Senator Tommy Tuberville: We have an attention deficit problem in this country. Attention deficit — when you or I were growing up — our parents didn’t use a drug they used a belt.
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Learn how to discipline your child. Never “spank” or hit them, especially with a belt. Makes them resentful, depressed and try to hide things even more. Oh, and pass on the cruelty to others…
“Time to back to the good old days in Congress when members beat each other senseless”. This makes as much sense as what Tuberville just said. You wouldn’t catch him doing that when he was coaching
No, my parents never used a belt to correct any of my childish shortcomings. Who would do such a thing? Authoritarians who don’t teach you to learn and think on your own but want absolute obedience. It’s what we see with Tuberville’s absolute obedience to Trump’s agenda even though it defies logic.
Don't know if that was legal when that orange thing violently raped its ex-wife Ivana, but she did press charges. However, since she was every bit as greedy as Donnie Diaperload, she dropped the charges when the orange thing got to the right number. Public record remains, though.
Exactly. I was sitting here just now having a flashback of one of my father’s World War II PTSD freak outs where he beat me with his belt and I ran screaming my dog barked at him, and he hit him with the belt. My crime? I was out on a Sunday afternoon with friends and didn’t come home for lunch.
They grew up in the most prosperous time in American history (read: post-WW2 reconstruction,) and assumed that the same conditions apply to all future generations. That is at least part of the puzzle.
That's how it should be done. You were very lucky as I know that was not the norm. Beating a kid to make them behave is obviously ridiculous and counterproductive.
They also didn't have cell phones or social media, Tommy. It's the older generation that's the most distracted, if we're being real. When I go to a restaurant, it's not the kids or young adults on their phones; it's the seniors.
Tuberville could have retired with a football coach reputation but now he'll forever be know as one of the most stupid Senators to get elected in Alabama, and that is saying something.
College football coaches should have reputations for being abusive, authoritarian assholes. Sadly, our sick society reveres them so long as they win games.
Somebody hit him upside the head several times too many. Clearly. It's hard to believe there are enough people of like minds to have elected him to federal office, but here we are 🤬
I hope you are talking about the parents and not the kids. Plenty of children who suffered physical abuse become well adjusted adults because they deal with the trauma and issues their parents could only act out.
And the results were monsters like a grown man that still goes by Tommy and wants children to be hit with belts instead of getting medication that might help them
When you were a kid, polio was prevented w a vaccine, the U.S. was leading the world in science and math, and PTSD wasn't even diagnosed, let alone ADD, bi-polar disorder, or depression. Your generation is just as fucked up as younger ones but you're too stubborn to admit it.
What a ragging jackass this guy continues to be. Nice work Alabama. You kicked Doug Jones to the curb but you elected this clown to be the third senator from Florida. Brilliant.
My god. It's a disability. Abuse doesn't make people less disabled. He's advocating for beating disabled children. That's a crime. We have Child Welfare Services for exactly this kind of thing. I guess they'll defund and shut that down too.
Considering they're aiming to cut anything related to "DEI-A" (where A = accessibility), this sounds completely in line with his marching orders from the top.
Heinous, yes. But not outside of the current playbook for these guys.
The nastiest abusive old white men of the Lost and Greatest Generations were replaced with some of the Boomers as they aged and I hope GenXers don't do the same.
Careful about identifying it as a disability during this administration. You’ll now be a DEI. He’s old and stupid. It’s OK to be old but not stupid. He has nothing to offer.
It’s actually accepted generally as a parental prerogative and cultural value. Big people beating little people. Democrats and Republicans alike in NYS refuse to even consider investing in an anti corporal punishment public education program-as was done with domestic abuse. I have begged for this
And we can see how well the belt worked out because this guy is an actual piece of shit… saying that hitting your kids is better than giving them healthcare.
I would so appreciate if you would hop over to Tommy's twitter account and let the guy who "gets off on beating children" know your thoughts. we need to embarrass the hell out of him.
Sorta give him his own little beating.
copy and paste your blue sky msg. it is perfect!
That explains it.. the coach got two many beatings as a kid. But sure: beat a kid instead of working with him/her to find the best ways to manage ADHD.
All they have are threats of/and violence. They are all emotionally-stunted troglodytes. Incapable of compassion, empathy, or critical thought. What’s it called when a country is run by the most stupid members of that country? Fu*k them all! Fight them every step. Be a thorn in their side.
When you were growing up, people still died of Smallpox, Polio, Measles, Rubella and didn’t know the structure of DNA, you can sit down Tubs, leave the diagnosing and management to people who actually passed science classes.
My dad whooped my siblings and I. Most of us are really messed up from that, is this what he's talking about? Or did this f#$kwit never have to deal with abuse?
