She did fight when it mattered. She did everything she was supposed to, better than anyone could have reasonably expected. People that should have known better stayed home or voted third party and now we have to deal with the consequences of their idiocy.
In all seriousness these two need to write a book titled “I told you so”. With contributions by Anita Hill and Christine Blasey Ford, among others. And donate the money to Emily’s list or something.
#Hogsbreath seeks to shift the blame to this other guy in the chat...
#Hogsbreath's response clearly shows he thought they were talking about his time at #PoxNews
And triple F the Senators that confirmed these morons!!!! I mean I think my 17 y.o. Could have done better as Secretary of Defense & their brain isn’t fully formed yet
They are…since spending July 4 th in Russia with Putin and then they recruited other republicans when they got back to the states. Plus we got Jill Stein
They are bought and paid for punks.
Elected officials are just that, elected to serve the will of the people not the will of Faux king Shitler and Leon the great white fascist.
America thought it would be better to have a Treasonous Criminal Rapist Felon, and a Putin Ass-et; rather than an intelligent, educated, caring, hardworking Lady in the White House?! You got what you voted for; hope those who did are happy?!
Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris were two of the most qualified people to be President in the last 150 years. This country is still a misogynistic, ‘bro-culture cesspool.
Harris lost ground in 2024 among key demographics: Black & Latino men swung toward Trump, young voters (18-29) dropped off, and turnout in urban Black & Hispanic areas plummeted. Even women’s support dipped vs. Biden’s 2020 numbers.
A key two-word reason, plus a $300 million "surge" investment by Elon Musk (including $1 million checks to "encourage" voters) why those numbers fell away closer to the election: Fox "news"
Hillary built this mess. It was "her turn" and she fucked the man who's still drawing record crowds everywhere he goes. She fucked the rest of us in the process as she lost to her chosen opponent.
Where are "mainstream" Dems now?
Canceling book tours and begging for $$ Almost like republicans 💙🙄💙
There would be more cause for smugness if these two were better at winning elections, or taking any responsibility at all for failing to do so, rather than blaming literally everyone else.
The emails will forever be a symbol of the boundless hypocrisy of the right, certainly... only Republicans have again and again shown themselves to be incapable of shame.
It’s the Trump MO: when confronted with your failures just lie, blame others and feign ignorance. And it works for him and his administration every time. We will hear about Hillary’s emails for eternity but this will be swept under the rug like all the other crimes against the state
Please. Stop posting “But her emails” already! Jeeze oh man. This is NOT about Hillary Clinton. This IS about Pete Hegseth and DJT. Move on. Move forward. Where are the democratic leaders? They should be screaming about this!
Friendly reminder for the non-tech folks: It wasn’t just about emails—it was about a private, physical server in her basement, used to bypass FOIA requests.
People often blur the line between 'email' and 'private server' to downplay the issue. Don’t fall for it.
Yeah, well what if we elected her and then found out that she really didn't work at McDonald's when she was a teenager? Our enemies would take us down without firing a shot!
Come back. Most of us voted for both of you (yes even this election as the swing states were tampered with by the sugar daddy). Provide the real leadership this country needs.
Especially fuck everyone that said something like "Trump is clearly unfit/disqualified/dangerous but we just don't know enough about Kamala" or "She's just not right about Gaza" or "It's not right that there was no primary" etc... You all gave us Trump and 4 years of chaos and incompetence
Maybe they should have gotten the hell out of the way and let Sanders carry the day...we wouldn't be in this mess had they done that. I'm sick of seeing "Hillary was right about everything". Actually, she was wrong about everything and guess what, it was Bernie Sanders who was right about everything
Women voters turned their back on Hillary and Jill Stein should take a lot of blame for where we're at today too. Just playing Devil's advocate. As a canadian i couldn't believe Hillary wasn't elected.
I voted for Hillary but I had no illusions about how unpopular she is in the US. And there was election shenanigans so she didn’t have a chance. I don’t think people understand that Trump support is truly a cult.
People should go to YouTube and watch some of those sovereign citizen videos, that’s my government. They’re sovereign citizens, and they don’t answer to anybody. The courts are gonna have to work this out case by case by case by case.
She could do more good with an analysis of her and Harris' loss that took some actual responsibility for losing instead of laying all blame at the feet of others. Still waiting to see that.
