Texas congressman Sylvester Turner has died, months after being elected in November
The former Houston mayor filled the seat held by the late Sheila Jackson Lee
The former Houston mayor filled the seat held by the late Sheila Jackson Lee
jfk was elected when he was 43 and he died anyway
raised in the hood and made a name for himself before devoting life to public service
There is a recent former mayor who might be a good candidate to serve out the term
Me and mine are moving to the northeast. I can’t stay in this state any longer. Especially when it’s only a matter of time before a Cat5 destroys Houston.
Seems like you caught it.
If the Dems say that Trump is ana existential threat, then act like it. I don't want laws made by people who won't be around to feel the effects from them.
I'm worried about weak kneed ineffectual Dems who are NOT up to this fight.
Want to see more of Pelosi falling down stairs while she does her insider trading and gets rich?
Schumer softly saying "We will win" as the rest of the world goes WTAF?
Enjoy Trumps 3rd term
You can vote for whoever you want to
I don’t believe that older people make worse choices because they are old
Add to this the fact that they have an abundance of elected reps who should be in retirement homes, making for an ineffective, reckless opposition.
Grow some balls and get some leadership that will actually fight, or keep dying in office.
I can't imagine keeping a hard working job, like my former hotel housekeeping, if I had a napping disorder. Retired people need representation too, but not someone who has dementia.
Everyone I know who smoked, ate cholesterol foods,and happy hour drank are mostly dead.
Cancer, heart attacks,stroke. All the things they told us were risk factors.
Dementia too.
There are many reasons to elect younger reps (probably most importantly related to worldview) but there is also less risk of people becoming incapacitated in office.
have some respect.
This man gave his life to public service and I doubt the cause of death was old age at 70
Show some respect
Age has no correlation to wisdom, Cathy — experience does.
Or should I add you to the list of "Blue MAGA"? Because that's what you come across to the rest of us right now.
Sending 70-year-old Democrats to the US Congress is like taking a butter knife to a gun fight.
Do the Dems want to form an effective opposition (something they have yet to do) or keep electing people who are not going to be around to feel the effects of the laws they pass?
He replaced a rep who died in office at age 74.
The GOP are destroying America and the Dems are electing septuagenarians?
How are people supposed to trust the Dems to have their back when they think it's a genius move to stack the deck with people this old?
America is such a deeply shitty country.
The fact that the Dems keep electing people this old is proof they are incapable of mounting any kind of offense.
Enjoy Trumps 3rd term.
But Abbot can fill it for the rest of the term, he was only in 2 months, so would be occupied for just under 2 years
He can try delay it, Like NY gop was trying to do for stefanicks seat
( trying to tie seat to general election) the dems stopped it
But this is TX
The governor shall appoint a person to fill a vacancy in office if the vacancy exists or will exist when congress is in session. The appointee shall serve until a successor has been elected & has qualified
The timing of elections is up 2 the state and Abbot will stall
Sec. 204.021. VACANCY FILLED AT SPECIAL ELECTION. An unexpired term in the office of United States representative may be filled only by a special election . . . 1/2
Please give Grace. 🙏🏼 💔❤️💯