It's so fun listening to my parents talk so proudly about the few times "they had to" spank my sister and I: like when we didn't immediately come when called from play-time when we were 3 and 6.
It's also fun hearing them be amazed that we're both shy and introverted. Weird.
I don't get it. I remember how it felt to get the belt, the swat-board and hit. I would never make my children feel that way. But, I guess that's because I am filled with compassion and love — not fucking cruelty and hatred. #fuckrepublicandickheads
AuDHD, RSD, cPTSD. I can beat myself up mentally with the mere thought that someone is upset with me, even if they are not.
It doesn't change anything however. I am, and will always have those. I can't control them any more than I can control my eye color.
Imagine thinking it’s a good idea to call your dad a child abuser on TV and admit that you have unresolved trauma that’s turned you into the kind of person who wants to see other children abused instead of having healthcare.
My parents used belts, switches, plates...whatever they could get their hands on. I still have ADHD only I'm traumatized and both my brothers died from alcoholism to escape their shame.
I would so appreciate if you would hop over to Tommy's twitter account and let the guy who "gets off on beating children" know your thoughts. we need to embarrass the hell out of him.
Sorta give him his own little beating.
copy and paste your blue sky msg. it is perfect!
We can tag the terrible father right now.
Somewhere between blasphemous statements about God, child abuse, and dreaming that white nationalists should serve in the military bus trans people shouldn't.
Sadly, for Billybob and his sister wife living in a double-wide trailer with 5 shoeless kids they can't feed because of their penchant for whisky in a plastic bottle, it's considered a flex.
Throwing out the DSM 5. Abuse to cure mental disorders was the answer all along. Didn’t have this one on my 2025 bingo card and believe me, it’s one of the most creative bingo cards you’ve ever seen.
On the other hand, Tuberville is evidence that beating people with belts doesn't make them into good human beings. So his parents failed.
They probably should have used something else, like a car.
The nastiest abusive old white men of the Lost and Greatest Generations were replaced with some of the Boomers as they aged and I hope GenXers don't do the same.
Alabama is one of the lowest ranking states in literacy. Many of the students at its 2 major universities are from out of state, including the University he coached at. Tuberville should be as silent as Clarence Thomas.
BACK IN MA DAYYYY….If it weren’t for the terrifying power these people wield it would almost be funny. Every generation does this. Humans are so fucking predictable though we all insist that isn’t the case.
when we know better, we do better little tommy.
unless you are a republican, then you get your ego involved, cannot stomach the fact you may have been incorrect at some point, and rally for everyone to be treated as shitty as you think you were.
you are a small, tiny, putrid, ineffectual man.
not to mention that, by his logic, we should be physically attacking him and every other loser politician in congress right now to get them to do what we want.
Yeah, work well, didn’t Tuberville? How many emotional problems did it cause with that generation? They used a belt for everything because that’s what you do when your ignorant. Probably should stay quiet. I’m not impressed.
True. There wasn't assistance back then for reg ppl. Either ur kid acted right or eventually they went to jail. So parents beat kids into submission, like their parents did.
Those kids grew up with problems. They abuse drugs, alcohol & other ppl.
This guy professes to love and protect America’s children. He’s also pro-family values, pro-life, anti lgtbq+, anti-drag queens, anti-transgender kids in sports.
It’s the will to power. People raised in infinite wars are people who sustain infinite wars. Raised in violence, you beget violence. Problem is that the rest of us are sucked up into it.
Part of me feels for them, part of me is especially bitter at them. Nobody should have to go through that. Same time, everyone’s got their cross. Not all of us choose to be nazis about it.
Don't ever feel pity for them. That side loves their victimhood too much. We don't need to help them out. We only need to care about the good ones. ☮️💟
I would slap that smug expression off his face but that would not make a difference and I’d have to cut off my hand after having touched his poisonous flesh
It's curious. Hitler's father beat him -- one time, within an inch of his life. Yet overtly, acquaintances noted other events when he turned darker: theft of his dog on a train trip, rejection from art school, the German surrender, the death of his mother, seeing "Rienzi" the first time.
There seems to be a link between extreme brutality experienced in childhood and extreme cruelty later in life.
Stalin was also beaten badly by his father.
The nastiest abusive old white men of the Lost and Greatest Generations were replaced with some of the Boomers as they aged and I hope GenXers don't do the same.
He is one of the best and worst argurments for using the belt. The best example of why someone would be tempted to proform a beating,, and a good example of why it really doesn't work.
Me too, the effects never leave. I’m 76 and I still bear the weight of the things I went trough. We didn’t turn into ADHD adults because of the beatings we simply spent our lives trying to overcome our shame for not being “normal”.
So agree. I’m 78. At 60, I was diagnosed with ADHD by a Duke psychiatrist. I went through grade school, HS, the military, and college working twice as hard as my peers and feeling bad about myself. I had to think outside the box to navigate life.
