#dtrump sets a lower bar Every.Single.Day. He's so immoral, ignorant and racist that he makes Reagan, both Bushes, and Nixon seem reasonable in comparison.
Well,we Democrats win here ...we only had one Incompetent, Senile President....
Unfortunately he came along just when the Fascists needed a boost ...poor us....
And maybe the dipshit, dumbass, do-nothing Dumbocrats should have thought of that before they decided to drive the country off a fucking cliff...from the passenger side.
What breaks my heart about the party whose gaslighting and demagoguery I have overlooked for sixty years ..is that the "People" are definitely morally better than the other side (for the most part) but our leaders have generally been Gutless Dipshits who
can't spell
R E A L I T Y....
My 9-month-old son, Nidal, is critically ill. We are seeking donations to help with his treatment. Any amount you can give would be greatly appreciated.♥😔🫣
For some reason, I’m remembering that scene in Captain Phillips when the US military takes on the Somali pirates, and at a certain moment the Team has eyes on - and the threats are neutralized all at once. I was so impressed by that display of coordinated expertise. 🤔
Yes, he was racist as a m'fer, but even he understood the assignment, as POTUS it is protect ALL Americans, jobs, their ability to unionize, live up to our international agreements & obligations. Most of all, resist evil nations & leaders.
Regan was evil as fuck but he was more subtle like healthcare ceos when it came to hurting/ killing people . Also he killed impartiality in news media and rigged tax system to create the oligarchs we all know and hate today! Hope he’s having fun in hell. I hear the greed ring is popular.
"Why did they attack US?!?!?"
AFTER Sept 11, 2001.
"Always forget. Never remember" is the slogan of the states.
Unfortunately he came along just when the Fascists needed a boost ...poor us....
can't spell
R E A L I T Y....
File name: venngop.jpg
Yes, he was racist as a m'fer, but even he understood the assignment, as POTUS it is protect ALL Americans, jobs, their ability to unionize, live up to our international agreements & obligations. Most of all, resist evil nations & leaders.
Sorry almost had an orgasm there.