Nicholas made a great point in a comment in the post about gay rights. Worth reading. In terms of immigration, the public supports mass deportations and we lost. I have trouble seeing the Democratic Party win on this issue.
Also and I mean this with respect, seeing you earnestly use the term “virtue signaling” is disheartening. I’m curious if you actually think people are engaging in “virtue signaling” or if this is your attempt to try and speak the language of reactionaries in the hopes of persuading them?
I wish I thought I had any hope of changing any reactionary's mind. "Virtue signaling" is short for the parts of We Have Never Been Woke on how some people definitely, wittingly or no, espouse beliefs at least in part to signal and shore up membership in what he calls the "symbolic capitalist class"
It’s not wrong to expect Democrats to try and shape public opinion toward their policy goals.