I’m being intentionally devils advocate. It’s more about the failures of policies that have gotten us here. Politicians aren’t fulfilling their obligations to their electorate. It’s more likely that votes don’t impact government than politicians try to stop people from voting.
Either elections will be outright canceled, OR systems are put into place that weigh heavily in favor of Republicans. The latter has already happened since fucking worthless Roberts helped overturn the VRA. 🤔
I’ve been told my whole life that Americans keep entire armouries in their houses for this exact situation. Surely they’ll defend everyone’s right to democracy, right?…right?
I would not be surprised if the people rise up against the current regime like people in other countries.
Either elections will be outright canceled, OR systems are put into place that weigh heavily in favor of Republicans. The latter has already happened since fucking worthless Roberts helped overturn the VRA. 🤔