protests. The thing that scared conservatives in 2020 (other than their own racism) was community and numbers. Focus on what you can do locally so you don’t feel so beat down.
Still mulling it over, but I know I will write, create art, volunteer, love and do justice/compassion work as hard as possible to live the values that are important.
I worry that the value of a company will go down in times of strike, giving oligarchs the ability to buy those companies & hire new ppl & acquire the assets. What if employees can pool together & buy the company that employs us? Put ourselves on our own terms & own the assets. Just thoughts
It’s too late to worry about that sort of thing.
They have so much wealth and power they can literally buy or destroy any other company that tries to compete.
Once the last of the anti-trust regulations have been wiped away, it’s monopoly capitalism all the way.
Another issue is that a strike requires a community that can provide mutual aid. We want to make it easy for people to participate by putting in dual power that will support those who are standing against the system. Shaming people is not enough to build a movement.
Put another way: rather than wondering why people don't show up for this or that (condemning human nature) we should make our movements more sticky. If people are selfish and lazy, then make movements that appeal to the selfish and lazy.
Not explicitly. But there is a moral imperative to participate in social movements. I want a movement so strong that people go just for the community. Want it to be easy to get involved.
I touch on this in the article I shared on mutual aid.
For example, if we did a general strike, what would the ask be? "don't be fascist?" Too vague. Needs to have a specific goal to hold them accountable, and coming to agreement on that needs to be worked out first.
We are long past need for a general strike! But I'm skeptical that it can start with that. I don't think it will work unless people know how to organize. Probably better to start with smaller local movements and build on them...
It may sound trivial, but I’m trying to instill the practice of your word is your honor cause I’m noticing that’s not a norm anymore and it’s causing a lot of dysfunction. We need to get on the same page of reality, so that’s one way to tackle the problem, however small it may seem.
All is not lost. Dems just took the Virginia state legislature in the first election of 2025. Get involved with your local Democratic organization. Run for something, even. Local/state elections matter and are the best defense against Trump’s tyranny.
For real. In a world run by tech bro fascists who think all human behavior can be analyzed, predicted, & therefore completely controlled, being utterly insane & unpredictable breaks their model. Our first move is a madness that breaks us free from the algorithm trying to control us
Every time you go into a place of business, make a derogatory or at least critical comment about Trump / Trumpism to the cashier, manager, etc.
If tens of millions of people did this every day, I think public opinion could shift dramatically.
Just an idea, but Americans only learn from repetition.
This is all smoke and mirrors. If the WHOLE White civilization is turning RIGHT (against people of color) then there must be an imminent world order collapse (financially or socially) WHICH we will have the usual impacts. Just Breathe keep on keeping on. Use social media for people you have MET IRL
I think you have it backwards. We are already in an imminent world collapse, and people are reacting to that by turning towards more radical solutions like fascism.
My point is not to defend them. But I can't tell my friend who has two black kids that she supported Trump because she hates black people.
Moreover, not every white person is turning right, or against people of color...of course? Surely you have some white allies?!
You are framing this as specifically and only a black-white issue. Most MAGA voters I know aren't even focused on black folks. They are racist against Mexicans, or want to limit women's rights. Or they foolishly believe Trump is their bro 'cuz he sent them a check with their name on it.
To MAGA —Black folks are invisible—as evidenced by the capital “M” you referenced in spelling “Mexican” hate while simultaneously attributing a lowercase “b” to Black people—much like your previous 7 generations have done. My assessment remains unchanged
Because Mexico is a country and black isn't a country.
Regardless I'll acknowledge that racism pervades language and many other things I'm privileged to not notice. To gatekeep potential allies who don't know these things is defeatist.
Mexican was used as a racial descriptor in your original post as was Black. I know I learned nothing new about how allies really think and feel…how about You?
I've learned through many years of organizing that pedantry is not a good reason to gatekeep potential allies. I hope someday you learn the same and respectfully wish you the best in your struggles.
