Speaking of the Dems . Has anyone seen Kamala Harris ? Tim Walls is on the front lines fighting for our democracy, and your where ? If you’re willing to fight for America, FIGHT !
Yeah I'm already over democrats not standing up for us. Pelosi nominating Gerry throat cancer. Schumer pulling this shit. Moskowitz and company censuring Al Green. Ro Khanna too busy getting coffee to subpoena Musk. It's just, wow, it's so bad. I unregistered as a Dem and not giving any money again
I am right there with you. I have been a life long democrat, but at this time, in this moment, we can't use the old playbook and pretend these are normal times. We need the fighters.
Think for a sec tho…R’s have set up a poison pill-Vote yes-everyone still gets a paycheck and the blame stays clearly with R’s BUT,lose credibility w/voters. Vote no,lights go out, paychecks stop, prob for good bc who’s gunnu end the shutdown when R’s have what they want AND they WILL blame dems!!
I don't know. It's like a game of chicken. The Republicans don't care who they hurt, and democrats always try to minimize the damage. Republicans count on this. Dems are always blamed no matter what. Republicans should have to own this and the consequences.
Yes, they should. But they don’t. Senate will vote to do the least immediate damage to ppl, and that would be to vote yes. It’s a poison pill. But if they vote no, I guarantee they will get the blame for heartache they’re not responsible for. They’ll get the blame for all of it
It's not a poison pill. Not sure where you're getting that from. On the contrary, any Dem that votes for it enables GOP to accurately blame them for how it turns out (it will go badly) and then Dems lose all credibility with voters PLUS those Reps in swing districts who voted no did it for nothing.
And what happens with a shutdown? When will there ever be a bipartisan agreement to open it back up? Dems get ALL the blame for the shitshow bc it’s their filibuster. Yes- they’re always blamed, but right now everyone knows it’s bullshit.
It'll just come down to the Dems calling the GOP's bluff and they'll win. For a party with almost no power right now, this is the one piece of leverage the Dems can actually use to their advantage. Shutdown means GOP has to actually give Dems something for their vote.
They're already shutting down the government, and this CR would make all those efforts even easier and harder to stop. What I think is you don't actually understand what's in it. What I think is I very personally understand the risks of this shutdown and I'm still advocating for it for a reason.
I hate government shutdowns. As a federal employee, they’re disingenuous. Many government functions stay open. They are WAY too easy on the public. They need a HARD shutdown. No FAA. No FBI. No drilling on federal lands.
Federal worker here. Forest Service. Every shutdown we are asked to mark every employee as “essential” or “non-essential.” This is NOT whether they’re essential to deliver our mission, only if they’re essential for public safety. I have no doubt DOGE will try to terminate the “nonessentials.”
It's the Pottery Barn rule. If you break it, you own it. The Republicans now own all branches of government. They need to be held accountable and transparent for ALL their actions...
There's the side with the people, and there's the side with monied power.
Citizens United gives access to the latter while silencing the cries from the former.
Corruption favors no party over another.
*️⃣ Democrats need to remember that whether the government shuts down or not the result will be exactly the same. The only difference is if they let it shut down, they will NOT be complicit in the government’s destruction.
The Democrats need to shut the government down until Musk and his teenagers are forcibly removed. Then they need to impeach Trump. Democrats need to remember who the fuck they work for.
NO NO NO THIS IS THE MOMENT TO STAND UP AND AGAINST THE MONSTERS PROPOSING THE DISMANTLING OF OUR AMERICAN DEMOCRACY. Do not back down from this fight. Unite our party and JUST SAY NO. God help us and the American people if you vote yes, and DAMN YOU IF YOU DO. https://www.schumer.senate.gov/contact/mess...
Democratic party is run by morons being played like a fiddle by conservatives and MAGA. They will keep losing and we will keep suffering until they grow a pair.
Dems think negotiating is handing over your school lunch to the bully and hoping they share some of it with you when finished. GOP laughs at you...
