Said it before, but I think you have to sort of invert Marx to get current politics: A lot of rhetoric that’s supposedly about economic interests is a mask for cultural interests. They get reframed for pollsters as being about economics, because that’s a respectable thing to worry about.
Reposted from
Jason Kuznicki
The economist has to unweave a typical voter’s entire worldview, which right now is telling him that his whole society is under threat.
The thing to say isn’t “there’s no evidence that immigrants depress wages.” That’s true, but it feels beside the point at best.
The thing to say isn’t “there’s no evidence that immigrants depress wages.” That’s true, but it feels beside the point at best.
They are trying to make neofeudalism happen. Cultural wars mask class wars. All of these initiatives serve to move more money to the rich
if I have to hear Bernie bleat about how the right is only gaining among the working class because of “economic anxiety” I’m gonna fucking scream
Instead of trying to fight on their terms with discussing immigration, discuss the wealth gap and provide a different enemy.
People who knew better framed the argument against Kamala as being about "inflation."
It's rarely real world experience and usually BS pushed by the rich to divide people for their economic advantage.
I didn't find anything.
Race isn't even real.
We see resource hoarding from birth (even before), we don't see racial discrimination unless it's learned.
And it continued forward to today in an unbroken line.
You could have economic/material scaffold to build the racism structure, but it still stands if you take the scaffold away.
The "woke left vs MAGA culture war" seems purely a ZIRLB/full employment effect to me.
He won when unemployment got under 5% under Obama, and then he won again when inflation got close to 2% under Biden.
In 2024, AI threatens the creative/professional class.
But that's how fascism works, psychologically.
If anything, last night's King's speech crystallized for me that we are not fighting all these separate lies. That is a trap.
We have to fight the psychological operation which has intensified and become more global since he was sworn in.
That is The Thing.
People who feel confident about their livelihood and their family's well-being may still not like seeing Mexicans around but they have less to scapegoat them for.
Hopkins, Daniel J., John Sides, and Jack Citrin. "The muted consequences of correct information about immigration." The Journal of Politics 81, no. 1 (2019): 315-320.
We need to use new tools because they are using new tools and they work very well.
Most voters are easily convincible of the real reasons for economic turmoil but not that there is no turmoil, because there is.