Get involved in EVERY election from the state level down to your local dog catcher. Won’t win them all but we can start chipping away. Federalism is the only hope we have to fend them off.
Oh, and it can’t be a one time effort. Need a sustained movement to turn things around.
I'm a white dude. Beyond fed up. Too many of my fellow white people's minds snapped like the waistband on dollar store underwear when Obama won. I can pinpoint to the asshole who yelled NO at John McCain when he conceded as the moment when white America chose to burn it all down.
Agree, and they aren't, believe me. I've had to withdraw into a really tight circle of sane people. Day to day I feel like a spy just waiting for my cover to get blown. People a mix of giddy MAGA or indifference other than a handful of fellow "spies."
I have perfect overweight old straight White guy cover. Just need an F-150, and no one would ever long as the topic doesn't stray to religion. Been an atheist for 55 years now.
There are lots of white people who are fed up. The issue is that they don't know how to change things, and some have learned helplessness that change is even possible.
Yep. I know that. But they're the power brokers in the country. Nothing is getting done without their buy-in. That's just how it works. So until white people get their shit together and learn how to unify against the ones torturing us all, it's just going to get worse. Same for cis/het/Christian/etc
Keep spreading messages that unite us and bring us together. Ensure your anger is directed constructively in the right place. At those who seek to divide us and tear us down. Wherever feasible boycott bad actors. Mock the MAGATs, the Orange Felon & the Zuck. Call out their hypocrisy where you see it
Keep poking holes in their logic & fact check them. Say kind words to those deserve them. Follow accounts that are positive, constructive and spread hope.
In times of battle, you must learn 2 things. When to keep your head down. And when to shoot. I feel that may be a good first step in our current predicament.
I also often see a lot of debates about tactics without any conversation about STRATEGY. Tactics only matter in context. e.g. A traffic blockade for no reason is useless, but to block access to a meeting you want to prevent is smart. Basics I wish more people knew:
Make all your big purchases now. Don’t buy anything but the essentials. Boycott any company that supports Trump or Republicans (including Amazon). If you can, donate to organizations that will endlessly sue to stop each of Trump’s actions.
Ideally we could all avoid these products until they wither and die, but I don't think that's likely, especially not with companies so ubiquitous. That's why a targeted boycott is needed... maybe this is a new topic I need to write about!
Indeed, individually. Conversely we have the most power to impact companies we're dependent on. The Montgomery bus boycotts wouldn't have made change if those who rode them seldom took the bus.
But it would require more organizing to find alternate options.
Yeah. I wish we had a national organization to organize these. People would pledge to boycott (or strike from work) when the organization says it’s time, to have that maximum impact.
If you are already boycotting Amazon, how can you make a difference if there is an organized boycott against Amazon? How will Amazon know that you are boycotting for a particular reason? Organized boycott and strike is more effective.
Make defined red lines that if Trump crosses will get you to go on a strike (a national organization to guide everyone would be great).
Make defined red lines that would get you to leave the country. If the US goes that far, save your life & contribute to a country that will appreciate you instead.
This is worth thinking about, and not to be a massive downer, but leaving the country even for just a few years is virtually impossible without family or a job somewhere to help you relocate. Visas are hard to find and moving even a fraction of your stuff is so expensive. I have PTSD from our move.
They will, and believe me, there was nothing fancy about how we did it. But family connections were the only reason we could come to New Zealand, and when you’re moving people who are fragile, you need at least a safe landing planned out.
We left all our furniture, car, etc behind; only shipped one pallet of stuff. The rest was in our suitcases. But it wasn’t stuff that would’ve held us back—it was not being able to survive in limbo with our family’s specific issues.
I didn’t say it would be easy, but once some lines are crossed, you won’t care as much about stuff and money. Believe me, my family has already done it once.
We did it too, several years ago. It wasn’t so much the stuff and money part, it was how to land when you’ve got disabilities in the family. Some folks can weather the jump more easily than others.