@hakeem-jeffries.bsky.social @kenmartin.bsky.social @schumer.senate.gov
Agreed not a time to capitulate to trump and trumpinions Democrats should vote no on the spending bill.
History shows the president is blamed for a shut down.
You're not looking at the full picture. They're goal is to destroy our government. MAGA's kink is to shut it down. If it stays open, we can continue fighting, even though we lost a battle. If we shut it down, they're just going to finish it off.
If the shutdown happens, non essential fed workers may get furloughed without pay. ( in the past they did receive back pay, but who knows this time)And some essential workers may be required to work without pay, like the TSA. The fed workers get stiffed whether the shutdown happens or not.
EXACTLY!!! R’s have set up a poison pill-Vote yes-everyone still gets a paycheck and the blame stays clearly with R’s BUT,lose credibility w/voters. Vote no,lights go out, paychecks stop, prob for good bc who’s gunnu end the shutdown when R’s have what they want AND they WILL blame dems!!
And run ads showing how the GOP has played with the shut down threat for a long time. Remember Ted Cruz reading from his Dr. Seuss book? Great ad right there. 💙🔥🍿
Ask? What would be wrong about shutting a CORRUPT GOVERNMENT down, which is now going to be leveled down to even more corruption with a carte blanche….to keep calm & carry on, we’ve got your back…with a vote of confidence by Dems….🤮🤡
Tell them to vote NO on Cloture and NO on CR. Vote is pushed to after 1:15ish for now. Situation is fluid.
The only public YES votes are Schumer and Fetterman. They need 7-8 total. KEEP CALLING.
Call retiring Senators too!
If you're really pissed, show up to Schumer and every other Dem's office ready to vote "yes", email them, call them, ping them on social media, and stress them the fuck out till it hurts and they vote "No"! Time for being the same old cowards is over. Shit, Veterans will be Marching on March 14th!
The reason why the Dem Senators are going to vote for the CR today, not shutting down the government, enabling the Nazis to legitimately destroy your country, is bc YOU didn't resist seriously. If you don't do it the moment the Dem Senators betray you today, it's over. And you did it to yourselves.
Shutting the govt. down would give Trump pretext to completely take over the U.S. government and transform it to his fascist ideas. The only possible good that would come out of it would be how united Americans would become and the next step they would take, which I won't name here.
Chuck Schumer betraying his constituents under the pretext that the GOP could shutter government agencies is such bullshit that I can smell it here. They are already shutting down everything. Let them do it without a budget!
They are following Vlad’s orders to bring chaos to the country he will own very shortly. There’s no logic, they don’t care about the future or the country or politics. That game is in the rear view.
They have been trying to shut down the government for 20 years. This is like saying "if you don't comply, I will burn the building down myself" to an arsonist.
If you're not going to shoot the mother fucker, then at least 🛑 supporting this abomination of a government. Dems will undoubtedly be blamed, so do not vote for the CR. It's a shit deal that abdicates the House's responsibility in running the government.
Grow some balls! Sad
March on WASHINGTON DC (state capitals, too) 3.14.2025
Noon at the National Mall between 4th and 6th. Details online https://nowmarch.org #NOWDC (All friends welcome.)
The GOP is better at this game than the Dems will ever be! They want what they want so they put it into the bill knowing that the Dems don’t want a shutdown and they will peal off the middle of the roaders. They do it all the time. Dems better grow a set or we are all screwed!!
I would love to see that too but most people will not know why the government is shut down. The media they listen to will determine who they believe. trump will blame democrats n democrats will blame republicans.
In all my 73 years I have never been this pissed off at the democrats. They are a feckless bunch and deserve to be thrown into the dust bin of history.
The country is over. trump will take this as a huge victory and run with it while continuing to blame the dems for anything that goes wrong.
They will blame it on us Dems no matter what. This vote is not performative. We are in a war between democracy and authoritarianism. Wake up. Start fighting back. Take a risk that will be supported by all Dems. Show us your spine and we will fight as never before.
Trump isn’t negotiating with Putin—he’s obeying him. From wanting Canada as the 51st state to eyeing Greenland and the Panama Canal, it’s all about justifying Putin’s Greater Russia dream. America, don’t be fooled!
