A new study revealed the presence of microplastics – tiny fragments of degraded plastic – in human brain tissue. While previous research has identified microplastics in the liver, kidneys, and placenta, this suggests that the brain may be especially vulnerable to these tiny synthetic particles.
Thank you
they're eating so much of, and
we may have solved the riddle.
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“Plaintiff can’t prove that their cancer came from us.
There are so many different cancers that companies pass onto their customers, there’s no way to tell.
Yes, we deliver poison, but you can’t prove it was our poison.”
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Researchers are still battling to get medicines to accomplish that.
Bringing microplastics direct to children. As well as run-off into land.
And there’s no way to avoid exposure!
And the Attorney General issued an order banning them from DOJ.
Bring back glass containers!
Microplastic is in the sea, the lakes, the rivers . . .
... and in us.
💠 😔 💠
Coke still lead as the biggest producer of plastic bottles.
Japan has developed a form of plastic that degrades in water with benefits to soil.
Still some hope
Stay healthy, Democrats! Vegetables and exercise for us!
Watch Seaspiracy: https://youtu.be/1Q5CXN7soQg?si=XQsBqf8hXw65Izzo
In our household, a regular saying these days is, “Don’t look at me, I have a teaspoon in my brain.”
The Trump administration will solve this problem, probably within 24 hours.
RFKjr says that the microplastics block out the measles germs!
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TBH, it freaks me out.
Ideally we can focus on prevention and clean-up. Production has to stop until we find a sustainable way to proceed. We are KILLING ourselves.
Bottled water is the worst thing that human beings have ever invented. It serves absolutely no purpose. 99% of the world has safe drinking water that comes from the ground or tap. The remainder of the 1% would be easy to fix.