With mainstream center-right Democrats it's always the fault of either "messaging", obstinate progressives, voters not voting 'correctly', or some other circumstance... It's never YOUR status quo policies not being what people want, or considering that maybe you should change those policies.
No, that simplistic reading completely absolves both Clinton and Harris of any responsibility for failing to win the election and is a convenient way for centrist Dems to avoid discussing making (much needed) policy changes... but why change anything when you can just blame voters?
Many did not like Clinton because she's a hawk on foreign policy (and people are tired of endless war) and an establishment politician representing a status quo that has failed many. Voters wanted an anti-establishment candidate and she was not that... Harris same status quo "change nothing" again.
Of course Trump is not going to solve any of those problems either, just make them worse, but Republicans are much better at lying than Dems. They've had so much more practice.
- Buttery males (but his Signal)
- CONSTITUTIONALIST (unless it's their guy doing EOs)
- 2nd Amendment against tyranny (uh huh)
- Cops and soldiers have an oath to protect the Constitution (you misspelled "Tesla dealerships")
Warned us all... "Do not come. Do not come." And don't even get me started on HRC. We deserve better than fascism and fascism lite. I dream of liberation. 🥵
And her career is over. You dont lose to trump and... continue.
Keep busy. Make appearances and speeches at corporate events.
“No, really…"
#Hogsbreath's response clearly shows he thought they were talking about his time at #PoxNews
That the American people could fail so epically is depressing.
Today's Hegseth Signal debacle is a perfect example of just how dangerous these people are!
“Just do what we tell you and we’ll give you a little piece of the pie.”
Weak little loser nazi simp is all he is ……
I can't think of another explanation for their behavior!
Elected officials are just that, elected to serve the will of the people not the will of Faux king Shitler and Leon the great white fascist.
Which is why Trump and Fox and the GOP lied their asses off to drown her out.
they don't take too much when they work stuff out
but as we can see now, others will if you allow it. 🤠
Harris lost ground in 2024 among key demographics: Black & Latino men swung toward Trump, young voters (18-29) dropped off, and turnout in urban Black & Hispanic areas plummeted. Even women’s support dipped vs. Biden’s 2020 numbers.
I mean, just look at him here, in this 100% non-AI photo, without his makeup, bra and girdle on.
Where are "mainstream" Dems now?
Canceling book tours and begging for $$ Almost like republicans 💙🙄💙
People often blur the line between 'email' and 'private server' to downplay the issue. Don’t fall for it.
And now these stupid motherfuckers want folks to magically stop trump? Somehow?
They're too stupid to have a clue how ANYTHING works.
Well, now we have four years of hard daily lessons.
That is BEFORE thinking right there
You have no 1st amendment rights remaining.
You have no 3 equal branches.
You have no rule of law.
WHY do you think you have 4 years of this? THAT PART... THAT is the part that is still going to be functioning 1300 days from now?
And newsflash, they're going to keep helping the clown.
You now live in the land of being dissappeared.
Love this
How very BEFORE of you.
We suck.
dissappeared syndrome
My apologies ☮️💖🇨🇦💪
Where she's not just evil she's also unbelievably incompetent. Yes, she was the best the Democrats could do and THAT should have warned you.
Hillary. Keeping her commitment to do the most good she can, as long as she can.
It's Misogyny
Every day call your reps and
Mike Johnson (202) 225-2777
John Thune (202) 224-2321
Chuck Schumer (202) 224-6542
Hakeem Jefferies (202) 225-5936
Call for impeachment/treason charges
- Buttery males (but his Signal)
- CONSTITUTIONALIST (unless it's their guy doing EOs)
- 2nd Amendment against tyranny (uh huh)
- Cops and soldiers have an oath to protect the Constitution (you misspelled "Tesla dealerships")
When you refuse to put in any effort at all.. you deserve whatever people give you.
DESERVE means you work for it. Deserve means you try.
And by that, you deserve exactly what you've got. Dreams need work to become reality.
And that's why im triggered.
Sit with why your failure triggers you.
You're barking up the wrong tree, Magician. Get your heart right. Sounds to me like you're the one admitting defeat.
I am just getting started. 😈😈
So you're working with... light fascists? You're canvassing for them?
Seems doubtful.
And if you are doing those things, then yes, i would say you deserve it.
Get your words right and asy what you mean AND MAKE IT MAKE SENSE.