A federal shutdown because of a refusal to propose, debate and vote on budget legislation is part of the same illegal and autocratic effort by this administration to fire federal workers and cancel appropriations.
Seriously. Some dems seem to be so worried that they will look like the bad guys here. Are they just not seeing what the literal fascists in charge are doing? The only ones who will blame them anyway are the kinds of people who would rather kill them than vote for them.
“ They’ll blame us.” Boo hoo, that’s what they do, it has been the main Republican refrain for decades. Anything unpopular with the base, blame it on the Democrats. It’s time to pick up the bull horn and shout louder and longer. Quit trying to appease the Republicans.
All they care about is the money. You have in the palm of your hands the one thing they care about, the one thing that matters to them and you’re gonna just hand it to them? Wake up! Hit them in the pocketbook. That’s all they care about is the money.
The cognitive dissonance is raging. A woman (or perhaps a bot, I suppose) tried to blame me, a foreigner, for the state of things, when I was pointing out factual things that have already come to light.
Somebody uploaded something that looked like official expenses for House and Senate members. I'll bet you didn't know that Marjorie Taylor Greene makes $1.3Million a year. I would've thought we could get people to do it for $600K...and that's before all the insider trading.
What Republicans do is meaningless. What Trump and Musk would do is what's important. And a shutdown would have put a target on the back of every "nonessential" furloughed federal worker for termination.
"OMB official estimates of the 2013 government shutdown found that $2.5 billion in pay and benefits were paid to furloughed employees for hours not worked during the shutdown, as well as roughly $10 million in penalty interest payments and lost fee collections."
Let's ask the people who will be thrown out of work because not enough people have lost their jobs.
Must punish the billionaire class. That will show them how tough we are.
Any Senate Democrats that Vote Yes to pass The House GOP Bill & liar Racist Felon Criminal Dictator Trump need to Vote out, because they are not real Democrats & do not care What their Supporters & Voters need & want, Fuck Them, Specialty the liar scare hypocrite Chuck Schumer!
At first they will scream... then they will scramble. They have done it to the dems. Without reason. This time, there is cause to say no. This is our last line dem senators. Screw your paycheck, and you have money. Let the Republicans explain this.
I agree, the GOP has the trifecta, they should be able to get it passed on their own. Maybe? DEMS need to let them get it done without a vote from them.
It would be extremely ironic if disgruntled states, whether there is a CR passed or not, decide to join Canada where things are more stable, where they have all the things the US is trying to cut, and an finance whiz at the helm with international rep.
The Dems are blamed for most, if not all, things. Giving them full reign for the bill will not stop bullying or negativity. They will be exploited for not standing on principle or for the voiceless.
Absolute disgust is how I feel right now with Schumer's move to let the horrendous bill through. Apparently there are few allies to American ideals left in Washington.
I believe. We need the federal courts OPEN for regular business so they can do their jobs to prevent fascist dictatorship. So far they've been doing alright. Also. Please correct me if I'm mistaken, if the government shuts down, then Trump Could (& likely would) declare Martial Law??!!!
I have been wondering the same thing...wouldn't trump benefit from a government shut down? Would he even need to declare Martial Law? The gov is shut down, he can just rape & pilage to his hearts content.
We keep thinking that showing them for the hypocrites they are will actually “do something”. LOL. Please. Have we learned nothing? Apparently, we’ve learned nothing.
Senators so far YES to CR or unsure … If VMs full, email …
All Phone #s: 202-224-xxxx
Emails: https://lastname.senate.gov
The negative impacts of a shutdown pale in comparison to the lasting consequences of supporting this bill. The legislation contains unconstitutional provisions allowing Donald to continue his illegal appropriations activity, undermining 1/2 the court cases we’re currently winning. Dems must #VoteNo
Like. No. No they won’t. They just won’t reopen it. They’re putting the govt in a coma and their the ones holding the defribillator. They won’t use it- this is what they WANT
EXACTLY! We have had absolutely zero to lose from a short shutdown. And it would have convinced the people of America exactly what they stand to lose from cutting feds. Dems so completely blew their chance it's cler they're benefiting from the same $$$ BRIBES as republicans. I hate them all.