Possibly, ADHD kids back in the day were spanked more often bc there was no diagnosis for ADHD & their behaviors were misunderstood by less-informed adults.
I was spanked and have ADHD and am fine. If anything my childhood trauma came from other f*cking children being assholes because their parents are ignorant and don't kmow how to teach anyone how to grow up around people who are different. I'm sure they're in jail or MAGA now.
Spanked but not beaten. But developed complexes because most ADHD wasn't understood then. So, it got many spankings for what is considered typical ADHD behavior.
I can attest my ex was spanked, whipped with a switch, and severely punished and now he’s just a 49 year old man with adhd, anxiety, ptsd, and alcoholism. So it worked really well.
Spanked as a child and diagnosed as an adult with ADHD and childhood PTSD (unrelated to spanking). The ADHD was suspected as a kid by parents but in the 90s diagnosis for girls was mostly unheard of and no one knew wtf to look for so it went untouched. Welp.
Amazing how psychologists figured that out *decades* ago, but Republicans still think it works! Almost as if...hear me out...they get a kick out of abusing children!
This makes as much sense as saying, "Cancer's not real because I've never had it and I've never understood it. If we just whip our children, cancer will disappear."
I have mild autism and ADHD and this is how my mother treated me!! Please don’t use violence to treat children suffering with these conditions. Left me traumatized
Engaging in sex offending whether directly/creating bills and insider trading should also be along with prohibiting being able to run for any public office. Include defunding government and supporting citizens losing personal rights that have already been deemed worthy in a court of law.
So they used to beat children with a disability, and that’s his solution to help kids with ADHD succeed in school?
I guess Tommy wasn’t beaten enough, because he apparently wasn’t paying attention the day his class was taught that there are three branches of government.
Only a cretinous demon would assert such foolishness. I wish someone you take a belt to his dumbass. Or at the very least a ferocious backhand to that disgusting face.
Your dad’s belt created an ignorant asshole
Or that it doesn't exist, because wives don't have the right to say no.
Heinous, yes. But not outside of the current playbook for these guys.
Can you imagine bragging that you got beat as a child … and that others should go through the same
#TommyTuberville as a former belt receiver, with physical and mental scars to last into death
Fuck you
Sorta give him his own little beating.
copy and paste your blue sky msg. it is perfect!
Turnabout's fair play and Karma is a thing.
Stop being anxious !
Yeah, that works just great Dummerville
It's also fun hearing them be amazed that we're both shy and introverted. Weird.
these people breed people like me. every second of my life is pain and i'm disabled. every moment is a homicidal restraint.
people who would rather abuse than understand others need to be murdered or put into wards.
It doesn't change anything however. I am, and will always have those. I can't control them any more than I can control my eye color.
I'm sorry that you are in pain.
If you have time, I recommend watching some Healthygamer videos on Youtube. They've helped me a lot, along with studying some psychology.
I only hit it twice myself, though one could've just been an edible trip coupled with psychosis
Sorta give him his own little beating.
copy and paste your blue sky msg. it is perfect!
I am taking the fight to their turf, or they won't hear from those who disagree at all.
Besides, the algo will bury your post, while boosting every mouth breathing MAGA freak who paid for a blue tick
Using Twitter does nothing besides prop it up. Let it die, please
Somewhere between blasphemous statements about God, child abuse, and dreaming that white nationalists should serve in the military bus trans people shouldn't.
Matthew 20:31-45 shows me what he thinks of god.
there is Tommy's real account and there are parody accounts
very easy to tell the difference.
Keep poking the dragon, kkkristofsascist kkklowns.
It's waking.
Child abuser
who knew that belts could put dopamine into my frontal lobe?
They probably should have used something else, like a car.
unless you are a republican, then you get your ego involved, cannot stomach the fact you may have been incorrect at some point, and rally for everyone to be treated as shitty as you think you were.
you are a small, tiny, putrid, ineffectual man.
I am for that.
Might makes right is what’s wrong with the world.
Those kids grew up with problems. They abuse drugs, alcohol & other ppl.
We need to break cycles. Not repeat them.
-Tommy Tuberville
You need a cull.
Stalin was also beaten badly by his father.
And make them illegal.
Get rid of these imbeciles, or they will purposely create the societal version of the Nazi "Aktion T4" program.
Abuse is never good!
Fuck this guy.
Then they wanted people to pray the gay away.
Now they want to beat the ADHD outta kids.
What's next, parent-child buddies as porn monitors?
Oh, wait ...
I mean, I got the belt, but know that I'm grown up the meds are a lot more useful and now the belt's just for fun!
I guess Tommy wasn’t beaten enough, because he apparently wasn’t paying attention the day his class was taught that there are three branches of government.