Damned if I know. At first I figured the politicians in power were going to do something to block him from running, but they didn’t. Then I thought the courts were going to do something, but they didn’t. I had a feeling we were boned when they said we had to decide it at the polls. I got nothing now
No surprise that the system teaches us that changes must come from within the system. But historically, much change comes from direct action. People demand change and politicians concede. Then history teaches that the concession was the change, ignoring the grassroots pressure that led to it.
join, expand, and create alternative care networks. be incredibly creative with what that might mean in any given context. continue to embody a different world rather than using the language and actions of this one. ask for help when you’re losing hope. grieve.
We vote in every election, no matter how small. We take our country back from the ground up. We keep speaking out against injustice and in humanity. We demand more of our political leaders. After all they work for us.
Same. When all of our institutions seem to be capitulating to this madness, many billionaires supporting or even funding it, no plan or organization or cohesion or fight from the D Party, what can we do? Hell, the GOP runs all media, brainwashing and growing their cult day by day. We are fucked.
Lessons from history. Non-violent methods of the resistance included strikes, go-slows and carrier pigeons 😀 On a serious note it’s well past time to start reading up on anti-fascism. Offline…….!
Slippery slope be dammed.
The mask is off. They hate us and want to destroy us so that they can impose a Christian Theocracy to "balance" all the Musilim Theocracies.
Seriously. That's how they think.
We need to get on War Footing.
But these are public forums. They aren't fit for strategy or tactics. We need to organize more personally.
We need to start getting to know each other.
They will self implode as they already disagree with each other. We have to stick together on a unified front.
From School Boards
Dog Catcher..
Mayor...Governor etc...
According to Goods Unite Us, Amazon has a Goods Score of 40 and they donate slightly more to Democrats. #goodsuniteus
x, kill it
Cancel Amazon & WalMart subscriptions. See the list below for companies that support project 2025.
Let your money do the talking
Things I been working thru:
1) Determine who’s your community. Link + Build.
2) Make a strategy thinking about worst case. If you tend to b someone who your local ppl turn to for answers/help; think about what u + their needs might be.
4) think about attack surfaces, surveillance; privacy; how we communication w/ppl
5) Stack up education resources that are as durable as youre able
7) You fortunate enuff to keep any liquid cash on hand?
8) Have you figured out what self defense might look like for you and your community?
9) Take your time.
Then there’s books I found helpful as well.
Trying not to overstep on ya; hope this helps.
But I’m told that is “overreacting to a rise in fascism” or some such shit
Spend less.
Random acts of resistance.
Help others.
Gather weapons.
Fight back at every step they take.
They have so much wealth and power they can literally buy or destroy any other company that tries to compete.
Once the last of the anti-trust regulations have been wiped away, it’s monopoly capitalism all the way.
I touch on this in the article I shared on mutual aid.
Trump and his enablers are going to try to burn America down.
We got this.. 🤞🏽.. stand up..
One suggestion is to send the following statement to every Republican politician. Force them to deal with thousands of pieces of mail a day.
Most of all vote. Vote in every election!
Georgia is doing it.
South Korea did it AND impeached TWO Presidents
For real. In a world run by tech bro fascists who think all human behavior can be analyzed, predicted, & therefore completely controlled, being utterly insane & unpredictable breaks their model. Our first move is a madness that breaks us free from the algorithm trying to control us
Just an idea...
If tens of millions of people did this every day, I think public opinion could shift dramatically.
Just an idea, but Americans only learn from repetition.
Moreover, not every white person is turning right, or against people of color...of course? Surely you have some white allies?!
Regardless I'll acknowledge that racism pervades language and many other things I'm privileged to not notice. To gatekeep potential allies who don't know these things is defeatist.
Oh, and it can’t be a one time effort. Need a sustained movement to turn things around.
Target the billionaires.
Just a few ways.
But it would require more organizing to find alternate options.
Make defined red lines that would get you to leave the country. If the US goes that far, save your life & contribute to a country that will appreciate you instead.
Nobody believes it, but refugees will tell you just that.