They are going to do it anyway! Giving them bipartisanship do it is CRAY-CRAY.
You are out of step with today’s politics. If you vote Yes, just resign.
Citizens United gives access to the latter while silencing the cries from the former.
Corruption favors no party over another.
It's cruel.
The big secret is it turns out they kept it real and really meant what they said publicly privately too. They weren't 2 faced.
Republicans 218
Democrats 214
Republicans 53
Democrats 47
@hakeem-jeffries.bsky.social @kenmartin.bsky.social @schumer.senate.gov
History shows the president is blamed for a shut down.
Perilous times:
Hard place.
It was a lovely day yesterday, today is a little cooler.
A happy day to you as well!
Tell them to vote NO on Cloture and NO on CR. Vote is pushed to after 1:15ish for now. Situation is fluid.
The only public YES votes are Schumer and Fetterman. They need 7-8 total. KEEP CALLING.
Call retiring Senators too!
Close down govt = no courts open to shut down trump.
CR is the better of 2 evils.
Make sense now? I hope so.
Think bigger ! Its probably your last chance
F Musk
They're all throwing working class Americans under the bus.
Schumer knows this. He knows Trump/Musk own this shutdown but he's giving in for his sake, not ours!
If you're not going to shoot the mother fucker, then at least 🛑 supporting this abomination of a government. Dems will undoubtedly be blamed, so do not vote for the CR. It's a shit deal that abdicates the House's responsibility in running the government.
Grow some balls! Sad
March on WASHINGTON DC (state capitals, too) 3.14.2025
Noon at the National Mall between 4th and 6th. Details online
https://nowmarch.org #NOWDC (All friends welcome.)
The country is over. trump will take this as a huge victory and run with it while continuing to blame the dems for anything that goes wrong.
We the people need a fighter
He’s owned by billionaires, obviously
Episode 64: Dems May Back GOP Bill to Avert Gov’t Shutdown (If There’s Any Gov’t Left to Shut Down)
Available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Potify (for poker players).
#Schumer #Trump
I seriously don't get it.
“Government is evil and all Feds are leeches” - also Republicans
Time to shut the govt down & have massive country wide strikes & don't allow them into Federal agency offices.
Come on! Block me, people.
Be like Trump supporters.
Oh, look. Here's twelve DNC senators who voted for unlawful detention and deportation.
Twelve is too fucking many!
How DARE I compare the Democrats to the HORRIBLE Republicans.. they're NOT THE SAME, AT ALL!
What do I know? I'm just a Canadian, right?
Guess who EMPLOYS them...
Starts with an A, ends with a C!
These are supposed to be the "good ones."
They're like "Go back to your MAGA cult, you voted for this!"
Not looking at my profile or even my profile photo lol.
Cognitive dissonance is a real thing. The limbic system can knock out working memory, *physically causing narrowmindedness.*
We could do with learning this of ourselves, lest we be exploited as fools.
Asking for a People.
Must punish the billionaire class. That will show them how tough we are.
Voting for this budget is appeasement
plans to CAPITULATE to the Trump Regime & the GOP by supporting the dirty CR.
Call 202-224-6542 (direct) to tell Chuck what a sell-out coward he is. Call him over & over again. Keep calling.
#coward #CR #capitulate #resistance #indivisible #50501movement #spineless #protest
Anyone who votes for it:
Not a dime.
Reformation of party.
We are on our own.
We deserve better.
DC office: 202-224-6542
I mean priorities amIright?
All Phone #s: 202-224-xxxx
Emails: https://lastname.senate.gov
Sen. Schumer
Sen. Tim Kaine
Sen. Mark Kelly
Sen. Hickenlooper
Sen. Fetterman
Sen. Gallego
Sen. Slotkin
These are perilous times.
Idiots gave the GQP complete control.
And we, the people, as well as the world have to suffer.